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Sweet and Jolly are best of friends. They lived in a big tree in a beautiful meadow.

Sweet is a humming bird and loves flying backwards. Jolly is a sugar glider and loves gliding from one branch
to another branch. Even though Sweet is a bird and Jolly is an opossum they get along with each
other and they love doing things together. They both love sipping nectar!

One day, they noticed that they only have 340 droplets of nectar left in their jar.

Sweet said, “Jolly, we need 1500 droplets of nectar for the rainy days.

“Okay Sweet, Let’s gather some nectars before rainy season comes. Let’s visit our favorite meadows!”

Sweet and Jolly excitedly prepare for their journey. First, they go to Sunflower Meadow and they collected 447
droplets of nectar. Then, they go Daisy Meadow and collected 554 droplets of nectar. Lastly, they go to Orchid
Meadow and collected 330 droplets of nectar. The two friends are so happy that they have visited their
favorite meadows and collected the droplets they need. But on their way home, Jolly slipped and lost
149 droplets of nectar.

“Jolly, are you hurt?”, Sweet asked.

“No, Sweet. I’m not hurt. I’m fine. Thank you.”, Jolly replied.

“Ok Jolly. Let’s go home. How many do you think we have collected from the three meadows?” Sweet asked Jolly.

“Let’s see Sweet. Do you think we have enough droplets of nectar for the rainy season?” Jolly said.

“I hope so. I’m so excited!” Sweet replied.

When they reached home, they started counting the droplets that they have collected.

“Wow! We have collected 1182 droplets of nectar from the three meadows!” Jolly said.

“Yehey! We also have enough for the rainy season. We have now 1522 droplets of nectar in our jar. And we have 22 droplets
extra!” Sweet replied.

The two friends are very happy that they have collected enough for the rainy season. And they have 22 droplets more to

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