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Powerful and
Capable Worms
These Are All Annelids
Watch Annelids: Powerful and Capable Worms. Take Notes
And Answer the Following Questions

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Annelid Body Plan
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What complex body features do annelids have that they share with us?
Annelids have a complete circulatory system just like humans
What are the advantages of having a segmented body? also
Allow organisms to traveland protect themselves from damages while
regenerate and giving them free movement.
allowing them to

What are some ways annelids eat?

They burrow through the sediment, inching deeper down the soil.
What food resource did the first annelids exploit?
The first food recourse that annelids exploited was
matter. Up until now it is one of their main sources of food.
Sabellids-Feather Duster Worms

How does the feather duster worm feed?

They create a current in
the water to direct
particles into
Its mouth. Itfeeds off of small particles and plankton.

What adaptation does the feather duster

worm have to avoid danger?
The feather duster worm has adapted eyes on
each of its appendages that help him detect danger.

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What do Abarenicola gills do?

They help with breathing
How does Abarenicola burrow?
It uses its muscles and probosies to
dig burrows in the sediment on the sea floor.
Diopatra-Tube-dwelling Worms
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How do tube-dwelling worms in a mudflat help the habitat?

They stabilize the mud by holding
together sediment.
How does Diopatra feed?
The diopatra feeds from its
tuse. It reaches out to
feed on seaweed.
Terrebellids-Spaghetti Worms
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How do spaghetti worms feed?

They pick up particles with their tentach)
an a move it to the mouth
What are their tubes made of?
Theyre made of sand and mucus
How do they get oxygen?
Spaghetti worms have
gills that collect oxygen from
the water.
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How do earthworms benefit the environment?

They bring oxygen down bellow the surface
of the soil through their burrows

How do earthworms move and how are the body segments involved in
sets of muscles.
this action? Their bodies push, pull and slide by uses different
the worm stretches by making him become
When the muscles contract
thinner him move along the soil.
and helping

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What adaptations do leeches have for sucking blood?

They have anesthetics that gets injected into the victim
allows them to suck the blood without being caught.
Hot Vent Worms

What lives in their gills that provides nutrients?

gills are flush with blood that ferries chemicals to
bacteria living inside their bodies. This partnership
provides nutrients for the worm.

Where do hot vent worms live?

they live deep in the ocean floor far from the
suns surrounded by noxious chemicals that spew
from underwater hot vents.
Annelid Adaptations

Name three different annelid classes and explain how they are adapted to
live where they do.
Featherduster worm-appendages equiped with tiny eyes for prey detection.

them deep under

ground thanks to the
· Abernicola-bodies help travel

that help them

breathe deep under the sea floor.
most habitats so they can colonize and also serve
·Diopata-Adapted to

as habitats for other organisms.

Define in your own words these vocabulary words

Segmentation Division into sections.


Noxious Harmfull or poisonus.


Gills Respiratory organ for oxygen extraction.


Hot vent An opening to the oceans floor that produces

Sediment -Matterthat settles at the bottom.

Anesthetic includes insensitivity to pain.

A substance that

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