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The Legend of Timun Mas

Once upon a time, there were a wife and her

husband lived in their house near by the jungle.
The wife named Mbok Srini. They had married for
many years but they still didn't get a child.

On the next day, Mbok Srini and her husband

prayed to God and wished getting a child in their
"Dear God, please give us a child". A Giant and his
bodyguard passed her house and heard their
The giant name is Buto Ijo and his bodyguard
" Why are you sad?", Buto said. "We had been
married for many years but we still don't have a
child. Can you help us, Buto Ijo? We really-really
need your help.", Mbok Srini said.
", I can help you but you have to
promise with me. This gold cucumber is a female
child. When she is 17 years old, bring her back to
me," Buto Ijo said. We will promise, Buto," The
father responded. "Take it!" Boto said.

Buto Ijo gave her a huge golden cucumber and

asked her to promise to give her first child to him
to devour. By the time Mbok Srini and her
husband went home, she putted the golden
cucumber on the table.

The weird thing happened, the cucumber turned

into a girl. "Father! Look at it! It's a girl", Mbok
Srini said. " Yes Mother. We have a daughter now.
Thank you, My Lord." The father said.

Some farmers on the paddy fields heard the noisy

and run into Mbok Srini's house. "Heyyy... What is
going on?" Lasro said. "God give us a daughter!"
Mbok Srini's husband said. "Wow.. Excellent. I
wish God bless you", Lasro said.
"Don't say like that, you are noisy.
Congratulations, my dear." Romayani said. Then,
the farmers left with saying goodbye.

Mbok Srini decided to name the baby Timun Mas

becausr she was a golden cucumber. She was so
happy that finally she had someone to take care
of and accompany her for in her old days.

With her joy of taking care Timun Mas, Mbok

Srini forgot about her promise to Buto Ijo. She
raised Timun Mas until she grew up and became
a lovely, smart and brave young lady. "Besti,
where are you going?" Timun Mas said. "I'm
looking for you. I'm hungry, do you have some
food?" Besti responded. "I do, let's go inside",
Timun Mas said.

In the moment, Buto Ijo and Boto visited Mbok

Srini’s house and asked to devour Timun Mas. "
Timun Mas, go hide! " Timun Mas's father said.
"What's going on?" Besti asked Timun Mas. "I
don't know", Timun Mas replied.

" Where is she? I come for a pay of our promise."

Buto Ijo said. "I love her, I won't let her fall into
your hands!?! " Mbok Srini replied. "Alright, let
me go inside" Boto responded.

Then, Timun Mas's father told her to put some

salt into water in the bucket. "My daughter, put
some salt into water and bring it in a bucket.
Then, spray them with it, they'll die!" At the
moment, Timun Mas did what her father said and
sprayed them, "Go to hell".
Then, Buto Ijo and Boto fell down and died.

After that, the family live happily forever.

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