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SUBJECTIVE: Sensory- At the end of 8 –  Make  The client’s The patient
“Jannah nemenzo, Disturbed perceptual hours shift, after conversations thought learned ways to
jannah nemenzo” as Sensory alteration can be effective nursing simple, basic process might refrain from
verbalized by the Perception: defined as when interventions, the and reality- be responding to
patient (auditory Auditory there is a change patient will be able based. Avoid disorganized. hallucinations.
hallucination related to in the pattern of to: bombarding A basic and
perceived by the altered sensory sensory stimuli,  Patient will the client reality-based The patient
patient) perception followed by an maintain role with multiple conversation demonstrated
abnormal performance. ideas. will help the techniques that
OBJECTIVE: response to such  Patient will Instead, help client to help her distract
 Mumbling to stimuli. Such maintain the client to focus. her from the
self, talking or perceptions social focus on one voices.
laughing to could be relationships. idea at a
self. The patient
increased,  Patient will time.  Stating to the increased her
 Tilting the head decreased, or learn ways to  Acknowledge client that you attention span in
as if listening distorted with refrain from that the do not sense the activities.
to someone. the patient's responding to voices and or perceive
 Altered hearing, vision, hallucinations. sightings are the voices and
communication touch sensation,  Expresses real to the sightings will
pattern. smell, or thoughts and client but help the client
 Inappropriate kinesthetic feelings in a clearly state become
responses. responses to coherent and that you do uncertain of
 Difficulty stimuli. This logical not hear or the validity of
focusing or activity reviews manner see them. what he/she
paying the evaluation sees or hears.
attention and
 Disorganized management of  Being
 Involve the engaged in
speech or sensory- client in
thoughts perceptual reality-based
reality-based activity
alterations and activities
highlights the provides a
such as healthy
role of the inter- drawing,
professional diversion and
painting, prevents the
team in dancing or
managing client from
listening to acting out
patients with this music.
condition. his/her

 Ensured that  In order to

the patient is relapsed of
compliant to the positive
her and negative
medications. symptoms of
the disorder.

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