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Storage space is less required in case of

Snowflake schema uses less disk space than star schema.

Which of the following is used to model hardware like a pc or a router


which of the following activities in an erp system are handled by the record to report process general ledger accounting product costing


payment compliance is most applicable

Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI DSS)

ABC ltd has invested heavily on its data center and has and on-premise network that already has 220 servers. What approach would
you recommend to reduce the capital and operational costs and provide additional resources to the users at the same time. Hybird

which of the following boosts read accessibility by sacrificing write performance


which of the following statements best explains the cloud native factor – disposability

Start quickly and shut down gracefully

a new plant that processes food needs a commercial pasteurizer "assemble to order"

custom data

Which of the following supports custom data types automation and high customization etc.

Erwin Data Modeller

Your client's vendor management web application is also accessed by your vendors. which of the following will you recommende to host the
vendor managment web application on cloud to reduce tha adminstrative work for managing the applicationA) Database as a Service
B) Software as a Service
C) Platform as a Service
D) Infrastructure as a Service

300 Servers are planned to be virtualized and migrated to Public cloud. This will reduce which of the following admin responsibilities. Select
all that apply.
A) Permissions management to shared documents
B) Updates management of operating systems on the servers
C) Physical server security management
D) Application data backup management
E) Failed server hardware replacement

enterprise value streams are organized sequentially opportunity to order

"opportunity to order order to cash" Sustian and retain

An organization wants to undertake a master data management initiative to have better control on its data quality and governance

Customer, Vendor, Material, Employee, Location

Structure Element – Archimate

Only a

Purchase Order Data relaizes purchase invoice

Q.6 suppose you have created a data model for a new requirement using erwin data modeler. and now you want the database as same
as the data model you created. which of the following approach is approriate. ans. Option 1 and 2 Q.7 the architecture of your system
is that you have a load balancer that manages traffic between 4 diffrent servers. this architecture ensures which of the following
attributies. ans. Scalability Q8. Which concept is typically used to model hardware systems such as mainframes, PCs, or routers?
ans. Device Q.11 A new plant that processes food needs a commercial pasteurizer and has floated an RFP.. What kind of order
fulfillment used by the vendor. ans. Make to Stock

Q.12 which of the following statements best explains the cloud native factor - disposability ans.start quickly and shutdown gracefully.
Q.13 a laptop manufacturer allows its customers to select their own configuration of processor, memory,graphic card, screen size etc.
what kind of order fullfillment is used by this company. ans. Make to order Q14.which of the following supports custom datatypes
automation high customization etc ans.ERwin Q16. Disadvantage of start schema is ans. all of the above Q.17 purchase invoice
business object is represented by purchase order data in the application layer.which arhimate realtionship describe this. Ans. Q.18
which of the following enterprise value streams are organized sequentially ans. Order to Cash - Opportunity to Order - Sustain and
retain Q.20 An organization wants to undertake a master data management initiative to have better control on its data quality and
governance. which of the following are examples of master data for an enterprise. ans. customer, vendor, material, employee, location
Q21. which of the following boosts read accessibility by sacrificing write performance and. Denormalization Q.22 ABC ltd has
invested heavily on its data center and has and on-premise network that already has 220 servers. What approach would you
recommend to reduce the capital and operational costs and provide additional resources to the users at the same time. ans. public
cloud have to develop a payment mechanism in your e-c
handle payments through cards.which of the following compliance is most applicable in this case. ans. PCI DSS
Q.25 storage space is less required in case ans. snow flakes schema Q.26.which of the following best interprets
the diagram robert ans. in his senior data arhtitect role, Q.27 Your client's vendor management web application is
also accessed by your vendors. which of the following will you recommende to host the vendor managment web
application on cloud to reduce tha adminstrative work for managing the application ans. database as a service
Q.28 which of the following situation does not need you to make any trade offs between the elements of the CAP
theorem ans. there are no network partitions Q.29 300 servers are planned to be virtualized and migrated to
public cloud. this will reduce which of the following admin responsibility. select all that apply. ans. failed server
hardware replacement. Q.30 cost center and profit center for an organization is created and maintained in sap
fico. ans . Ture

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