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_________ learning uses data and answers to uncover the rules that build a problem.


Which machine learning technique would you suggest to develop a machine which
detects the sudden increase or decrease in heartbeat?
Regression Analysis (worng) outlier detection

________ is given a system of rewards and punishments.

reinforcement Learning

Clustering is a/an ____________ learning method.


Support Vector Machine is used for ____________ type(s) of problems.

classification and regression

_____ learning uses the function that is inferred from labeled training data
consisting of a set of training examples.

_______ aids in identifying the associations, correlations, and frequent patterns

in data.
Association mining rule

Decision Trees are a non-parametric ____________ learning method used for

classification and regression.

_____ learning draws inspiration from psychological behavior.


_____ outlier deviates significantly from the entire dataset.


_________ learning aids in uncovering hidden patterns from unlabeled data.


Classification predicts ____________.

categorical variables

A marketing company wants to group its customers into various groups to advertise
accordingly. Which machine learning technique would you suggest for the company?

Which of the following machine learning models would you suggest to predict a
Clustering (wrong) classification

he derived relationships from Association Rule Mining are represented in the form
of ___________.
Association rule

An observation that deviates significantly from other observations in the dataset

is known as ____________.
Which of the following machine learning models would you suggest to predict a
classification (wrong)clustering(wrong), regression

_____ learning blends rules created by humans with data to develop answers to a

____ is a tool for turning information into knowledge.

Data Transformation

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