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Where do you use server-side model?

To build similar desktop application

Which of the following is not a component of Server-side model application?None of the options, GWT

Which of the Programming Model is not supported by Vaadin?Browser

User Interface is a UI Class that extends com.vaadin.ui.UI

Which of the following class is used to add System Messages?SystemMessages

Listener Interfaces can be implemented using _____________.All

Which of the following is not a property of System Messages?Font and Images

Vaadin visual design in declarative method can be done using Vaadin designer

Which of the following Code Snippet is used to display error message to the user for a Text Field
component?textfield.setComponentError(new UserError("InCorrect value"));

Which of the following is not a Selection component?None

Which of the following is a field component?CheckBox

Which of the following is not a basic component?TextArea

_________ component is used to display a non-editable text.Label

Which of the following is a valid code snippet to set a tooltip for a button?Button button = new
Button("Button"); button.setDescription("This is the tooltip");

Which of the following is the code snippet to be added to open a new window?

Which of the following Event Listener method is used to listen to a button click event?addClickListener()

Which of the following is a valid code snippet to create a password field?

PasswordField tf = new PasswordField("Password")

Default value for wordwrap in TextArea is False.F

Number of visible rows in a TextArea can be set using ______ method.setRows()

Event Listener Pattern in Vaadin contains _________.both

Which of the following Code Snippet displays a ‘HUMANIZED_MESSAGE’ notification?"Caption",

"Notification Description",


Server-side Vaadin Application contains ______________, which is a simple servlet serving all HTTP
Requests.Vaadin Servlet

Height for a TextArea can be set using ______ method.setHeight()

The client-side engine renders the UI by running __________ code in browser.Javascript

Which of the following is not a component of Vaadin RunTime Architecture?Vaadin Rest API

In Button Click listener model, the application specific class inherits _______

You can directly bind the user interface components to update the application data directly using _____
mechanism.Data Binding

_______ component is used to create menus like the main menu in desktop applications.Menubar

Client-side Vaadin Modules are used for buiding __________.High Responsive UI

Warning Message appears in the screen for _____ seconds.1.5

In _____ mechanism, the UI changes are pushed directly from the server to the client.serverpush

Tray notifications are displayed for _____ seconds.3

HorizontalSplitPanel is used to split horizontally with a horizontal splitter bar.F

ProgressBar component value ranges from 0.0 to 1.0.T

Built-in themes are available in vaadin-themes.jar.

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