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There is a very Disney Alladin vibe to that character


Diazinn is the last heir of a the most powerfull and influent family of merchants in Zakhara ( a land
inspired by the One Thousand and One Nights aestetic). His great great X8 grandfather who was a
nobody stole a bottle that contained a powerfull djinn to a magic item seller. He freed the Djinn and
wished to become the best merchant that ever lived and to marry the djinn (nobody know what was the
third wish). Genies are higly regarded in Zakhara and sometimes, childrens will manifest powers linked to
that mixed blood. Diazinn is one of theym, he inherited a part of the elemental powers of the distant

Zephrys (important !):

Zephrys is Diazinn's familiar, he apeared when he took the magic bottle and gained the powers that were
linked to it. Zephrys is a small (30cm) air elemental that serve Diazinn. He is curious and cute.


Diazinn is tall (1m81) , a bit thin and very handsome. He has blue skin, dark hairs with a hint of blue in it
and they always move as air constantly flows around him. He wears wealthy clothes tailored for a prince.
(You have references for his face and clothes). He also carry the bottle that contained the Djinn, it is
linked to his waist by a golden chain and is the source of his magical powers.


Diazinn is full of himself, he kinda has the same personality as Kuzco at the start of the film. Living as a
realy wealthy child and being told he's the greatest by his servants didn't make him a humble guy. But he
like to impress and amaze people, he is also sure of himself to a fault. He is genuinly persuaded that he is
the greatest. In the end he is good and want to help, but will first help himself before anybody else.


I'm not too sure, I would like him to be boasting about himself. In the sample picture a gave you you can
see that he want to be the center of attention and I find it very fitting for him.

Powers and abilities:

Being an air genasi (basicaly half human and half elemental) he is deeply linked to the element of air.
Also, the bottle that once contained his Djinn ancestor allow him to use magic like the genie in Alladin
and control air and thunder. He also can fly at will without needing a spell.

Important details/objects:

Lot's of gold and gems (we found tons of riches in this adventure and could not spend it since we were in
the jungle). A mask with the face of the Djinn, A skull shaped gold chalice (very important item), a sword
with lots of jewels in it (think way too much), a fan made of ivory and brigtly orange feathers and a
crystalized bottle. You can put thoses items in the pile of gold, but the chalice must be in Diazinn's hands.

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