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Garim was born in a comunity of hill dwarfs. His father was a mason and taught the values of hardwork.
Garim due to his incredible endurance and generaly nice atitude caugth the eye of an artisan that was
part of a guild that worshiped Moradin (the god of dwarfs and craftmanship. He took Garim under his
wing and after 50 years of tutelage Garim became a priest of Moradin. He then traveled from town to
town to help people in need of artisans and spreading the word of his god.


Garim is as large as he is tall (1m47). He is incredibly robust. He has a long braided beard and his hair are
dirty blond. His eyes are brown and his face is the one of a person that worked all his life.

He wear a realy heavy armor, a shield with the symbol of his god on it and a hammer whose head is
shaped like a ram head (he like rams) (there is a folder for inspiration)


Garim is a very jolly dwarf. He like to make dad jokes, work (especily crafting, building, smithing etc) and
eat. He was the heart of the group because he is realy nice, encouraging and try to see the good in
people. He is proud of his craftmaship and doesn't tolerate that people criticize it or his God. He devoted
his entire life to Moradin and help others and like to talk about his god a lot and concider his guild as his


Laughing and generaly having a good time listening to others.

Powers and abilities:

Being a cleric of Moradin allow him to use divine powers linked to fire, and crafting. He is a living forge,
he resist fire can shape metal and stone as if it was clay, heal people and purify his foes. His powers come
from his faith.

Important detail/obects:

A tarot card on the floor near him (see the image)

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