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Durabilis Of Piety

General Information:
Name- Durabilis of piety
Race- Hill dwarf
Class- Clockwork Sorcerer
Location- Erebor( Iron hills) Lives in a Mountain
settlement with other dwarves
Family- Father(Ignavus DeBuff,Sorcerer)
Mother(Assecla De Buff, Cleric)

People of Interest:
Father- Ambitious Sorcerer and adventurer who became lost
when he attempted to steal treasure from a mine in
Phandelver never to be seen again.

Mother- Order cleric who was dedicated, resilient and a

passionate warrior. Devoted herself to the God by serving him
as a great holy warrior who fought against the orcs and their
God Gruumsh for the right of order and parity in the universe.
Upon Durabillis turning 50 (level 2) his mother deems him as
mature and ready in order to carry on the bloodline of being a
holy order cleric disciple and leaves him a will and a few
possessions. The will is a decree in which he must pledge
himself to the God Moradin and upon doing this he gains a
shield which has the holy symbol of the God Moradin upon it(
Anvil with a flame). He looks up to his mother as he never
knew her but has come to learn she was a respectful strong
warrior who never compromised on what she believed in and
what she thought for. He then finds a portrait attached of him
and his family and it reads to my two loves Durabilis and
Ignavus I will be home soon. This caused Durabilis to be filled
with intense sadness and guilt as he had now lost both of his
parents and she didn’t know his father was gone. This caused
more agony and anguish but then he thought that this
wouldn’t be what they wanted. He then worked harder than he
had before on his creations and had them to think in his heart
to honour and remember their requests and sacrifices. This
further ingrained and accentuated his belief in order,
consistency and dedication and to fight for what he believed

In the beginning his life was perfect, he only knew his father
they would mine together, forge and explore the Iron hills as
father and son. He was in pure wonder and awe of his fathers
magical powers and infatuated with him inseparable. He
recalls the days they would visit the town people and deliver a
fresh supply of Iron,copper and even sometimes gold. He even
reminisces about the first time his father forged him a
diminutive gear he was so puzzled at the time and asked his
father why this. It was small, about necklace size and was
placed around his neck. The father replied “you will
understand one day” whilst giving off a cartoon-like smile.
The boy nodded his head and smiled back with glee.

However This only lasted 40 years. Still as a youngster in the

Dwarven community he worked in the forge; it was his
passion, his life, he still delivered those materials. The fanning
of the heat in the hearth was like his heart with the burning
desire of his purpose, to move forward and improve his skills.
By this point he had just begun discovering his magical power.
He worked best with others with strong personalities, those
who were most different from him most disagreeable, he
enjoyed their company the most as he believed they were
following their own order. This made him a powerful speaker
as whenever he opened his mouth everyone would stop and
listen. He would do the same for others. He grew into a direct
and stern individual who was respectful, sincere.

But this was when his father left him at the age of 40 to set
out on an adventure for spoils and to bring prosperity and
wealth to all those in the village should he do it. He said the
place was a mine in a ruined place (phandelver). The tear
drops slowly streaked down his eyes as his father left and that
day he went to the forge and created something even feeling
that strong emotion. But his father never returned. This caused
Durabilis to grow stubborn and austere.

One time a group of travellers who had come to the hills had
heard of his father and referred to him as Ignavus the Lesser.
This enraged Durabilis and he became livid and in one swift
motion he murdered the 5 travellers all by himself with his
warhammer and sorceress magic. He tried to cover this up but
the chieftain of the settlement found out and scolded him. He
became known as Durabilis of Piety or “The executioner”.

He had to repay costs and spend time in solitude,a five year

exile, in the deep caves of the mountain with only the tools to
build a hearth and create a forge.

From this point Durabilis vowed to become more balanced,

more mentally focused and swore to never beat off the track
of order and competence through skill and learning.
Around this time he began to resent his father and wanted to
prove him wrong through finding him and confronting him
after all these years about how wrong his ambition was and
how he was reckless and abandoned the entire settlement. So
that is when he went to his last known Location the Lost Mines
of Phandelver.

consistency and dedication and to fight for what he believed


Interaction with the world around him:

“ I do not see anyone as inferior, we are all raw material, we
must be forged through the great heat of life”

“ Nothing happens by accident”

“Lies are told by the weak, The truth will keep you sharp”

● Can not lie
● If he is ever disrespected about his beliefs and views and
not apologised to he will badly beat or if pushed kill the
● Upon attaining a level in Cleric and orc is seen as
incessant filth which must be purged as they bring chaos
and disparity to the world and sees them as a threat to
the covenant between him and his mother

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