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The Arcane Division at the borders of Arkasia, a unit consisting of:

One above-average generalist

- Sgt Galianna Kalamirr - an athletic high elf Generalist Mage that used to work
at the security department of the Institute, until she was transferred to this
post, first as a consultant, but soon helping shape the Division, working as their
leader for a few decades, to eventually becoming the head of the agency;

A lesser elementalist:
- Kiana Kruger - This 45yo woman was a remarkable markswoman who lived a tough
life until she entered The Watch. When she was really young, around 13 or 14, she
left her mother's house because the woman told her to, her old man had died a few
years back and she was struggling with poverty, so she decided to cut the number of
mouths to feed in half and kicked the girl out. So she walked to the nearest big
city and begged for a few days to survive. That's how she met the young wizard, I
think was a researcher for The Institute or something like that, and after meeting
her, he offered her a job as his assistant. They traveled together for years, where
she assisted him in his studies and cleaned, cooked, and cared for him. They
eventually fell in love and got married, as he grew more and more prolific in his
studies. One day, the institution established him in at the skirts of a forest, in
a horseshoe-shaped clearing. They were happy there for a minute, until he was
killed, I never got the whole story, a sensitive topic I guess, and she run toward
the forest. She lived there for years, defending the animals, hunting hunters, and
helping adventurers, until one day, I guess she decided it was time to move on, and
she came back to civilization, and enlisted in the academy on her first day in
town. I always liked her, she doesn't talk much, but has a sharp sense of humor and
knows what to say in the right moments. A wise woman, I guess...

A lesser summoner:
- Sir Callahan Carmyne - A Human, grew up in Alistere, where he studied very hard,
majored in history with a focus on Knighthood, and had 3 years of A.P. Arcane
Studies for extra credits. That was how he found out he had a knack for Conjuration
spells. As a perpetual over-achiever, he dedicated the next 5 years to the study of
Arcane forces. He had only one objective, to become a knight. But using his
knowledge in history and obsession with knights, he realized that since he was the
son of a scholar and not a knight or a noble, and even if he were, he was already
too old to ingress into The Empire's Knighthood Training Program. So, he became the
next best thing, a cop, so he enlisted the academy and slowly assumed this identity
as self-proclaimed Knight, with his shiny splint armor, and a very sharp
greatsword. He was kind of a lawful nerd if you ask me, but he was good at his job,
I have to say. Lacked a little bit of social skills, but was quite perceptive,
quick thinking, and had such a huge determination, sometimes I wonder if it's not
pathological somehow... He was tall, white, had very thin small eyes, brown short
hair, and wore glasses. Trustworthy fella, with a few mommy issues (but I didn't
say that).

Two lesser abjurators:

- Sven Sullivan - A Human man of the cloth, worshipped the god BLABLABLA, a deity
of war, champions, and victory. He was kind of a hype man, talked too much...
honestly, I couldn't stand the guy for too long. But what I know from him is that
he was one of those pilgrims, that talk to their gods and asked them what to do.
Apparently, his god told him to walk the world helping the worthy with their
battles, but in the second city, the god changed his plan and told him to enlist in
The Watch. Vaughn and Callahan swear that it makes sense when you listen to the
whole story, but I'm telling you, five minutes of him talking and I zoom out...
Well, if he still has his deity's boons, he must be doing something right. He looks
like a very regular guy, medium height, not much athletic, with short brown hair,
and a bland face, but he has a remarkably tart sense of humor (what, honestly,
comes out really weird for holy man), a caffeine addiction, one Ring of DejaVu that
he got in an early mission in Arthemia, and a mildly cursed halberd that doesn't
seem to bother him. I don't like him, but he is really good with people, getting
information amicably, and networking in general. He was kind of an asshole
sometimes, but sometimes he wasn't around, and then it was cool;
- Vaughn Valadar - A buff Human half-ass Paladin, he grew up near Sven, and his
family also worshipped BLABLABLA. He took an oath of glory when he went with Sven
to travel the world, as his friend could talk to their god, and receive direct
instructions. Even though his dreams were to become an adventurer, his oath was to
his god and Their will was law. HE enlisted together with Sven, where he adapted
pretty quickly, as his likeness towards violence found a place in the assault
operations of the division, even though very sparse. He wore a heavy plate armor
set and a heavy tower shield and carried a heavy warhammer. Tall as a mountain, and
strong as a bull, had surprisingly quick feet, and was even more surprisingly good
with children and animals. He was responsible for The Watch's mastiff kennel. He is
really good at his job and, as far as he knows he's living a life of glory. I
should know, I asked him;

They were both of the same faith, devoted to a deity of war, champions, and
victory. They are kinda best friends, it's a whole thing;

An average divinator - Everrol Menseen, was a Half-Elf foreteller from a family of

archdruid foretellers in ???. He was a middle-aged average druid, who had spent 15
years specializing in Divination and other 20 years opening holes in things with
his fists. He trained me and helped me chain my magic. I use to have those terrible
dreams, and then I woke up drenched in sweat and drained of my strengths. He helped
me with that, I never had another one of those ever since. His family had taught
him all these techniques, breathing, mentalizing, meditating, you name it. A little
too new-age for my taste, but it worked then and it still works now. He was an
overall nice guy, normally happy and peaceful, had kind of a jesus vibe, and
coincidently, a jesus look. He was the perfect teacher, with all that patience. The
perfect counterpart for Sarge as my trainers;

His family:

His wife Leyla Farrsighte, younglins' teacher;

His sons Marley Farrsighte, age 5, and Millow Farrsighte, age 2.

As a P.I.

Malagore - Deranged Tiefling, originally from Arcasia, left the city when he was
still a teenager, has been situated in Arthemia for the past years. True neutral
nihilist, drug smuggler/supplier, and party animal. Mostly, he helped the division
to keep order, and now keeps Murdoch somehow updated on anything serious as a P.I.
He's lithe and tall, with very pale skin, silver hair, and beautiful, yet androgen
features on his face and frame;

Old Cpt. Thadeus - An 88yo human, was the Captain of the Border Patrol Agency for
the Arcasian Police before Murdoch started as a cop, retiring 10 years before his
time. As a cop, Murdoch eventually met him during investigations, developing a
strong disgust for each other, probably for having similar minds and tempers. A few
years in, Murdoch had to work a case about a Duergar sort of pseudo-kingpin, Brock
The Rock, one of Thadeus's personal enemies, making him one of the biggest
specialists on the dwarf, and forcing him to work with Murdoch as a close
consultant. During this case, they both got locked in a cell for 2 days before
being able to effectively work together and break out. Since that episode, they
become close friends, and Thadeus has helped in more than a handful of cases
throughout the years. He's the friend who gave Murdoch his Bastion;

Porter Black - Dwarf alemaker, and bouncer at the port tavern of Arcasia, the Chum
Chowder. Best ale in this side of the continent, you won't find a better one in the
whole Empire. He's married to the tavern owner and barkeep, Tobias. Porter carries
no weapon, for he prefers to use his fists or any other improvised weapons at
reach. He is a little short for a dwarf, 1,39m, but he is as bulky as they come.
Baldhead, and a full bushy ash-brown beard under a flat nose and round black eyes;

Tobias Black - Human, owner, and barkeep of the Chum Chowder, found Porter a few
years back with no memories nor identity, roaming the port, and decided to help him
with a job at the tavern, carrying barrels of ale. That evolved quickly into a
relationship and then, even quicker into a society. They work really well and are
actually making a lot of money nowadays. He is black, 1,76m, also bald, with a
light white stubble. He's probably between his 40's and 50's;

JAMAL JAMIL. Human merchant, travels between the countries of the Empire and beyond
selling, acquiring, and trading goods (sometimes stolen goods), and information. He
belongs to the merchant guild of the Empire, which provides him with a net of
communication amongst the other members, and a fair sense of security wherever he
goes. He gives me information for the sake of the good old times when I saved his
ass over and over again without asking anything of him, when he was a young man in
Arthemia, way before he joined the guild. What can I say, I can see he's a good
fella, it's just a matter of being in the right or wrong environment. I actually
bought a lot of goods from him throughout the years. Like my hat. It was hella
expensive, but I bought it to give him the ticket he needed to join the guild. And
it was more than worth it as this hat saved my ass a couple of times in the past
ten years or so. Jamal and I normally have very frank conversations, commonly over
an ale or two. I would consider him an old friend. He has dark tan skin and dark
eyes and hair. He is slightly chubby, which somehow makes him look even friendlier;

DOB GROOV. Originally Dubbius Grovetickle, this Halfling gleeman, travels the
Empire telling stories of adventurers and collecting new ones. Have a kind of a
free pass among some gangs in some places, and among the watch on others, and
merchants on others, and political movements, and so on. He is not a revolutionary
or an adventurer, but actually, a very involved spectator, manipulating people and
spreading chaos around The Empire. He likes me, and I must admit, I like his style.
Must be a racial affinity, I don't know. But he actually really worries about me
and gives me information whenever he sees necessary, or, at other times, trades me
information when I have something of his interest in hands, especially if it is his
favorite, Satyr Rum, very hard to find, but I know a guy. This guy, I would say, is
a good friend, and even though he has his tendency towards chaos, he showed me time
and time again, that I can count on him when I need to. He's an average-sized
halfling of dark blond hair and handsome features that likes to wear flamboyant
accessories and bright colored eccentric clothes;

TAMARA THARTAN. Human officer of The Watch, she's the current Sergeant of the Road
Division. She is a trustable contact, introduced by Cpt. Thadeus. She feeds me
information as much as I keep her informed from my side. She's one of the good
ones, with over 20 years in the force and zero complaints, hints, tips, or anything
that could point towards her being dirty. She's always cool and collected, like a
robot or something, but I don't complain, she's straight to the point, I get it.
She's a tiny brown lady (1,60), with long black hair tied in a big bun behind her
head, probably ranging around her 40's.

The Rambler - A Satyr Shaman, that travels around the world helping people.
Whenever he's in the city, he's one you can count on for assistance, but his
presence is as sparse as umpredictable. He appeared twice in Arcasia in the past 30
years, so descriptions of him may vary;
He is fairly athletic, a little rough even, like a tiny dwarf, with a round
comfortable tavern belly. Always with his petrol blue hat covering his brownish
salt and pepper hair that grows down his cheeks into some friendly mutton chops,
color matching his hair, and an even darker blue trench coat over a yellow shirt
and brown vest, and dark brown pants and boots. He carries a lesser arcane focus in
his vest pocket, hanging from a chain, much like a pocket watch, that he calls The
Ball. He also has a pistol, that he carries always loaded, in a holster in his
thigh. But ever since he learned to perform his Ray of Frost, he rather not spend
his bullets whenever possible.

Vale dos nobres tem uma polícia mais desenvolvida por sermenos medieval e baseado
em Alistere com o modelo Arcasiano.

No norte, a polícia mais avançada é em Arthemia, porém envolve certa corrupção

Em Arcasia existe uma estrutura de vigilância, mais como um corpo de bombeiros.

É mais ou menos com os estados unidos. Estruturado em estados, com nomes de
famílias antigas, com diversos níves de desenvolvimento.
O estado que bordeia Arthemia, possui uma agencia de vigilância estatal.
Em Arcasia pode eventualmente ser atacada, ou invadida por um monstro mágico.
Existem diversas histórias sobre isso.
A polícia de Arcasia tem uma estrutura clássica européia, com menos corrupção.

Em Alessambria é mais tribal, ainda menos desenvolvido.

MAstotso é uma união de reinos menores

O império tomou Arthemia a vinte anos atrás, e depois foi para o Sul.
Um dragão nunca vai sobrevoar Arthemia e queimar tudo. PErigos nunca vem pelo mar,
os merfolks consideram a ilha sagrada e por isso protegem a ilha. Ou talvez seja o
que faz ela sagrada que proteje a ilha. Nenhuma criatura sobrevoa a ilha. O tempo
está sempre nublado, e à noite a neblina desce. Monstros mágicos ficam inquietos
quando presos em solo arthemiano. Determinadas raças de demonio não se incomodam em
Arthemia, dando a impressão de ser um local damned.
Artefatos mágicos tem uma tendência maior de quebrar em Arthemia, ou se usado por
um Arthemiano, ou pior, se ambos forem combinados. Fazem muitos efeitos visuais não
mágicos para enganar que passou um evento mágico no local. Arthemia tem regiões com
cara de seculo XIX.
O domínio do Império sobre Arthemia respeitou as regras da mesa, isso deve ser
investigado. O império tirou cinco integrantes da mesa e colocou menbros do
império. A cada sete anos, alguém da mesa sai, revezando o lado de Arthemia e o
lado do Imperio, um a cada 14 anos.
OS guardôes, antiga policia de Arthemia, não oficiais, tinha um vinculo com a
igreja - não segue os deuses, chamada "Igreja de Um Deus Só" - e por esse
endorsement da igreja, a polícia oficial não interferia. Quando eles resolvem um
problema, ele é resolvido definitivamente, famosos por serem bem treinados,
funcionando consistentemente. Foram desligados com a adesão do império. Parecem
boas pessoas, mas nunca dividiram a agenda deles, nem nada com ninguém.
A polícia de Arthemia tem uma estrutura clássica européia, porém corrupta.
Come-se frutos do mar, porco, lagarto, laticínios suínos, ovos de répteis, algas e
verduras hidropônicas.

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