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************************ Lochston

Tavern: The Jester

Owner: John Bristol, Male Human

Location: In a small alley. The street outside is shaded by large trees.

Description: The tavern is a timber and brick cabin, with several shuttered windows
and shiny hardwood floors. It contains well-stocked workshop and a dance floor.
Quests and Rumors
Sausage Steamed Bun with Roasted Apple and a Tankard of Bitter (5 sp)
Sausage Casserole with Onion and a Glass of Brandy (5 sp)
Chicken Burger and a Glass of Vodka (4 sp)

Other Patrons:
Manfred Cithreth, Male Human
Wiggan Swiftwhistle, Male Human
Eva Branson, Female Human
Damien Reedfellow, Male Human


Kadana Argenthrixus
Female dragonborn hunter

Appearance. Based on Kadana's clothes, accessories, and demeanor, you'd guess that
she is a hunter. She has metallic copper scales and copper eyes. A few horns stick
up from her head, like spikey hair. She is pretty muscular. She is 17 years old
(young adult), 6 ft, 4 in (193 cm) tall, and weighs 245 lbs (111 kg).

Personality. She has a lot to say, but finds it difficult to get anyone to listen.
She believes it is important to love others and act respectibly. She believes it's
better to try something new than to be a slave to tradition. She pays lipservice to
the god of birds and family, and her alignment is chaotic good (CG).

Adventure Hook. Her loved one has gone missing.

Kadana spends most of her day in the woods hunting. In the evening she can be seen
in the tavern, drinking with her human friends and telling stories. Every now and
again she can be seeing praying at an alter to the god of family, for their

Faessa “Dapper” Puadnuclem

Female rock gnome innkeeper

Appearance. Based on Dapper's clothes, accessories, and demeanor, you'd guess that
she is an innkeeper. She has dark skin and big, bright hazel eyes. Her wavy brown
and gray hair is tied in a short braid. She makes a point of eating healthy. She is
55 years old (adult), 3 ft, 6 in (107 cm) tall, and weighs 42 lbs (19 kg).

Personality. She seems to be friends with everyone. She appriciates the value of an
ordered society and just wants everyone to get along. She believes independence is
lonely - its better to be part of a group. She is a devout follower of the god of
battle, and her alignment is lawful neutral (LN).

Faessa spends most of her day in the local Inn. She keeps it clean and tidy. When
she is done cleaning, she is looking through an old photo book at her desk. On her
hour break where her coworker covers for her, she can be seen shopping in the

Dercin Porter (Husband of Patricia Porter)

Human tailor

Appearance. Dercin wears fine clothes and has a tape measure draped over his
shoulder. He has ruddy skin and brown eyes. His blond, almost white hair is cropped
short. He is quite nimble. He is 62 years old (adult), 5 ft, 6 in (168 cm) tall,
and weighs 160 lbs (73 kg).

Personality. He is keen-minded. He believes it is important to protect the

environment and excel at something. He believes one should reject authority. He
worships the goddess of greed, and his alignment is neutral evil (NE).

Adventure Hook. Woodcutters have been recklessly destroying the habitat of a rare

Dercin spends the mornings tending to his silk worm farm on the side of his house.
During the day he works on comissions and tends to his shop. After 5pm he can be
seen in the tavern showing off his juggling talent, reading on a public bench, or
talking to his good friend Prestan

Prestan Collins
Human househusband

Appearance. Prestan wears nice clothes, and is carrying a few parcels from local
shops. He has light skin and blue eyes. He has short, wavy dark brown hair. He has
a thin dark brown mustache. He is 19 years old (young adult), 5 ft, 7 in (170 cm)
tall, and weighs 165 lbs (75 kg).

Personality. He just wants everyone to get along and believes it is important to be

forgiving. He believes you should be content with what you have. He serves the
goddess of flowers, and his alignment is neutral good (NG).

*************************** Glittergump - The hidden town of gnomes and fae

Tavern - The Gleaming Trinket

Run by Histix “Monkey Face” Graebblopribs

Kaslen “Garble” Fudneggli

Male forest gnome gatherer

Appearance. Based on Garble's clothes, accessories, and demeanor, you'd guess that
he is a gatherer. He has tan skin and big, bright green eyes. His long straight
silver hair cannot seem to be tamed. He has a silver beard, which comes to a neat
point. He is 213 years old (elderly), 3 ft, 4 in (102 cm) tall, and weighs 40 lbs
(18 kg).

Personality. He is an inspiring leader, always ready with a story or historical

anecdote. He believes it is important to treat others as more important than
yourself and have money. He believes being correct is more important than having an
open mind. He worships the goddess of plenty and the harvest, and his alignment is
lawful good (LG).

Adventure Hook. He'd like to help out a friend of hiss who is in need, but he'd
prefer to remain anonymous.

Rumours - The baker's son disapeared about a month ago, and after a week he
appeared from the woods without any memory of what happened. He now has a tattoo of
an eye on the side of his neck. He doesn't blink anymore, but the tattoo of the eye
can be seen blinking every so often. The tattoo is alive and is taking over the
boys body, and will eventually kill him and move onto the next host.

Slick, the fast-talking con man

His father never loved him and his mother was an alcaholic. When he was 16, his
parents we're travelling through the desert in a caravan with him, and he got into
a fight with his father. He ended up being left unconsious in the desert alone,
without any supplies. When he had almost reached the point of dehydration, he was
visited by a powerful djinni from the elemental plane of air, who took pity on him
and saved his life. When Slick awoke, he was inside a lavish palace and standing in
front of the Djinni himself. He struck a deal with the boy, saying that he could
repay him by entering his business empire. The patron relationship between Slick
and his patron is like a cheap care salesman working for a billionaire business
mogul. They are pleasant with eachother and often have a good time communicating
with one another. Slick has been working on the material plane ever since,
retrieving magic items and selling them to adventurers or specially selected buyers
for a profit. A good portion of these proceeds going to his patrons massive pile of
wealth. Slick is now 26, and has worked by himself as a travelling adventurer for
the better part of 10 years, and has become a generally lonely person. He is eager
to prove himself to others because he was never able to prove himself to his
parents. He has tried to keep to himself for many years but now craves
companionship, although he may not want to admit it. He talks fast and puts on a
character to prevent people from being able to judge the real him. While he might
seem calloused to the outside world, he is a very sensitive person. He hasn't seen
his parents in 10 years, and has no idea where they are now, if they are even
alive. His worst fear is being a failiure in the eyes of those above him, because
he never wants to reconnect with that feeling from his youth.

"If you're handling the merchandice, you better be able to buy it or be confident
enough to escape with it. Otherwise, hands off."
********************** SEVERETH CITADEL

Large sandstone walls that guard the outside of the city. The tops of the city
walls are walkways that connect to different large guard towers.

The guards are dressed in sharp, dark metal armour. The armour is very pointed and
angular, and their helmets end in sharp points, like beaks of a vulture.

At the main gate, there are four vulture guards stationed, holding long spears with
many arching spikes coming off of the spear shafts.

They will ask the party what is their business in the city, and where they came
from. They will ask if they are registered.

Upon learning they are unregistered, the main guard will excuse themselves and go
inside the city walls. The guards on top of the walls will be pointing their
crossbows at them.

The guard will report to his leader, Brunn Reid. He is a stern man who reprimands
them for adventuring outside city walls without registry but he offers them a
second chance. "Now you've made the mistake of adventuring without registry, but
that doesn't mean this is the end. If you want you can get your registry filled out
right here, right now. Waddya say?"
If they say yes, they go in and get registered. Then they cannot leave the city
without approval from the queen herself, and even when they do they are sent with a
registrered team of guards.

Since entering the city, they have been informed that adventuring outside the city
without registry is illegal, they found out the queen's son is recently deceased
while travelling in the north, and they found that tentacle jackal. They also
harassed a bead guy and met Calivlogs.
They broke into the King's Tomb and found there was no body. The guard allowed them
to escape through a secret tunnel and modified his own memory so he would think
they were disintegrated. Then they left the city, encountered a nobel and 5 guards
and killed them all. They took their chest of jewels and tracked it back to the
delivery place, the oasis. They also animal friendshipped two Dune Walkers that
will be friendly for 1 hour. They entered the Gold Dragon lair and had tea and
coffee while ben and andrew waited outside. Ben shot down a vulture which was
revealed to be a druid.

They look behind them and realize a young, very thing man has been watching them,
sort of peeking around the corner of a building. When he notices them notice him,
he immediately darts in the other direction. They see him chug a potion while
running away that gives him extra movementspeed.
chase scene ! succeed on 3 of these to catch him

DC 14 check, some merchant carts filled with boxes are suddenly in the way, how are
you going to get around them?

DC 16 check, somebody has spilled cooking oil over the street, how will you get
over it?

The man tips over some stacked crates, DC 12 dex save to avoid them or take 1d4
bludgeoning damage.

He throws ball bearings on the floor.

He ducks into a series of alleyways. Do a DC 16 int check to determine which way he


if they lose him, no worries, an old man named Galder saw him duck into an old
abandoned house. He informs them hes lived here for many years and seen many people
hes never seen before visit the house a lot. For the last few months though he
hasn't seen anyone there.

Low level drug dealer did his own drugs and had one dose of Morph give permanent
side effects, transforming him into disgusting human-spider hybrid. He does not
remember his name anymore.

"well well well, you've brought friends. Look at what we have here. What are you
doing in my den?"

This used to be a manufacturng den for Morph, using the moonglow flowers to make
it, however they were not always wise enough to restrain themselves from taking the

"You see, I used to be a man, just like him, but unfortately the side effects of
Morph are sometimes... permanent. I gained a new form, adapted for hunting... and

"They say never to use from your own supply.... and I should have listened."

"Your fleshy bodies are prisons, I have ascended to something far surperior."

1-5: In a nearby sewer grate, you hear the sound of distant piano coming from deep
beyond. Bone Golem

6-10: Bookstore selling books that read themselves to you. They contain trapped
souls that are forced to read their contents.

11-15: Plague that makes you incredibly generous. The plague spreads on the money
you give away.

16-20: a spectral building appears to the party that nobody else can see. Any
commoner that looks at the building just explains that it was comdemmed and torn
down 30 years ago after a fire. Inside the house, all the rooms are empty, except
for the basement. In the basement, growing out of a small patch of dirt is a
ghostly white glowing flower. Whoever touches the flowerimmediately recieves this
message in a woman's voice in their mind. "Please, you must return me to my body.
It was taken from me and I cannot pass on without it. No not tell the others." The
flower immeditaely disapears in a flash of light. The player who touched it can
summon it as an action. If they tell the others, the flower crumbles to dust.

21-25: Pass a beggar named Allan who is blind.

26-30: another Morphed jackal runs by the party into a nearby alleyway. He slumps
against the wall and pants for a while, before the drug begins to wear off. Now, a
naked man is laying a pile of thin blue liquid. A small amount of blood is running
from his mouth. He will awake in 1d4 hours.

31-35: you see two kids playing together duck into an alleyway for a moment. Only
one child comes out.

36-40: They overhear townfolk talking to eachother. "Looks like a full moon
tonight, better stay inside."

Korvon's hiding den

found the puzzle box

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