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Think and Rank

I. Objectives

At the end of the lesson, the student will be able to:

● make decisions based on sound judgment;

● properly use comparative words;
● explain his/her choices or opinions; and
● compare his/her experiences with the teacher.

II. Guidelines
● Introduction: Greet the student. To further build rapport, you may ask a simple
question about how the student’s day was/has been going.
● Warm-up activity: Ask the student question/s that will prompt the topic of the activity.
○ Sample Question/s:
○ What are the things that you desire to have?
○ How do you plan to have these things?
○ What are the things that you enjoy doing?
● Lesson Proper:
○ There are 10 sets in this lesson.
○ Read each question and present the choices. The student has to rank the
items according to his/her preference/opinion.
○ After the student ranks the items, ask why he/she placed the item first,
second, etc.
○ The teacher should also rank the items according to his/her
preference/opinion and explain why the items were ranked that way.
○ Sample follow-up questions are given in this manual, but modify them based on
the student’s answers.

Reminders: Be engaged throughout the lesson. If the student gives short responses, be sure to
ask follow-up questions or ask him/her to expand them without putting too much pressure on the

Set 1: Traditional Games

Follow-up Questions:

1. Why did you place … 1st, 2nd, etc.

2. If you could add one more choice, what would it be? Why?
3. Besides preserving cultural heritage and fostering a sense of identity, what other
advantages can you identify from engaging in traditional games?
4. If you were to present a traditional game from your country that isn’t mentioned on the list,
which one would you select, and what is your rationale behind this choice?

Set 2: Social Interaction Games

Follow-up Questions:

1. Why did you place … 1st, 2nd, etc.

2. If you could add one more option, what would it be? Why?
3. In this digital age, many social games have been adapted to online platforms and apps,
allowing people to connect and play with friends even when physically apart. What are
your thoughts on this? Do you consider it advantageous or otherwise?
4. Social Interaction Games hold several advantages and benefits, making them popular
and valuable activities for individuals of all ages. What do you think is the reason behind

Set 3: Dexterity Games/Physical Activities

Follow-up Questions:

1. Why did you place … 1st, 2nd, etc.

2. If you could add one more option, what would it be? why?
3. In your opinion, how have advancements in technology, such as digital adaptations or
virtual reality, impacted the world of dexterity games?
4. Can you describe any memorable moments or experiences you’ve had while playing
dexterity games?

Set 4: Video Games

Follow-up Questions:

1. Why did you place … 1st, 2nd, etc.

2. If you could add one more option, what would it be? why?
3. As of present, the ongoing discourse surrounding video game playing continues to be a
contentious subject. From your perspective, do you believe that engaging in video games
carries more detrimental effects than advantages?
4. What precautions or guidelines do you think should be in place to ensure responsible and
healthy video game use, especially among players?
Set 5: Simulators/Virtual Reality

Follow-up Questions:

1. Why did you place … 1st, 2nd, etc.

2. If you could add one more option, what would it be? Why?
3. Can you discuss any potential negative effects or challenges associated with Virtual
Reality use?
4. How do you think virtual reality compares to other forms of digital entertainment, such as
traditional video games and movies?

Set 6: Battery-Operated Toys

Follow-up Questions:

1. Why did you place … 1st, 2nd, etc.

2. If you could add one more option, what would it be? Why?
3. Battery-operated toys offer a lot of fun and entertainment, but they also come with certain
disadvantages. What are some drawbacks that you can think of?
4. Some experts say that battery-operated toys may not always provide the same level of
physical and cognitive development as traditional toys that require more hands-on
interaction and problem-solving. Do you agree with this? Why or why not?

Set 7: Card Games

Follow-up Questions:

1. Why did you place … 1st, 2nd, etc.

2. If you could add one more option, what would it be? Why?
3. Just like any other form of entertainment, card games can become addictive for some
individuals, leading to excessive play and neglect of other responsibilities or activities.
Despite this, card games still remain as a popular game. What do you think is the reason
behind this?
4. What do you think is the future outlook for card games in a rapidly changing technological
landscape? Why do you say so?

Set 8: Board Games

Follow-up Questions:

1. Why did you place … 1st, 2nd, etc.

2. If you could add one more option, what would it be? Why?
3. What are your thoughts on the future of board games, especially considering the
prevalence of digital technology?
4. Do you believe that board games might eventually fade away due to technological
dominance? Why or why not?
Set 9: Puzzles

Follow-up Questions:

1. Why did you place … 1st, 2nd, etc.

2. If you could add one more option, what would it be? why?
3. Despite advancements in technology, puzzles remain popular and continue to captivate
people of all ages. What do you think are the reasons behind this?
4. Puzzles offer mental stimulation and engagement, requiring critical thinking, problem-
solving, and spatial reasoning. Despite these reasons, puzzles also have some
drawbacks. What are the drawbacks that you can think of?

Set 10: Spatial Toys

Follow-up Questions:

1. Why did you place … 1st, 2nd, etc.

2. If you could add one more option, what would it be? why?
3. When you hear the word “Spatial,” what comes into your mind? Why?
4. Which type of spatial toy from the list haven’t you heard yet? Would you like to try it
someday? Why or why not?


● Praise the student for his/her good performance by mentioning the strengths during the
lesson. You may focus on the following areas:
○ Being expressive throughout the lesson
○ Well-constructed sentences
○ Usage of remarkable expressions, words, and/or phrases
○ Proper use of comparative words in comparing or describing things
○ Correct verb tenses
○ Pronunciation
○ Coherence and fluency
● Then, give the student some points for improvement.
● Share some tips on how the weaknesses can be improved.
 Finally, thank the student for participating in the lesson.

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