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Lower Taway, Ipil, ZamboangaSibugay
Telefax:(062)222-2469, Mobile No: 09285033733
1 ST Semester Academic Year 2020 – 2021
Pre lim examination for SHS

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Instruction: Any ALTERATION and ERASURE means wrong. Write your answer before the number. (2 pts each)

1. _____is refers to the overall charge of a molecule?

A. Positive Charge B. Negative Charge C. Polarity D. Electonegativity
2. It is refers to an atom or a molecule with an excess proton is called ____?
A. Polarity B. Negative Charge C. Positive Charge D. Electonegativity
3. Which of the following refers to an atom or a molecule with an excess, unpaired?
A. Polarity B. Positive Charge C. Negative Charge D. Electonegativity
4. ______is a group of elements bonded together?
A. Polarity B. Positive Charge C. Molecules D. Electonegativity
5. What bond is a generally unfair bond?
A. Polar bond B. Polarity C. Non-polar bond C. Both A and C
6. Which of the following refers to the behaviour of an entity or an object?
A. Solubility B. Properties C. Melting point D. Boiling point
7. This is a property that refers to the temperature when molecule starts of melt called_____?
A. Solubility B. Melting point C. Properties D. Boiling point
8. This is a physical property that refers to the ability of a molecule dissolve in a solvent called ___?
A. Melting point B. Solubility C. Properties D. Boiling point
9. This is a property that refers to the temperature when a molecule starts to boil called____?
A. Melting point B. Boiling point C. Properties D. Solubility
10. It is vital in the synthesis of heaviest elements in laboratory is called ____?
a. Moseley’s X-ray Spectroscopy C. Cyclotron
b. Periodic table D. Periodic elements
11. A device invented and used to form and accelerate protons to hit a target is called _____?
a. Cyclotron C. Moseley’s X-ray Spectroscopy
b. Periodic table D. Periodic elements
12. What is the atomic number of Uranium?
a. 92 B. 93 C. 94 D. 95
13. How many transuranic elements in total?
a. 26 B. 27 C. 28 D. 29
14. What element has a symbol of Cf?
a. Californium B. Curium C. Copernicium D. Colifornium
15. When the EN difference of COշ 0.89 which is greater than 0.4. In this stage we can assume that
COշ is ____ ?
A. Non-Polar bond B. Bipolar C. Polarity D. Polar bond
16. When the central atom C in COշ has no lone pairs around it and the atoms around it are identical.
In this stage, COշ is ____?
A. Non-Polar bond B. Bipolar C. Polarity D. Polar bond
17. Which invention helped synthesize elements on Earth?
A. bombs B. magnets C.Both A and B D. particle accelerators
18. What refers to the certain temperature for a molecule to transition into a gaseous state?
A. boiling points B. melting points C. solubility D. surface tension
19. What is the explosion during a death of a star commonly called?
A. neutron-star merger B. fusion C. synthesis D. supernova
20. Which of the following can determine a molecule‘s polarity?
A. EN difference B. Lewis structure C. molecular geometry D. All of these
21. What theory on the origin of the universe is currently accepted today?
A. Big Bang theory B. Eternal Inflation C. Oscillating Universe D. Steady-State Universe
22. What is the term for elements heavier than Uranium?
A. transuranic elements B. heavy elements C. light elements D. None of these
23. What is the term for elements which were born first during star formation?
A. light elements B. heavy elements C. transuranic elements D. None of these
24. Which of the following DOES NOT determine a molecule to be nonpolar?
A. EN difference is less than 0.4 B. central atoms has no lone pairs
C. symmetrical in structure D. None of these

25. Who fixed Dmitri Mendeleev‘s arrangement of the periodic table of elements?
A. Henry Moseley B. Albert Einstein C. J.J. Thomson D. John Dalton

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