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Change your lifestyle

to improve your
cholesterol and your
overall heath!

4 lifestyle changes to improve your cholesterol
1. Eat a balanced diet – choose foods rich in healthier fats and low in
saturated fats
2. Get physically active! Just 30 minutes exercise most days will
dramatically improve your wellbeing
3. Achieve and maintain a healthy weight
4. Don’t smoke
Talk to your doctor today about having your cholesterol checked and
if you need help with any of the lifestyle changes.
This poster has been developed for educational purposes only and is correct at the time of publication.
It is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Should you have any questions or concerns about
any topic in the poster, please consult your medical professional.
© 2016 AEA International Holdings Pte. Ltd. All rights reserved.
Unauthorized copy or distribution prohibited.

Cholesterol – Poster v3

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