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1 X1
; the Catalan constant G ¼ 2;
The Irrationals: A k¼0
k! þ 1 k¼1 ð2k  1Þ

Story of the Numbers and the Euler-Mascheroni constant

You Can’t Count On lim
 ln n :
by Julian Havil
The nature of many other numbers remains unknown as
PRINCETON AND OXFORD: PRINCETON UNIVERSITY PRESS, 2012, 298 PP., well: p þ e, pe, e e, and pe, to name just a few.
ISBN 978-0-691-14342-2 Having discussed and presented a proof of the irratio-
REVIEWED BY PAMELA GORKIN nality of e, the author moves to Hermite and p. This is not
easy reading, but it is interesting reading—as long as the
reader has the appropriate background. Even Niven’s
‘‘simple’’ proof that p is irrational requires significant
ulian Havil’s book, The Irrationals: A Story of the Numbers background in differential and integral calculus. The author

J You Can’t Count On, is the story of the irrationals—

beginning in Greece and ending with why all this matters.
Havil’s narrative style is demanding and packed with details,
takes us from items of general interest to a more in-depth
look at those items. For example, before turning to a very
special irrational number (more on that later), this chapter
concludes with a look at John H. Conway’s Look and Say
both historical and mathematical, but mathematicians and
serious students of mathematics will find much to admire in Sequences, for instance,
this book. Using the important players, ideas, and proofs 1; 11; 21; 1211; 111221; 312211; . . .;
associated with this history, the author shows us that ‘‘First
proofs are often mirror shy...but they should also not be lost.’’ (look at it and say it) and Conway’s analysis of such
The author studies the history of the irrationals, from sequences, which is much deeper.
their birth in Greece, to India and Arabia, to Fibonacci, and We return to the aforementioned very special irrational:
on to the 15th and 16th centuries, where we meet the fð3Þ, where f represents, of course, the Zeta function,
German algebraist and Augustinian monk Michael Stifel. definedP here only for positive integers k [ 1 as
We move to the 17th century with a discussion of the work fðkÞ ¼ 1 1
n¼1 nk . The point of this chapter is not to prove
of Fermat and Descartes, and on to John Wallis and a what happens when k ¼ 1 or to concentrate on Euler’s
promise to discuss the irrationality of p. At this point, the proof that fð2Þ ¼ p2 =6; instead, the main goal of this
author presents the first version of several proofs as well as chapter is to present Roger Apéry’s surprising result that
some more attractive later versions. ‘‘Mathematical con- fð3Þ is irrational. In the author’s words, ‘‘The sole purpose
stants,’’ we learn, ‘‘are either anonymous or famous, with of this chapter is to address Apéry’s original argument, if
fame a reflection of the constant’s importance. And we can not in full then nearly so, in the hope that his fantastic
distinguish between those numbers for which fame is an insights might at least be seen to combine to an implausible
intrinsic quality and those which pffiffiffi have had it thrust upon solution of a seemingly innocent problem; what we cannot
them: p and e, compared with 2, for example.’’ And so it hope to do is make his arguments natural.’’ Directions
is that the reader will learn more about these irrational leading to Apéry’s tomb and its inscription,
constants and many others. We begin with e.
We first see Euler’s proof, using continued fractions, that e 1 1 p
1 þ þ þ    6¼ ;
is irrational. We learn that an understanding of the simple 8 27 q
continued p fraction
ffiffiffi form of numbers allowed Euler to prove
that e and e are irrational, but the continued fraction form are provided in an appendix; his tomb (as well as those of
of p did not suggest a proof of its irrationality. Instead, this many other well-known people, including Delambre,
was proven by Lambert, using the series expansion for tan x. Fourier, Germain, Laplace, and The Doors lead singer, Jim
The second proof of the irrationality of e is the one with Morrison) can be found in Père Lachaise, a famous ceme-
which most mathematicians are familiar and it belongs to tery located in the 20th arrondissement of Paris. (Hot tip:
Fourier. This is the standard series proof of the irrationality Take Havil’s directions. The cemetery layout is incredibly
of e and can be used to establish the irrationality of e 2 . One confusing.)
very nice feature of this book is the inclusion of things that What follows is a chapter entitled, ‘‘From the Rational to
are not yet known: ‘‘The appearance of e as an infinite the Transcendental,’’ which is concerned with a close look
series has allowed a simple and effective argument to be at Diophantine approximation, the approximation of irra-
put to establish its irrationality (as well as that of e 2 (the tional numbers by rationals. Of course every real number
arguments can be further extended too)) and there are can be approximated by a rational number, but how good
myriad other provably irrational constants defined by infi- is that approximation? The author considers both the his-
nite series, but the reader should curb any optimism that a tory and theory of Diophantine approximation. In
series necessarily leads to a proof of irrationality. Taking this chapter, we are introduced to Dirichlet and his
three examples (of many), the nature of the following Schubfachprinzip (Pigeonhole principle or Dirichlet’s
numbers remains a mystery:’’ drawer principle), which is, as the author notes, a

Ó 2015 Springer Science+Business Media New York

DOI 10.1007/s00283-014-9528-3
deceptively simple yet remarkably powerful result. As the limits and series...but also to those whose mathematical
title of the chapter suggests, this leads naturally to a dis- training is less but whose curiosity and enthusiasm is
cussion of the transcendental numbers and, in particular, great...’’ It is appropriate only for the former; without
the transcendental nature of p and e, as well as Liouville’s knowledge of series, integral calculus, and limits, the
construction of transcendental numbers. reader would wander aimlessly from chapter to chapter.
Moving from Liouville to Hermite and e, on to Linde- However, packed with results from Mathematics Maga-
mann and p, and finally to Cantor’s proof that there are zine, The American Mathematical Monthly, and The
more transcendental numbers than algebraic, the author Mathematical Intelligencer, every mathematician and stu-
eventually returns to continued fractions and, after a dent of mathematics with appropriate background will find
lengthy discussion of what randomness should be, dis- this book to be a valuable resource.
cusses the randomness of the decimal expansion of an
irrational number.
Although Havil does not include all details in his argu- Department of Mathematics
ments, he does include a lot of details. And, as many of the Bucknell University
earlier quotes indicate, the writing is not simple. This is not, Lewisburg, PA 17837
as the book claims, appropriate both for the reader ‘‘who is USA
comfortable with real-variable calculus and its associated e-mail:


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