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Basis of training and development

In training and development it only begins upon boarding of trainee, in training they will
discuss about the things they will do in training like how to handle costumers, how to use tools and what
is it for and in development it is different in training because it only includes seminars like leadership
training, etc.

Involvement of HR in training and development

In training and development HR is not involve in decision making, HR only involve if the
employee is looking for career or job advancements but decisions will only come when they are already
introduced to operations and also the decisions is based by their grade and performance that is being
made b6 their trainers.

Promotion and Transfer

Who decides

The person/s who is making the decisions in the promotion and transfer is the supervisors and
recruitment team only .

Who involve

The persons who are involve in promotion and transfer are supervisor, recruitment team and

Process and Consideration in Promotion and Transfer

First thing in process of promotion and transfer is evaluating their performance on how many calls that
they made, how many issues they resolve, etc. Second one is their matrix that every account has and all
accounts have different categories in matrix that is based on the needs of an account also in transfer
there are qualifications that is need to meet to qualify.

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