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Parts of Speech


An adjective is a word that describes a noun or a pronoun. Adjectives describe how a noun
or pronoun looks, feels, sounds, smells, or tastes. They can also tell size, how many, how
much, or what kind.
Examples: old recipe large rainforest
smooth fabric many relatives
crackling fire several amphibians
burnt leaves first ancestor
yummy ice cream friendly neighbors

Write the adjective that describes the noun that is underlined. Write it after the sentence.
1. The girl wore a hooded sweatshirt.

2. The dark clouds covered the moonlight.

3. The fire was next to the abandoned land.

4. The children liked painting the watercolor pictures.

5. The farmers milked the dairy cows.

6. Mother taught me how to knit in a straight row.

7. We listened to the eerie sounds coming from the attic.

8. A large bat hung on the ceiling of the cave.

9. Grandma loved the dark chocolates and I much preferred the light chocolates.

10. All I know is that it was a very special vacation spent with my wonderful family.

Write one sentence using an adjective that describes how something sounds. Underline the
adjective. Circle the word that the adjective describes.
Parts of Speech

Now it’s your turn. Think of three adjectives that describe these nouns.

1. colorful, arching, double rainbow

2. ocean

3. tornado

4. mountain

5. cheetah

6. crutches

7. chopsticks

8. basketball

9. magazine

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