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Article · April 2023

DOI: 10.1729/Journal.33816


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2 authors:

Tanaji Shivaji Mali Rahul Kalyanrao Deshmukh

Anantrao Pawar College Of Engineering & Research Shikshan Maharshi Guruvarya R.G. Shinde Mahavidyalaya


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Mr.Tanaij S. Mali
Librarian, Anantrao Pawar College of Engineering And Research, Pune.
Dr. Rahul K. Deshmukh
Librarian, S.G.R.G. Shinde Mahavidyalaya,Paranda, Usmanabad


This research article explores the use of Chat GPT in library services, specifically in the context of reference and information
services. Chat GPT is a large language model trained by Open AI that has shown remarkable capabilities in natural language
processing and understanding. The article discusses the potential benefits and challenges of using Chat GPT in library reference
services, such as improving response time, enhancing the quality of responses, and reducing the workload of librarians. The article
also explores the ethical considerations of using Chat GPT, such as issues related to bias and privacy. Chat GPT can be a valuable
tool in library reference services, particularly in handling routine and simple queries. However, it is not a replacement for human
reference librarians, who can provide more nuanced and complex responses. The research also highlights the importance of
transparency and accountability in the use of Chat GPT, as well as the need for ongoing evaluation and improvement. Overall, this
research article contributes to the growing body of literature on the use of artificial intelligence in library services and provides
insights into the potential benefits and challenges of using Chat GPT in reference and information services.

Keywords: ChatGPT, ChatBot, Artificial Intelligence, Library Services, Academia.

Introduction: Artificial intelligence (AI) will revolutionize and it is happening now. The most recent reason? ChatGPT—a newly
available Chatbot AI with pronounced synthesis and language capabilities (OpenAI, 2023). Like previous tech interventions and
platforms, such as Twitter, that revolutionized communication and influenced research and public discourses in the library services.
ChatGPT and its use in the library services must be considered. Here, we introduce ChatGPT, its use library services, Advantages
and Disadvantages, leagel concern ect.

What is ChatGPT: Chat GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) is a language model developed by OpenAI, a research
organization co-founded by Elon Musk and other entrepreneurs, in 2020. ChatGPT is a public tool developed by OpenAI that is
based on the GPT language model technology (Kirmani, 2022). It is a highly sophisticated chatbot that is capable of fulfilling a wide
range of text-based requests, including answering simple questions and completing more advanced tasks such as generating thank
you letters and addressing productivity issues (Liu et al., 2021). ChatGPT is able to do this by leveraging its extensive data stores
and efficient design to understand and interpret user requests, and then generating appropriate responses in nearly natural human
language. In addition to its practical applications, ChatGPT's ability to generate human-like language and complete complex tasks
makes it a significant innovation in the field of natural language processing and artificial intelligence. The concepts behind GPT are
refined through a two-step process: generative, unsupervised pretraining using unlabeled data and discriminative, supervised fine-
tuning to improve performance on specific tasks GPT is able to perform a wide range of language-based tasks, including translation,
question answering, and text generation.

Use of Chat GPT in Library Services:

Use of ChatGPT in Library Services research is a relatively new but promising development. Chat GPT which stands for
"Generative Pretrained Transformer," is a type of artificial intelligence language model that has been trained on vast amounts of text
data and is capable of generating coherent and relevant responses to text inputs. In the context of library services research, Chat GPT
can be used to automate certain tasks such as answering reference questions, providing recommendations for books or articles, and
assisting with information retrieval. This can potentially free up library staff to focus on more complex and personalized patron
interactions, while also providing faster and more efficient service to patrons.

1) Virtual reference services: Chat GPT can be used to provide virtual reference services to library patrons. Patrons can ask questions
through the chatbot and receive answers in real-time, 24/7, without having to wait for a librarian to be available. Chat GPT can be
programmed to provide basic information about library services, collections, and policies, as well as assist with more complex
research questions.

IJCRT2304646 International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT) f264 © 2023 IJCRT | Volume 11, Issue 4 April 2023 | ISSN: 2320-2882

2) Catalog searching: Patrons can use ChatGPT to search the library catalog for books, articles, andother materials. ChatGPT can use
natural language processing to understand user queries and provide relevant search results.
3) Personalized reading recommendations: Chat GPT can be used to provide personalized reading recommendations to patrons based
on their reading history and preferences. By analyzing the books patrons have checked out in the past and their responses to questions
about their reading habits, Chat GPT can suggest books that they may be interested in.
4) Collection development: Chat GPT can be used to assist librarians in collection development by analyzing patron queries to identify
topics and subjects that are in high demand. Chat GPT can also be used to analyze data on book circulation and popular trends in
order to identify areas where the library's collection could be expanded or updated.
5) Language translation: Chat GPT can be used to provide language translation services to patrons. By integrating Chat GPT with
translation tools, patrons can communicate with the library in their native language, and the chatbot can provide responses in the
language of their choice.
6) Book recommendations: ChatGPT can analyze user reading preferences and recommend books based on those preferences. This
can be useful for users who are looking for new reading material or are unsure of what to read next.
7) Interactive tutorials: ChatGPT can be used to provide interactive tutorials on library resources and services. For example, it can
guide patrons through the process of accessing electronic resources, such as databases and e-books.
8) Chatbot for FAQs: ChatGPT can be trained to answer frequently asked questions (FAQs) about the library's policies, services,
hours, and other information.
9) Reader's advisory: ChatGPT can be used to provide personalized reading recommendations to library users based on their reading
preferences, genres, and authors.
10) Provide Accessibility to disabled Patorns: ChatGPT can be used to provide accessibility services for patrons with disabilities. For
example, ChatGPT could be used to provide audio descriptions of visual content or to provide transcripts of video content.
11) Language learning: ChatGPT can be used to provide language learning resources and practice exercises. Patrons could interact
with ChatGPT to receive suggestions for language learning materials or to practice speaking and writing in a new language.
12) Recommender systems: Chat GPT can also be used to recommend books, articles, and other library resources based on patrons'
interests and previous search history. This can improve the discoverability of library resources and make it easier for patrons to find
what they're looking for.
13) Promote Library Programs: ChatGPT can be used to promote library programs and events, such as book clubs, author talks, and
workshops. Patrons could interact with ChatGPT to learn more about upcoming events and register to attend.
14) Outreach and Engagement: ChatGPT can help libraries engage with patrons through social media platforms, providing instant
responses to messages and comments.

Advantages of ChatGPT using library service: ChatGPT can benefit greatly from using library services in several ways,
1. Access to a wide range of information: Libraries offer a vast array of books, journals, articles, and other resources on
various topics. By using library services, ChatGPT can access this information, which can help it provide more accurate and
detailed answers to users' questions.
2. Time-saving: Instead of spending a significant amount of time searching for information on the internet, ChatGPT can
use library services to quickly access relevant and reliable sources.
3. 24/7 support: ChatGPT can provide 24/7 support to library users, even when physical libraries are closed.
4. Quality information: Libraries are known for providing quality information from reliable sources. This can help
ChatGPT avoid providing inaccurate or misleading information to users.
5. Up-to-date information: Libraries constantly update their collections with new information, making it possible for
ChatGPT to access the latest research and trends on various topics.
6. Research Assistance: Many libraries offer research assistance services that can help ChatGPT with more complex
questions or research projects.
7. Collaborative Opportunities: Libraries often have collaborative spaces where individuals can work together on projects
or share knowledge. ChatGPT can
8. Multi-lingual support: Many libraries offer resources in multiple languages, which can help ChatGPT provide responses
in different languages and expand its user base.
9. Access to specialized resources: Libraries often have resources that are not readily available on the internet, such as rare
books, manuscripts, and archives. These resources can be invaluable to ChatGPT in providing unique and specialized information.

Disadvantages of ChatGPT using library service:

1. Reduced critical thinking: Adopting ChatGPT can lead to a decrease in critical thinking abilities. This is because the model can
rapidly and simply deliver information and respond to inquiries, potentially eliminating the need for people to engage in independent
critical thought and problem-solving. Furthermore, if the model's information is reliable and accurate, it can cause people to believe
erroneous information without checking it.
2. Dependency on third-party services: ChatGPT's ability to function and deliver results is reliant on external libraries and services,
which may be subject to downtime or changes in their APIs. If any of these services go down or become unavailable, ChatGPT's
functionality may be affected.
3. Privacy and security concerns: ChatGPT's use of third-party services may raise concerns around data privacy and security. If
sensitive information is shared with ChatGPT, it may be processed and stored by these external services, which could potentially
expose it to security risks or data breaches.
4. Limitations in customization: ChatGPT's use of external services may limit the extent to which it can be customized or tailored to
specific use cases. The services it relies on may have their own limitations and constraints, which may prevent ChatGPT from
providing the most optimal or relevant responses to certain queries.
5. Cost: Some external libraries and services may come at a cost, which may make it difficult for smaller organizations or individuals
to use ChatGPT to its full potential.

IJCRT2304646 International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT) f265 © 2023 IJCRT | Volume 11, Issue 4 April 2023 | ISSN: 2320-2882

6. Plagiarism: Using ChatGPT to generate text can make it easier for researchers to engage in plagiarism by presenting text generated
by the model as their work. AI-powered writing tools can make plagiarism-free text or less plagiarism by paraphrasing.

Overall, the use of Chat GPT in library services has the potential to revolutionize the way libraries operate and interact with patrons.
However, it is important to also consider the potential ethical implications and limitations of using AI in these contexts.


ChatGPT can be a useful tool in library services particularly in areas related to natural language processing, text analysis, and user
engagement. Its ability to generate coherent and contextually relevant responses to user queries can enhance the effectiveness of
library Chatbot’s and virtual assistants, which are becoming increasingly important in providing online services to library patrons.
In addition, ChatGPT can be used to analyze large volumes of text data generated by user interactions with library services. This can
help identify patterns in user behavior, preferences, and needs, which can inform the development of more personalized and effective
library services. Overall, ChatGPT has the potential to transform the way library services are delivered and evaluated, and can play
an important role in improving user satisfaction and engagement. However, it is important to note that the use of ChatGPT should
be complemented with other research methods to ensure a comprehensive and accurate understanding of user needs and preferences.

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Mr.Tanaji S. Mali Dr.Deshmukh R.K
A.B.M.S.P’s Anantrao Pawar
College of Engineering and S.G.R.G. Shinde Mahavidyalaya,
Research, Pune. Paranda Osmanabad
MA, MLib&Isc. NET, SET M.A,M.Lib&I.Sc, M.phil (Marathi,

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