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"No one is an island" is a very common adage which simply implies that everyone communicates
with one another whether through words, through body movements, or through the eyes alone.
Putting ideas across to another is part of our daily activities, be it in business, personal, or social
Advanced technology of today enables us to communicate easily with someone in another
country or to conduct business meetings with persons coming from more than three countries
talking together through overseas calls. This is how sophisticated the communication system is.
Communication is now more direct, fast and easy People are very time-conscious. Socializing is
limited. Abbreviated words like disco for discotheque, antique for an antiquated, info for
information, memo for memorandum are used to save time and effort.
Communication is a reciprocal process through which individuals create and share meaning It
offers opportunities for one to know more about the other person.
Ideas are communicated on a give and take basis,
Gestures and eye contact are very useful especially in conversations. According to Elsie Young,
conversation through talking is a muscular as well as mental activity because the whole body is
involved. Gestures do a great deal to the conversation as well as to the expression and projection
of one's personality. One need not be afraid of gesturing as one talks if it helps in emphasizing
and clarifying what one is saying Shrugs, head nodding, change of posture, and hand gesture can
help in expressing oneself. However, aimless gesture will not aid one's effectiveness.
The senders and receivers each communicate interactions which build on past experiences and
influence future interactions.

life. They are instinctive A baby can indicate hunger, displeasure, pain or happiness. Non-verbal
communication may be indicated through facial expression, eye contact, gestures, postures,
spatial distances or any form of kinetic movement. They are more emotional and natural
demonstrations of what one wants to convey.
Communication contains information and defines a relationship. The level of relationship may be
casual, friendly, or intimate. How important the information is and how trustworthy the receiver
is to the sender will determine the level of relationship established.

Communication is irreparable and unrepeatable. Once words or messages are uttered, they
cannot be swallowed back by the sender. The impact and repercussions of what have been said to
another cannot be retracted anymore and whatever damage done can no longer be undone.
Communication is irreparable and unrepeatable. Once words or messages are uttered, they
cannot be swallowed back by the sender. The impact and repercussions of what have been said to
another cannot be retracted anymore and whatever damage done can no longer be undone.

Pointers in Communication
Most writers on etiquette are one in their view that an ideal conversation is an exchange of
thought and not a show of elegance in speech. The ability to express one's thoughts and feelings
is sufficient for ordinary conversation.
Myers et. al. (1973) states that a very common barrier to communication is the "allness" attitude.
It can get in the way of learning and can mislead us into thinking that we have heard or observed
all that is needed to know.
In a particular conversation, for example, attitudes munt a lot - that is, how we behave in a given
situation. To be successful in imparting our knowledge in conversational setups, there are certain
considerations that we have put into practice, which may include the following
1. We should show solidarity by raising others' status and giving help and rewards.
2. We should release our tension by joking, laughing, and showing satisfaction.
3 We should show agreement by showing passive acceptance and understanding.
4. We should give suggestions or opinions and make for some, as well.
5. We should give or add information
6. We should hear others out before judging them
7. We should listen for main ideas, principles, and concepts before arriving at any conclusion.

Listening, in fact, is the first rule in conversation. Listening means respecting the other and
giving him/her importance. Conversation should be a matter of equal give-and-take. The voluble
person monopolizes the conversation without giving a chance to others. "Stop, look, listen" is
excellent advice. To stop means not to rush ahead; to look means to pay attention to the
expression of the person. Be a good listener. This is an important quality of a good

Developing Leadership
Strong personality connotes leadership. No one can become a leader if he does not rise above the
average individual, if he does not have the control of his temper and emotions and he does not
have the skill of leading other people. A leader is a person who can guide others. He is a model
for others in conduct, opinion, and undertakings. He is more acceptable than any other member
in the group because he can understand the roles to be played by a person better than anyone

Personal Attributes of a Leader

Usually, a leader has more personal attributes than an ordinary member. He should excel in many
aspects than the rest. It may be in general intelligence, personal- ity, and in his goals of serving
other people. The following factors are the most important attributes in a leader
Competence- Correct decisions and actions at the right time and situation.

Credibility - Actions done are consistent, fair, and just.

Creativity- Provides participants with a high morale and new techniques of doing things.
Common goals - Attention to the overriding goals.

Dynamism - Open mindedness for change. Change must bring about improvement, progress,
creativity, insight, foresight, and a macro perspective outlook in the future.

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