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Michael’s School
Ls 7 Adaptations in Plants

I. Vocabulary:

1. adaptation 9. evergreen trees

2. suitable 10. deciduous
3. terrestrial 11. mangrove
4. deserts 12. clayey
5. conifers 13. aquatic
6. submerged 14. insectivorous
7. Venus flytrap 15. pitcher
8. Fungi 16. mould

II. Answer the following questions:

1. Some desert plants have roots that grow very deep into the
soil. Why?
A.The deep roots of the desert plants are useful to get the
smallest amount of water.

2. Why do some trees lose their leaves in winter?

A.Some trees lose their leaves in winter to protect
themselves from the cold.

3. Why do some plants eat insects?

A.Some plants grow in soil that is poor in minerals. In order
to get minerals, they trap and eat insects.

4. Where do mushrooms and moulds grow?

A.Mushrooms and moulds grow and live on other plants, dead
animals or dead plants and stale food.

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