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Practical skills

1. Determination of types of temperature curves in case of fever of different etiology.

2. Study of blood smears in acute posthaemorrhagic anemia.
3. Study of blood smears in Vitamin B-12 deficiency anemia.
4. Study of blood smears in hemolytic anemia.
5. Determination of reticulocytes in blood in anaemies of different etiology.
6. Determination of hemoglobin amount.
7. Determination of blood colour index in anaemies.
8. Blood smears in case of acute leukemia.
9. Blood smears in chronic myeloblast leukemia.
10. Blood smears in chronic lymphocyte leukemia.
11. Calculation of leucocyte number and leukocyte formula in anaemies.
12. Determination of neutrophile nucleus change in different diseases.
13. Determination of erythrocyte sedimentation rate in different diseases.
14. Determination of the hematocrite value of blood.
15. Determination of protein in blood plasma and lymph by refractometer.
16. Determination of the time of recalcificftion of plasma.
17. Determination of prothrombine time.
18. Determination of osmotic resistance of erythrocytes.
19. Determination of types of gastric secretion in different gastrointestinal diseases.
20. Determination of pathological compounds in urine.

Зав. каф. патофизиологии, клинической патофизиологии,

д.м.н., проф. Л.Н. Рогова

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