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In groups of 5 or fewer write two algorithms that can be used to solve the same real-life

task/problem. One of the algorithms will be recursive, and the other non-recursive.

The algorithm should adhere to the characteristics of algorithms including being nonambiguous,
and finite among others.

Word Frequency Counter

This program analyzes the text in a document and keeps track of how many times a particular
word appears within it.

Recursive Algorithm
function word_frequency_counter_recursive(document, target_word):
if document is empty:
return 0
words = split document into words
if first word in words is equal to target_word:
return 1 + word_frequency_counter_recursive(rest of words, target_word)
return word_frequency_counter_recursive(rest of words, target_word)

● Has recursive calls
● Has a base case(if document is empty)
● Utlizes subproblem decomposition

Explained Algorithm

Building Blocks:

​ Input Parameters: The algorithm takes two input parameters:

● document: The document containing the word we want to count.
● target_word: The specific word intended for counting within the document.
​ Base Case: The algorithm starts with a base case to terminate the recursion:
● if document is empty: If the document is empty, it returns 0, signifying that there
are no occurrences of the target word in the remaining text.
if document is empty:
return 0
​ Recursive Case: When the document is not empty, the algorithm proceeds with the
recursive case:
● words = split document into words: The document is split into individual words,
creating a list of words.
words = split document into words
● if first word in words is equal to target_word:: It checks if the first word in the list
of words is equal to the target word.
if first word in words is equal to target_word:

● If the condition is met, it returns 1 + word_frequency_counter_recursive(rest of

words, target_word). This means that it found an occurrence of the target word,
and it continues to search for more occurrences in the rest of the words.
return 1 + word_frequency_counter_recursive(rest of words, target_word)
● If the condition is not met, it returns word_frequency_counter_recursive(rest of
words, target_word) without incrementing the count. This signifies that it didn't
find the target word in the current word but continues to search in the rest of the
return word_frequency_counter_recursive(rest of words, target_word)

NonRecursive Algorithm
function word_frequency_counter_non_recursive(document, target_word):
words = split document into words
word_count = 0
for each word in words:
if word is equal to target_word:
increment word_count
return word_count

Explained Algorithm:

Building Blocks:
​ Input Parameters: The algorithm takes two input parameters:
● document: The document containing the word we want to count.
● target_word: The specific word intended for counting within the document.
​ Base Case: The algorithm starts with a base case to terminate the recursion:
● if document is empty:: If the document is empty, it returns 0, signifying that there
are no occurrences of the target word in the remaining text.
if document is empty:
return 0

​ Main Logic (Non-Recursive): When the document is not empty, the algorithm proceeds
with the main logic in a non-recursive manner:
● words = split document into words: The document is split into individual words,
creating a list of words.

words = split document into words

● word_count = 0: Initialize a variable word_count to 0. This variable will be used to
keep track of the number of occurrences of the target word.

word_count = 0

● for each word in words:: The algorithm iterates through each word in the list of

for each word in words:

● if word is equal to target_word:: For each word, it checks if the word is equal to
the target_word.

if word is equal to target_word:

● increment word_count: If the condition is met (the word is equal to the
target_word), it increments the word_count by 1, indicating that an occurrence of
the target word is found.

increment word_count

​ Return Result: After processing all the words in the document, the algorithm returns the
final word_count, which represents the total number of occurrences of the target_word in
the document.

return word_count

This non-recursive algorithm relies on iteration and a counter toscan the document sequentially,
word by word, and to keep track of occurrences.


● Utilizes iteration to solve the problem instead of subproblem decomposition

● Has no recursive calls
● Uses a loop (for each word in words) for sequential processing.
● Terminates loop on exit condition
➔ Recursive Algorithm relies on recursion and subproblem decomposition, while non
recursive; uses iteration and a loop for sequential processing.

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