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Adventist University of the Philippines




Science comes up with lots of branches that one would never get tired of discussing
with one another. Various of these topics include lessons starting from natural up to physical
aspects. It is something that is full of wonders. There are still many things for people to discover
of our world. Anatomy, physiology, and the female reproductive are just some of what this
subject offers. It is very important for one to have knowledge of these aspects, more so as it
provides concepts that are very helpful for people’s everyday lives. Having full knowledge about
these makes it convenient for one to process certain events and consequences connecting to
various scientific topics.

People only take a short amount of time before they can find and have close
relationships with various of people. Friends, peers, colleagues, family, and a special someone
are some of the relationships one may acquire in their whole lifetime. Love on the other hand is
something that takes more than average time for it to blossom, and in times that such
relationship has been deepened, one considers for marriage. Couples that are married,
especially Christians, believe that sex is a very valuable gift that one has received from God, and
should be considered as a sacred act. One must take this gift seriously as such shouldn’t be
rushed and abused. It was given for people to cherish, and in such process comes great
responsibility, as such actions bears great love, one thing that a couple should be grateful for.

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