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Why digital revolution now ? -aller au big data

o Data abundance
=> Increasing pace & scale (=rythme et ampleur) of
o Unprecedented computing power digital innovation
o Ubiquitous (= omniprésence) Connectivity => This brought to the conception of “digital
o Adavanced Algorithms business modes”.

3 grandes etapes :

Etapes detaillés:
- Generation : genere data
- Collect data : prend et stock
- Analytic
- Exchange: interpreter pour transformer en info utile pour la production

How to analyze digital business model ?

4 components :
- Value Model
- Tech Model
- Distribution Model
- Financial Model

- Mission : What’s the LT hard prbl you’re solving ?

- Vision : How do you get closer to achieve this hard prbl in the ST ?
- Value Proposition : What use cases do we prioritize, as they are in target with our customers
needs ?
- R&D Management : How do you handle engineering resources : to sustain continuous
innovation for business model expansion / to promote breakthrough innovation for business
model reinvention ?
- Marketing & Sales : How do we communicate and sell the products to the right audience ?
- Partnerships : Why do we partner with to expand our customer base ?
- Deal making : What deals do we close that help us gel to our audience ?
- Product engineering : How do we enable built-in features that helps us distribute the product ?

- Revenue generation : How does the company make money ?

- Cost structure : How does the company spend money to make money ? (cost of sales)
- Profitability : Is the company profitable
- Cash generation : Is the company cash positive ?

Technology Hands-On : techno haut potential qu’on veut garder pour dev smart city
Game-Changers in 4IR for emerging cities
 Regenerative cities : intelligently responding to catastrophic risk (Internet of things, AI,
Blockchain, Advanced materials, 3D printers...)
 Adaptive cities : making the most of multifunctional space (Internet of things, AI, drones,
robots, Bioengineering...)
 Seamless(transparente): connecting people and places (Internet of things, AI, Blockchain,
Autonomous vehicles...)
 Empowered cities : optimizing urban energy systems (Internet of things, AI, drones, robots,
Advanced materials, Blockchain)
 Living cities : Advancing circular resource management (Internet of things, AI, Blockchain,
bioengineering, 3D printers...)

3 Vs of big data

Big data is normal today (since 2014, seen as new) bc today anyone using big data, we generate too
much information and big data

Small data = hard to make AI

Big data = more solid AI
Data visualization may not be important / relevant when algorithmic machines make decisions.
Big data and privacy
It’s not bc you have data that you can use them as you wish (I have many information about my client
that I can share it)
GDPR = regulation (general data protection regulation)
For instance, you may ask for people’s phone nbrs to enable 2 factor authentication, but you can only
use the phone nrb for that purpose. You can’t use it for audience targeting or segmentation.
The GDPR requires explicit affirmative consent to gather personal data. (requiert
Data governance
The bigger the data, the harder to take care of them:

Data Value Chain :

Data mining:
The analysis of data from different perspectives and the act of transforming this data into useful
information establishing relationships between the data or by spotting patterns.
This information can be:
- used by businesses to increase revenue or reduce costs.
- to better understand a customer  establish better marketing strategies.
=> increase my sales, turnover, create a new product
Business intelligence:
technological process of analyzing data and presenting information to help business
leaders, managers and other end-users = make informed business decisions
Business Intelligence encompasses(englobe) a wide variety of tools, applications and
methodologies that enable organizations to collect data from internal systems and external

This data is then prepared for analysis to create reports, dashboards and other tools to
make analytical results available to decision makers and operations.

=> make our business more intelligent, propose some report, make some dashboard to manager

Data Analytics: From Opinion to Action

Technologies and sustainability :

Help the people and support the project
Data in the Cloud
How people move big data from on-premises to the Cloud ?
One of the leaders in this market is Amazon with their AWS (Amazon Web Services). Out of
many products, they have introduced the AWS Snowball, a device that you receive on-
premises and you load data with to send it back to Amazon and have your data transferred
into the Cloud.

SESSION 6 : Cloud computing & AI for sustainability

Cloud computing
This is the greener option :
- no need to own and maintain physical hardware
- no need to worry about disposing or recycling

This is the smarter use of energy:

- only use (and pay for) what you need
- no need of over- provision ‘just in case’ : the cloud can expand or contract
depending on your usage

o Trouble is the boom in cloud computing means more energy is needed for data centres : ex As
of mid-2020 there were 541 hyper-scale data centers worldwide,  need
uninterrupted energy (for processing and cooling) because of 24h service

Major tech players have ambitious plans :

> Google has offset all historical emissions since its founding in 1998 and pledges to operate
on completely carbon-free energy, 24h/day, by 2030.
> Big cloud providers can be your best net zero friend – thanks to their scale and resources
to shift market trends and help meet targets.
>>>> Make sure you understand where your cloud provider stands
Big companies try to make hardware that are more eco-friendly

What is Net-Zero ? net-zero carbon dioxide emissions.

Companies have to take action before it’s too late. They adhere to such initiatives because:
- They are paid less taxes + more advantages (incentive)
- They know it’ll soon be an obligation

Cloud-based solutions can also help manage sustainability-related issues

Artificial intelligence
AI has the potential to produce significant and impactful carbon emissions

One American study proves that training an

AI model for NLP (Natural Language
Processing) has a Carbon footprint which is
5x larger of the Carbon footprint to
manufacture a car and fuel it for a whole

> Cloud and AI help us a lot and can be good allies to help with environmental
sustainability, it cost a lot

AI can also be a positive contributor to environmental sustainability in many industries:

® Precision Agriculture
® Sustainable supply chains
® Enhanced weather and disaster prediction and response
Session 7 : Digital innovation & Digital transformation
Transformation can lead to innovation / Innovation can lead to transformation
=> This mutually causal relationship is often overlooked. (negligé) = thought to mean the same thing
but NOT

Innovation is the start of something great.

Transformation: What happens after—the implementation process following that first spark of

70% of all digital transformation initiatives don’t reach their goals : on arrive pas a faire transfo
Why? Digital technologies provide possibilities for efficiency gains and customer intimacy.
- lack the right mindset to change
- the current organizational practices are flawed (defectueuse)
 digital transformation will simply amplify those flaws.

Digital Transformation is NOT (just) about technology !

o Lesson 1: determine your business strategy bf you invest in anything
o Lesson 2: Leverage insiders
o Lesson 3: Design customer experience from the outside in
o Lesson 4: Recognize employees’ fear of being replaced
o Lesson 5: Bring Silicon Valley start-up culture inside

Session 8 : IT management simulation : Cyber Attack !

Advice :
- Keep it rational
- Avoid wishful thinking (recroire que ya pas de risqué de cyber)) or fixating on your initial
- Preserve the environment for diagnosis
- Don’t shut down in panic
- Keep the diagnosis and response in the right order
- Draw on your team’s resources
- Avoir distractions
- Keep track of what you do and don’t know (garder une trace)
Innovating with digital security in mind

Session 9 : Privacy

Workforce diversity

Diversity and inclusion : one of the biggest challenges facing the tech industry today.

A study has shown the 2 biggest barriers for woman in tech :

- lack of mentors
- lack of female role models.

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