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[Your Name] [Your Address] [City, State, ZIP Code] [Email Address] [Phone

Number] [Date]

[CEO's Name] [Company Name] [Company Address] [City, State, ZIP Code]

Dear [CEO's Name],

I hope this letter finds you in excellent health and spirits. I am writing to you
today with a request that I believe can be mutually beneficial to both myself and
[Company Name]. As I approach my official retirement date at the end of June
2023, I am seeking your permission to continue working for an additional three
months, until the end of September 2023. I believe that this extension of my
tenure will provide significant synergistic benefits to our organization due to my
extensive experience and deep commitment to [Company Name].

Over the past [Number of Years] years, I have had the privilege of working with
incredible colleagues and contributing to the growth and success of our
company. My journey at [Company Name] has been an incredible learning
experience, and I am deeply grateful for the opportunities and trust that you and
the entire leadership team have placed in me.

The decision to retire was not one that I took lightly, and it has been driven by a
desire to spend more time with my family and pursue personal interests.
However, as I contemplate stepping away from the workforce, I cannot ignore
the wealth of knowledge, expertise, and relationships I have built during my time
at [Company Name]. It is this very reservoir of experience that I believe can be
harnessed for the greater good of our company.

Here are some key reasons why I believe an extension of my tenure would be
advantageous for both parties:

1. Knowledge Transfer: As one of the longest-serving employees, I have

accumulated an extensive knowledge base about our industry, clients, and
internal processes. This knowledge can be invaluable in mentoring and
training younger employees, ensuring a smooth transition and continuity
in various projects.
2. Client Relations: Over the years, I have fostered strong relationships with
many of our key clients. My continued presence in the company can help
maintain and strengthen these relationships, which is vital for our business
development and long-term sustainability.

3. Leadership and Mentorship: I have had the privilege of leading and
working with numerous teams during my tenure. By extending my stay, I
can provide mentorship to emerging leaders and help them navigate
complex challenges, ultimately benefiting our company's leadership
4. Problem Solving: My experience has equipped me with a unique
perspective on problem-solving, enabling me to offer insights and
solutions to complex issues that may arise during my extended tenure.
5. Project Continuity: Many ongoing projects and initiatives will benefit
from a smooth transition. My continued involvement can ensure that these
projects stay on track and maintain the high standards that [Company
Name] is known for.

I understand that an extension of my retirement date is not a decision to be

taken lightly, and I am fully committed to ensuring that my presence during this
period is productive and aligns with the goals and values of [Company Name]. I
am also open to flexible arrangements, reduced hours, or specific projects to
make the transition as seamless as possible.

Moreover, I want to assure you that I am fully aware of the importance of

succession planning and will work closely with HR and department heads to
identify and groom suitable successors for my role during this period.

I am ready and willing to discuss this proposal further at your convenience. I

truly believe that by allowing me to continue my service for an additional three
months, [Company Name] can tap into a wealth of experience that will be
invaluable during this transitional period.

Thank you for considering my request. I look forward to the opportunity to

discuss this matter with you in person and explore how my extended tenure can
be a win-win for all stakeholders involved.


[Your Name]

[Employee ID or Department] [Current Position]

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