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Training and development refers to educational activities within a company created to enhance the

knowledge and skills of employees while providing information and instruction on how to better
perform specific tasks.


Once employees are on board, the employer must train them. The purpose of this chapter is to
increase your effectiveness in training employees.


Training means giving new or current employees the skills that they need to perform their jobs.
General speaking: The effort to increase the knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs) of employees
and managers so that they can better do their jobs

The employer’s strategic plans should guide its long-range training goals. In essence, the task is to
identify the employee behaviors the firm will need to execute its strategy, and then from that, decide
what competencies employees will need. Then, put in place training goals and programs to instill
these competencies.


The complaint was made by the customer since he/she did not experience value for money, i.e. felt
that your restaurant charges were higher compared to your competitor's charges and that the overall
experience did not match the prices you charged.


Training and development programs provide a host of benefits. They enhance employee
performance, boost employee productivity, reduce employee turnover, and improve company
culture. Explore the importance of training and development programs for employees and employers
by pursuing a career in human resources.

Globalization of business requires new knowledge and skills

Redesign of work brings need for new skills


The goal of training is for employees to:

master the knowledge, skill, and behaviors emphasized in training programs, and

apply them to their day-to-day activities


Improved bottom line, efficiency and profitability

Increased flexibility in employees who can assume different and varied responsibilities

Reduced layers of management

Makes employees more accountable for results

Training is short term, task oriented and targeted on achieving a change of attitude, skills and
knowledge in a specific area. It is usually job related.

Education is a lifetime investment. It tends to be initiated by a person in the area of his/her interest

Development is a long term investment in human resources.


If we follow the GAP concept, training is simply a means to use activities to fill the gaps of
performance between the actual results and the expected results.

Attitudes are employee belief and opinions that support or inhibit behavior. • Attitudes are
important to training because they affect motivation. • A competency is a set of knowledge, skills
and attitudes that enable a person to be successful at a number of similar task. • A competency is
more than just KSAs: It is the ability to integrate and use the KSAs to perform a task successfully.

Knowledge is a prerequisite for learning skills. Skills are the capacities needed to perform a set of
tasks that are developed as a result of training and experience. There are two levels of skill
acquisition. 1. Compilation (Lower level) – He needs to think about what he is doing while he is
performing the skill. 2. Automaticity (Higher level) - He is able to perform the skill without really
thinking about what he is doing. Skills

Knowledge is an organized body of facts, principles, procedures and information acquired over time.
1. Declarative knowledge is a person’s store of factual information about a subject. 2. Procedural
knowledge is a person’s understanding about how and when to apply the facts that have been
learned. 3. Strategic knowledge is used for planning, monitoring and revising goal – directed
behavior. Knowledge


attitude change is difficult – most people are highly resistant to persuasion. This is especially true
when a short-term attempt at changing a person's view is made.


1. Learning should permit and encourage active participation of the learner.

Participation improves motivation and apparently engages more senses that reinforce the
learning process. As a result of participation, people learn more quickly and retain that
learning longer.

2. An important principle of the learning is to provide the learner with the opportunity for
practice and repetition. To gain the full benefit of training learned behaviors must be
overlearned to ensure smooth performance and minimum of forgetting at a later date.

3. Learning is helped when the material to be learned is meaningful. The learning should be
problem-centered rather than content centered.

4. Transfer of training occurs when trainees can apply the knowledge and skills learned in
training course to their jobs. If the learning in one setting does not transfer to the actual job
situation, the training has failed.
5. Feedback gives learners information on their progress. Performance feedback is a necessary
prerequisite for learning. Feedback improves performance not only by helping learners
correct their mistakes but also by providing reinforcement for learning.


The Systematic Approach to Training (SAT) is a methodology for managing training programs. ... The
systematic approach to training ensures that people are prepared for their work by having the
necessary knowledge, skills, and attitudes to do their job. SAT begins with identifying people's work
related needs.



The training needs analysis may address the employer's strategic/longer term training needs. How
you analyze current training needs depends on whether you're training new or current employees.
Managers use task analysis to identify new employees' training needs, and performance analysis to
assess current employee performance.

Task analysis – Is a detailed study of the job to determine what specific skills (like reading
spreadsheets for a clerk) the job requires. For task analysis, job descriptions and job specifications
are essential.

Performance Analysis –is the process of verifying that there is a performance deficiency and
determining whether the employer should correct such deficiencies through training or some other
means (like transferring the employee).


The training needs analysis may address the employer's strategic/longer term training needs. How
you analyze current training needs depends on whether you're training new or current employees.
Managers use task analysis to identify new employees' training needs, and performance analysis to
assess current employee performance.

Task analysis – Is a detailed study of the job to determine what specific skills (like reading
spreadsheets for a clerk) the job requires. For task analysis, job descriptions and job specifications
are essential.

Performance Analysis –is the process of verifying that there is a performance deficiency and
determining whether the employer should correct such deficiencies through training or some other
means (like transferring the employee).


Program development means actually assembling the program’s training content and materials. It
means choosing the specific content the program will present, as well as designing/choosing the
specific instructional methods (lectures, cases, Web-based, and so on) you will use.


On-the job-training (OJT)

On-the-job training is exactly what it sounds like. You get the job and then you learn how to do it
while you’re working.
Off -the job-training

In house, training or classroom

External, consultancies or attending external classes

Independent bodies, such as government talks

Distance learning, from books or notes

Computer-assisted learning

Interactive-video training

Video conferencing, same as classroom except teachers and students are in different locations.


Integral part of overall training program

Provides feedback on effectiveness of training program

Evaluation criteria should be established in tandem with and equal to training objectives

Three Levels of Evaluation

1. Immediate Feedback

 Survey or interview directly after training

2. Post-Training Test

 Trainee applying learned tasks in workplace?

3. Post-Training Appraisals

 Conducted by immediate supervisors of trainees


Training Effects to Measure (Taxonomy Modle is one of the most widely used methods for evaluating
the effectiveness of corporate training programs) .

The manager can measure four basic categories of training outcomes or effects:

1. Reaction. Evaluate trainees’ reactions to the program. Did they like the program? Did they think it
is worthwhile?

2. Learning. Test the trainees to determine whether they learned the principles, skills, and facts they
were supposed to learn.

3. Behavior. Ask whether the trainees’ on-the-job behavior changed because of the training
program. For example, are employees in the store’s complaint department more courteous toward
disgruntled customers?

4. Results. Most important, ask, “What results did we achieve, in terms of the training objectives
previously set?” For example, did the number of customer complaints diminish? Reactions, learning,
and behavior are important. But if the training program doesn’t produce measurable performance-
related results, then it probably hasn’t achieved its goals.

Response to exercise 2

If you are the manager of a factory with 500 employees, you have at least two or more levels of
supervisors between you and the workers. They should be monitoring the need for training.

If not, the following will alert you to the need for training:


Simulation exercises

When students use a model of behavior to gain a better understanding of that behavior, they are
doing a simulation. For example: When students are assigned roles as buyers and sellers of some
good and asked to strike deals to exchange the good, they are learning about market behavior by
simulating a market.

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