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Dear Parent/Guardian:

The grade 11 leadership class will be joining the grade 7s once a week to participate in a Teen
Mentorship program developing at Wainwright High School. In the program, grade sevens will
be matched with a grade 11 mentor to meet with at the school. The volunteer will act as a role
model, a friendly face, and a source of encouragement. The activities between the mentee and
the mentor will be closely monitored and structured by Mrs. Grunow and Mr. White. The school
feels that all children greatly benefit from having positive role models in their lives. We hope that
the mentoring program will lead to increased academic performance, self-esteem, and
emotional development for all students involved.

The mentors for our program are in the Leadership 11 class and will be mentored themselves by
Mrs. Grunow and Mr. White. We respect your role as a parent/guardian and encourage you to
ask about the mentor and be involved in the development of their relationship.

As your child goes through the program, the supervisors will collect and monitor mentee and
mentor feedback and reflections. Information collected in this process will be correlated with
information that we receive annually on Our School and APORI surveys. All information
gathered about the effect of the relationship on your child’s school performance is strictly for the
purposes of evaluating the program and will be kept confidential.

We feel that these relationships will positively increase the quality of education in our school. If
you would like your child to participate in the program, talk about it with him/her. If he/she is
comfortable with the idea of having a mentor, please grant your permission by signing below.
Mrs. Grunow or Mr. White will soon be in contact with you about your child’s new mentor.

Thank you for your time. We hope this program will be of great benefit to everyone involved.

Eryn White
Vice Principal, Wainwright High School
I give permission for my child, ___________________________________, to participate in the
Teen Mentorship program at Wainwright High School. I understand the nature and purpose of
the school’s mentoring efforts and reserve the right to withdraw my child from the program at
any time.

__________________________________ _________________
Parent/Guardian Signature Date

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