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Perspective of aging- mental, and social changes in people as

they age; The investigation of changes in

CONCEPTS OF AGING society resulting from our aging
Chronologic aging- In other words, the population.
number of days, months, or year’s a
Geriatrics – Some Older adults have a
person has been alive
unique set of issues and concerns which
Biologic aging- it is the age of our cells it geriatric clinicians are trained to focus
tells our real age depending on how the upon.
aging process has affected us.
Gerontologic nursing – Gerontological
Psychologic aging - Psychological age nursing, then, is the aspect of gerontology
is how old one feels, acts, and behaves, that falls within the discipline of nursing
and is thus not necessarily equal to and the scope of nursing practice. It
chronological age, which is age since birth involves nurses advocating for the health
[1]. A person can therefore have a of older persons at all levels of prevention.
psychological age that exceeds their The scope of practice for gerontological
chronological age if they are mature or at nursing includes all older adults from the
least feel older than they really are time of “old age” until death.

Social aging - refers to an individual’s Geriatric nursing- Geriatric nurses work at

changing roles and relationships with healthcare facilities like nursing homes,
family friends and other informal supports hospitals, hospices and home healthcare
productive roles and within organizations service providers to care for elderly
patients, who have a higher risk of
Cognitive aging - is a natural process in developing chronic health conditions and
which older adults typically experience diseases such as osteoporosis, arthritis,
decline in many functions, such as congestive heart failure, Alzheimer’s
memory, that can negatively impact their disease, cancer and diabetes. Geriatric
quality of life nurses help patients cope with and
prevent these types of issues.

Elderly –
Aging - aging to refer to the passing of
Today, the older age group is often divided
time for an individual
into the young old (ages 65–74), the
Ageism - Examples of ageism - asking for middle old (ages 75–84), and the old old
someone's age at a job interview when it (ages 85 and up).
is not relevant to the work.
Senior citizens - is anyone of retirement
Gerontology -is the study of aging age or a person that has reached age 62
processes and individuals across the life or older
course. It includes: The study of physical,
Old - Is the amount of time that has “as negative or positive stereotypes,
passed from your birth to the given date prejudices and/or discrimination against
(or to the advantage of) elderly people on
the basis of their chronological age or on
the basis of a perception of them as being
AGING IS A DEVELOPMENT PROCESS “old” or “elderly”.” (2009)
Examples of Ageism:
Aging refers to the gradual and 1. Workplace Discrimination- The
progressive decline in physiological concept of ageism was first developed to
functions and the increased vulnerability refer to prejudices and discrimination
to disease and death that occurs over against older people in workplaces.
time. (Loreto, 2000)
A development process, it’s a process 2. Stereotypes
whose specific outcome is the progression
of an integrated living unit. Positive Stereotypes may include:
Aging is a development process because - Older people are nice, warm and friendly
it involves various changes in the
-They have lots of knowledge and wisdom
physical, mental, emotional and social
aspects of an individual from an initial -They are free to do as they please
condition to a later condition.
Negative Stereotypes may include:
- Old people are sick, disabled and
Attitude is a way of looking at life or a way - They have no sexual desire
of thinking, feeling or behaving.
-They live in poverty and can’t afford
One’s personal view on aging affects medications
one’s interactions and attitudes in dealing
with older people. 3. Benevolent Prejudice- For example
seeing old people as friendly but
During the ancient times, older adults incompetent.
were more well-respected because old
age was rare and old people often serves 4. Digital Ageism- discrimination against
as a repository of local traditions and people based on their ability to use digital
knowledge. technologies.

AGEISM 5. Healthcare Discrimination- For

example, some doctors when interacting
Ageism refers to discrimination or the with older patients they often view them
holding of prejudices against people negatively.
based on their age. Usually, it insinuates
discrimination against the elderly.
According to Iversen, Larsen and
Solem, Ageism is referred to
all of the damage caused by bad habits,
it’s never too late to begin a healthy and
good lifestyle.
2. Most older people are set in their
• Social and cultural background
ways and cannot learn new things or
Culture and society can influence our take up new activities.
thoughts and attitudes towards aging. In
While some individuals may become more
many western societies, the contemporary
resistant to change as they age, many
notion of “aging well” presumes
older adults are quite adaptable and open
independence and active contributions.
to new experiences. Older people can
While in other societies, older people have
learn new things and should be
been encouraged and disengage to be
challenged to stay mentally active.
looked after.
Healthy older adults find hobbies that they
• Exposure to positive role model of can enjoy to give life meaning and
aging pleasure.

People around us may affect our attitude 3. Old age is accompanied by diseases,
towards aging. memory loss and dementia.

• Myths (perpetuating false information, While it’s true that old age can bring about
negative images about elders) certain health challenges, it’s important to
remember that not everyone experiences
There are false information spreading in severe diseases, memory loss, or
different societies about aging specifically dementia in their later years. Many older
about the elders that are not true which individuals maintain good health and
can influence someone on how he/she will cognitive function throughout their lives.
view aging. Factors such as genetics, lifestyle and
• Influence of mass media access to healthcare can play a significant
role in determining one’s health in old age.



1. Older adults have no future and

therefore health promotion efforts are
Everyone deserves the opportunity to live
a healthy and fulfilling life. Health
promotion efforts for older adults are
essential for maintaining their well-being
and ensuring they can continue to
contribute to society in meaningful ways.
Although it may not be possible to reverse

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