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NAME: _____________________________________ SCORE: _______________

MULTIPLE CHOICE. Direction: Read and analyze the statements carefully. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. Which is NOT a phase of exercise?
A. warmup C. cool down
B. training D. filming for tiktok
2. What is the process that uses physical activity as a means to help people acquire skills that contribute to their
optimal development and well-being?
A. Physical exam C. physical exercise
B. Physical Science D. physical education
3. Which is NOT an objective of Physical Education?
A. Physical development C. Mental development
B. Picture development D. Social development
4. What are the three components of physical fitness?
A. Metabolic-fitness, health-related, skill-related
B. Metabolic-fitness, family-related, skill-related
C. Magnetic-fitness, health-related, skill-related
D. Magic-fitness, health-related, skill-related
5. Which of the following exercises can measure flexibility?
A. Hexagon C. Standing long jump
B. Zipper test D. Sprint
6. Which of the following exercises can measure agility?
A. Hexagon C. Standing long jump
B. Zipper test D. Sprint
7. Which of the following exercises can measure leg strength and power?
A. Hexagon C. Standing long jump
B. Zipper test D. Sprint
8. What should be conducted before an intense workout?
A. warmup C. cool down
B. training D. frequency
9. Which is NOT a component of a skill-related fitness?
A. Balance C. BMI
B. coordination D. Agility
10. Which of the following is NOT Skill-related fitness?
A. Realization time C. Flexibility
B. Coordination D. Agility
11. What is the ability of an individual to maintain their line of gravity within their base of support?
A. agility C. BMI
B. Balance D. coordination
12. What is the ability to use the senses, such as sight and hearing, together with body parts in performing motor
tasks smoothly and accurately?
A. agility C. BMI
B. Balance D. coordination
13. What is the rate at which one is able to exert maximal force?
A. agility C. power
B. Balance D. coordination
14. Which relates to the ability to perform a movement within a short period of time?
A. agility C. power
B. Balance D. speed
15. The ability of the heart and lungs to function efficiently and effectively over a prolonged period of time?
A. Muscular Endurance C. Muscular Strength
B. Cardio-respiratory endurance D. Flexibility
16. Who is the first Filipino and the first male Southeast Asian gymnast to medal at the World Artistic Gymnastics
Championships with his floor exercise bronze medal finish in 2018, and the first ever gold medal for the
Philippines in 2019 on the same apparatus?
A. Hidilyn Diaz C. Carlos P. Yulo
B. EJ Obiena D. Francisca Reyes-Aquino
17. Which aerobic fitness program featuring movements inspired by various styles of Latin American dance?
A. Walking C. Jogging
B. Swimming D. Zumba
18. What two (2) elements is involved in Zumba?
A. Dance and drop C. Dance and air
B. Dance and kick D. Dance and aerobic
19. Zumba was considered as a “happy accident” of its founder, who among these men is the founder?
A. Adolf Speiss C. Alberto “beto” Perez
B. Adolf Hitler D. Arnold Schwarzenegger
20. Which statement BEST justifies why did Zumba dance program become the world’s largest and most successful
dance fitness program?
A. It is fun. B. It is beneficial for our health.
C. It helps us socialize D. The movements are not that difficult to learn.
21. Which type of Zumba is where aerobic exercises are mixed with rhythms and music of Latin and African origin?
A. Classic Zumba C. Zumba Toning
B. Zumba step D. Aqua Zumba
22. Which Zumba is designed for the little ones?
A. Zumba kids C. Zumba step
B. Zumba Gold and Zumba gold toning D. Zumba Sentao
23. Which Zumba is designed to be very relaxed and focused on the cognitive and motor development of infants?
A. Zumba kids C. Zumbini
B. Zumba Gold and Zumba gold toning D. Zumba Sentao
24. Which is NOT a health benefit of Zumba?
A. A Healthy heart C. Increased number of tiktok followers
B. Weight loss D. Stronger muscles and bones
25. Which Zumba is designed for the children between 7 and 11 years old?
A. Zumba Toning C. Zumba Sentao
B. Zumba Gold and Zumba gold toning D. Zumba Kids
26. Samantha has been very insecure of her dancing skills, if she wishes to conquer it, which Zumba type should she
A. Zumba kids C. Zumba Sentao
B. Zumba step D. Zumba Gold and Zumba gold toning
27. Ted enjoys circuit training because of the increased intensity of the workout and physical requirement, which
type of Zumba is perfect for him?
A. Zumba Toning C. Zumba Sentao
B. Zumba Gold and Zumba gold toning D. Zumba in the circuit
28. Dexter has a knee problem, as a health-care practitioner, which type of Zumba would you suggest for him to
A. Classic Zumba C. Zumba step
B. Aqua Zumba D. Zumba kids
29. This Zumba requires physical coordination because it is carried out in a seated position.
A. Zumba kids C. Zumbini
B. Zumba Gold and Zumba gold toning D. Zumba Sentao
30. There is an increase in difficulty and physical demand on this Zumba because participants are carrying a toning
stick which are dumbbells filled with sand.
A. Zumba toning C. Zumbini
B. Zumba Gold and Zumba gold toning D. Zumba Sentao
Perform a zipper test (5 pts.)

Perform the hexagon agility test (5 pts.)

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