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Preparation of English Mid-Term Test (Year 8)

Academic Year 2023/2024

I. Choose the best answer for each question.

1. Which of the following describes windsurfing?

A. The windsurfing is an air sport.
B. The windsurfer uses the wind to propel a board forward under his feet.
C. One of the important equipment needed in windsurfing is life vest.
D. The sport when someone travelling down snowy slopes using a board.

2. Our instructor will help you overcome….

A. any problems you meet.
B. your dream and go ice climbing.
C. your lives every day.
D. a new challenge.

3. “A lot of people didn’t make an online account to access services like music or virus protection.”
The best words to describe the situation above is …
A. didn’t set up
B. didn’t back up
C. didn’t log in
D. didn’t enter

4. You are ‘unlikely’ to win because his opponent ….

A. never skips this class.
B. never gets beaten
C. doesn’t practice a lot
D. is really humble

5. The teacher … to us at the moment. I … everything she is saying.

A. is talking, am understanding
B. is talking, understand
C. talks, am understanding
D. talks, understand

6. My neighbour ... Canadian. He always … every morning with her wife.

A. is, walks
B. was, is walking
C. is, walk
D. was, walked

7. Which sentence uses passive form incorrectly?

A. Our rackets are used every day.
B. Is Mike Trout worn a cap?
C. The tournament is held every three months.
D. This picture isn’t drawn by me.

8. What …. (he, do) when I (watch)…. action movie last night?

A. was he doing, watched
B. did he do, was watching
C. is he doing, watch
D. did he do, watched

9. First event: Mr. Luke said goodbye to the visitors.

Second event: Mr. Luke left the café.
Which of the following sentences is INCORRECT based on the situation above?
A. Mr. Luke left the café after he had said goodbye to the visitors.
B. After Mr. Luke left the café, he had said goodbye to the visitors.
C. Before Mr. Luke left the café, he had said goodbye to the visitors.
D. Mr. Luke had said goodbye to the visitors before he left the café.

10. Which of the following is grammatically correct based on the rule of present perfect simple and
present perfect continuous?
A. I have eaten the tastiest pizza in this town yet.
B. She has participated in some great social activities.
C. They have been to New Zealand last year.
D. I have been hearing these noises for an hour.

11. “He didn’t attend the class last night because he got stuck in a traffic jam.”
The correct passive form of the active sentence above is ….
A. The class was not attend by him last night because he got stuck in a traffic jam.
B. The class was not attended by him last night because he got stuck in a traffic jam.
C. The class did not attended by him last night because he got stuck in a traffic jam.
D. The class is not attended by him last night because he got stuck in a traffic jam.

12. I … John for an hour but he … it yet.

A. have been calling, has answered
B. have called, hasn’t answered
C. have been calling, has answered
D. have called, hasn’t been answering

13. I’ve … to Rome. I went there in December.

A. been
B. ever
C. just
D. already

14. Jill: How much … this month?

Jack: 40£ so far.
A. have you spent
B. did you spend
C. have you been spending
D. do you spend
Question 15 to 17 refer to the following text.

Do you have an iPad, iPod, iPhone, a smartwatch or a Mac computer? If you don’t, you probably

know someone who has one (or wants one)! Steve Jobs made the company – Apple – that created these

things that are now such an important part of the lives of millions of people.

He was born on February 24, 1955, in San Francisco, California. When he was a boy, he had a

special hobby: he liked to take apart televisions and put them back together again. He was a very good

student in school and even skipped a grade. After he finished grade four, he went into grade six, and in

1972, when he was seventeen, he graduated from high school. He then began his studies in Reed

College, in Portland, Oregon, but dropped out after six months. Deciding to quit was not at all easy. It

was difficult, but as Jobs later said, “I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life.” Two years later in

1974, he travelled to India, and while there he learned about Buddhism.

After Steve Jobs returned to the United States, he found a job as a video game designer at a

company called Atari, and two years after that, in 1976, when he was only twenty-one years old, he

created his own company – Apple Computer – with his friend, Steve Wozniak. Steve Jobs later got

married in 1991 and had four children. Unfortunately, doctors discovered that he had cancer in 2003

and in 2011 he died at the age of only 56.

15. The article above mainly talks about …

A. computer company
B. search engine company
C. webpage company
D. advertising technology company

16. Why didn’t Steve Jobs study in grade five in school?

A. He studied very hard.
B. He thought it was too difficult.
C. He didn’t know what to do in his life.
D. He was dropped out by the principal.

17. “Unfortunately, doctors discovered that he had cancer in 2003 and in 2011 he died at the age of
only 56.”
The underlined word could be best replaced with …
A. find out
B. hide
C. conceal
D. ignore
Read the following text to answer the questions number 18 to 20
Kristen Ulmer went on her first ski trip when she was a kid. Ever since then, she has been hooked on adventure
and risk. Now in her thirties, she has skied down some of the world’s tallest mountains, in remote places from
Tajikistan to New Zealand. She has also gone mountaineering in Tibet, and ridden a bike solo across India.
She goes rock-climbing to relax! Kristen is skillful and fearless and some said she threw caution to the wind
by doing this extreme sport! She is part of a new kind of sport where risk is the most important thing.
Heart-stopping activities such as mountain biking, snowboarding and skydiving are known as extreme sports.
And they are attracting more and more people. Rock-climbing, for example, is now enjoyed by more than half
a million Americans. Only 50.000 were doing it in 1989.
One of the most extreme of all these sports is base jumping. First done in 1980, base jumping is jumping off
tall buildings, towers and bridges using a parachute. It is dangerous, but of course that is why base jumpers
love it. Like other extreme sports, it is the risk of disaster that makes base jumping so exciting. As one base
jumper puts it; ‘There are not many injuries in base jumping; you either live or you die.’
Some experts predict that extreme sports will become the major sports of the 21st century. They may become
more popular than traditional favourites like soccer and baseball. At one recent extreme sports show in
Chicago, most of the crowd were kids under sixteen. As they stood watching in their baggy pants and hooded
sweatshirts, one excited eleven-year-old spoke for the next generation of athletes. That is so cool! he
18. The text states that Kristen Ulmer ….
A. Rode a bike through New Zealand by herself
B. Rode a bike through India by herself.
C. Rode a bike through India with a group of friends.
D. Ran across New Zealand.

19. Why do some base jumpers might not want to take a first-aid kit in their pack?
A. They want their pack to be as light as possible.
B. They think it will bring them bad luck.
C. They believe that there will be no injuries in base jumping.
D. They don’t know how to use one.

20. “Kristen is skillful and fearless and some said she threw caution to the wind by doing this extreme
sport.” (Paragraph 1)
What does the underlined idiom mean?
A. A life filled with excitement
B. Take a risk
C. Get organised and do things effectively
D. To have patience

II. Fill in the gaps with the correct answers.

1. Bungee jumping is the activity of jumping off a very high bridge using a long … tied to our legs.
2. When we ‘click’ something with our devices, we carry out a computer operation by ….
3. The first person to reach the … of Mount Everest did it in 1953.
4. “What had he published before he resigned?”
The tenses that are used in sentence above are … and …
5. We use ‘just’ in present perfect simple to talk about the event that ....

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