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Periplus Mini Cookbooks

Filip ino
Swr«kr ~A SNttt.r

Measurement Conversions
All our recipes are thoroughly tested In the Pertplus Test Kitchen. Standard metric measuring
cups and spoons are used throughout, and all cup and spoon measurements are level.
We have used medlum-sl2ed (60 g , grade 3) eggs In all recipes.
International Measures

Volume Lengths Weights

1 teaspoon = 5 ml Smm = ''• Inch 28g = 1 oz
1 UK/US tablespoon = 15 ml = 3 teaspoons 12 mm = 1/ 2 inch 225g = Boz
1 Australian tablespoon = 20 ml = 4 teaspoons 2•12 em= 1 Inch 450 g = l ib
We have used lnternatlonal1 5 mltablespoon measures. If you are using an Australian
20 ml tablespoon, the difference will not be noticeable for most recipes. However, for
flour. cornflour or baking powder, subtract one teaspoon for each tablespoon specified.

Cup Equivalents

''• cup = 60 ml = 2 floz 1 cup chopped spring onions= 100 g

1/ cup = 125ml = 4floz 1 cup vegetable shortening = 200 g
1 cup =250m! = 8floz 1 cup brown sugar = 185 g
2 cups = 500 ml = 16 fl oz = 1 pint 1 cup =
beansprouts 50 g
4 cups = 1 litre = 32 Ooz = 1 quart 1 cup plain flour = 150 g
1 cup buller= 250 g
Oven Temperature Guide
When using convection ovens. the out- ·c •f
side of the food cooks more quickly. As a low 150 300
general rule, set the oven temparature Moderate 180 350
15' C to 2o•c lower than the temperature Med. Hot 200 400
indicated In the reclpa, or refer to your Hot 220 425
oven manual. Very Hot 230 450
Published by Periplus Editions (HK) Ltd. Distributors
Asia Pacific ; Berkeley Books Pie Ltd,
w 61 Tal Seng Avenue #02-1 2
Singapore 534167
Copyright c 2003 Periplus Editions (HK) Ltd. Tel (65) 6280 1330: Fax (65) 6280 6290.
All rights reserved. The PubliSher wishes
to thank the following for the use of their
tableware: Ugu B lgyan, Lanelle Abueva- Indonesia: PT Java Books Indonesia,
Kawasan lndustrl Pulogadung
Fernando and Rustan Supermarket Fresh.
Jl. Rawa Gelam IV No. 9
Recipe on page 38 by VIctoria Reyes Ferrer.
Jakarta 13930. Indonesia
Tel: 62 (21) 4682 1088; Fax: 62 {21) 461 0206.
ISBN: 978·1-4629·1393.0 (ebock)
Printed in Singapore
Photography: A. Chester Ong
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Food Styling; Gina Navarro
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Design: Periplus Design Team
Snacks and Sweets
Norma Olizon-Chikiamco

A party is not complete without delicious fritters, sweets and cakes

for your guests. This book shows you how to make over 30 tempting
dishes that are perfect for entertaining friends and family.
From light snacks including Shrimp Fritters and Sweet Potato Chips
to tasty morsels such as Barbecued Chicken Skewers and
Crispy Wontons, you will have as much fun preparing these delicious
tropical Asian recipes as your guests will have eating them!

Singapore • Hong Kong • Indonesia

FILIPINO SNACKS & SWEETS_titlepg.indd 1 2/25/10 6:01:15 PM

Basic Ingredients
lrom golden brown co dark ~s J llJ•'Onng on <nups and
bnMn and hos • disunc· .1 g.un&sh on mtal d&.sha
li'~• maplt·S)'TUp fl••'Or h
is oold on bl()(ks sealed on Spring roll wropper is
pl.•suc b-1gs or prs •nd os .1 chon crlpe m•d• fmm
~vatl<tble 10 <t1ptrm.1rktts. .1 b.lfttr of T1U naur, W2ltr
Bnnann ltnws are nftf!n Jlld <a h. r htlumpia
u$td in Asoan cuisine co wrappt'r 15 steamed and
wrap food or co line 1r.1ys ,tried In ohe sun, ohon
bdore cooking, much as l1!5t"CIIo wr.1p i1 Vi1tlt'lf
\Y,\X(d pJper 01· l'lumlnum nr ,\ pring rnlls. '1he rice
IClo Thi< iml"" ' a !AJbclc wn\pper musl he moist ·
fragr>ncc tn ohe food. tntd wuh a wet cloth
bt:fore w~ing, ror greater
Glutintlus ri ce:~~ a 'matler, fish sauce also known 3( ncxibllity.
starchier \'C~ton nf shon· patis is a pungent sauce
gr.ain rict. h i.s also knmv made from boiled, ••hed Vanilla cJ~3!cocc ur ,.1m ill-a
as sticky rice. Ghuinous and fcrm<nled fish. h is • extract, i.) U)(..'\1 in taka
rice is u>ed chroushout dear or golden brown liq· and to fl•\·Or such
Southc."ibt Mill in dc."»Crb uid sold in bon h.... and is t i C.U.)\Jn.b, ict cr~.uru
;me! c..akc."io. GlutinoU) ri~C' often used to navor lliJri· •nd ~><••••~cs. lc is sold in
flour is also know :tS )Wtcl n•do, dressings and dip· ~all bout.,. in cho b•king
rice nour. ping sauce.-:. for a dis1inctl)' St."<'tiuu uf ::.uvermdrkc:u..
Filipino Ouvour. Fish suun ·
Cornnour or c.orr1~tardt keel» im.ldinilcly urad b, Vinegar. in Philippines
is a fine whitt.: ~,w..h:r UV\Ii14ible in the A:)i4ln ~ec · wk11, t:omts in different
orten u:t-ed u~"' thit.kcuing Lion of th~ supc• market. <Oior hues of blnck, red
agcnc. lt docs not udd Sub$tilute Thai fldm pltr while. It is madt fro m
much or ch.mge che or Viemamese tmoc nwm. s.1go pahl1 Juict (mpn ) or
flavt)r ol a dish. sugM cane (kno11g). lohas
a onild, slighlly '"'""' fla.
vor wuh J. fruny lAng and
IS CtntrJIIy I<'SS sour chan
cC\mmercMI wh1tc ' 'lncg.u.
Applt n<l<r voncgar makC$
.t good ~uh~mute. You may
,,I~ u~ nrc ,·mgcr or "'ilitr
vmgu, but reduce the
l'lllm sugnr is ubl3incd Spring onion l13l«> known quanuty byaboul a chird.
from cloc sop pJiuo .., sc:~Uio n. This p<>pulnr
,,.......~.It runPtes in colo1 green young onion is Wit.-d
Sweet Potato Fritters (Maruyang Camote)
280 g (2'/, cups) llouo I Sifltogether lhe !lour, b.1king powder, sugar and sail
2 1/ , le<l$p0011S ookio>s in a bowl.
powder 2 Combine Ihe egg and milk in .o «r>ar.olt bowl. 1Je.11
2 titbl~ns sugo~rl ir'ltO the flour mixtur<" fCl form,, 'tmno1h b;:utcr. Ulend
adding extra b~ needed h' th~ gr,Jltd $\Vttt pOI:!CI)t$,
tordust1ng 3 l lti.'lr th~ oil in :'1 \Vt'lk nr frying p:1n. SNlC'lJl OUI .1bou1
1/, ICdSI)OOil wh
0/, coor> of 1he baur.,nd fry in hno ~oloo111il goklen
I osg. lighlly beM"' bro\vn. Remove fmm cht wnk :1nd tlr.un on paptr
2SO ml (I rup) lre.h milk
1nwelt. '"ith the rtn\ainmg h<'llcr,.,fldlng ~nore
1- 2 l~rgc swceo pouotocs.
oil"' ohe pan if ntu<S.'Iry. lloo<l wuh <l11}1r of desirrd
gtaood (obouoJ rups)
2SO ml (1 wp) ool

Serves 8-10
Preparatton t1me: 15 m1n~
Cooking tim~· 20 mlns

Snacks end Rolls 3

Cheese Pinwheel Rolls
A favnnte: at chddren"s part1a, thc.w pmwht:d <.:md·
wich .. an: to ptck up and cu. U<tng that·s
p.-utd unted (usuaUygrttn or pmk) maktsthfflt doubly

200 g (7 oz) cheddar cheese. grated (about 11/ , cups)

200 g <'I. cup) buner. soltened
'I• cup finely chopped red capsrcum (bell peppers)
1 tablespoon sugar
t lnal lrt<h. unsliced bread. preferably pastel colored
(must not be previously chilkd or the brcod will
be too dry)

I Combine cheese, butter, apsicurn anrl ~ug11r m a

howl. Stir well o r blend m a blender nr food pmce<S<Jr
uncilahe mixture is smooth.
2 Trim the top crust (rom the bread wuh a bread
knife. Slice the loaf lengthwi.« to make 4-S thin slices.
3 Spread the cheese mt<ture onto each <lrce. Roll e;t<:h
sltce lengthw~. pressmg ughtly. Wrap tn waxed p.1per
and chill 1-2 hours in a refngcr.uor, or unulrht
cheeS( mixrure ts firm. Cut mro rhm $hcts and <erw.

Serves 8- 10
Preparation time: 10...15 mins + 1-2 hours for chilling

Snocks ond Rolls 5

Banana Spring Rolls
12 spnng roll WYa~
6 cool<1ng bitn•nas
00 ml ('/,cup) water
~0 g ( 1/ , cup) dark brown sugar or p•lm >ug•r
250 ml ( I cup) oil

I c;INnl rhe spring roll wr.,pptr.; (or .1hou15 mmutes.

2 C.:ut (Jd\ bJnana knglh\\1l~tt 1010 1wo. Mix w~tn
"ith 20 g (2 tablespoons) of the hmwn sug.1r. Mm<l<n
the tdges of <OCh spring roll "'~'·'PI'<' wnh tht SUl}lr-
\\Jitt mix:tuuo. Pbc~ I sfke o( tM NnJn.l onro ~1
"'Ptf. Sprinkle. tiute or lhe bmwn SUl}lr 0\'U the
b.ln~n.• Fold the top tdge ot the wr.tpp<'r """'the
b.lll.lll,, ;tnd rvll tightly, seJiing the edges. Sprmkle'
llulc olthe brown sug.u lightly on thr wrJpf)tr.
Repeat with remaining bJ n,m,l~ ~md wr.1ppers .
.l l le~u oil in a wok O\'ll!'r mtt1iunl he.H (or I rnintne,
then 100uce he.u to low .1nd fry tht' wri1p~ ban:1nas.
Use lo"' hrat so the l:lan;.m.J( vnll h.wt 11mr to conk
~lore the "T•pprr turns goldrn hmwn. When the
\HJpptrbro\\·ns. TC'ffiO\"t from htJI ~nd dram on paper Cool slighlll ~lore se" ing.

Mak4:\ 12 p1e<e\
Prtf)M<'Ition time· 10 mlns
Cooking lime: 15 mlns

Sn.>cks ond Rolls 7
Cottage Cheese Sandwich
(Kesong Puti with Pan de Sal)
250 g (6' h oz) ricotto or I CUI the chee.'"' inro h rhick slices. Heat oil in • >killcl
momrcllo cheese or or
for 1-2 minmec:. l:ry each $-Ike cheese in the laol oil
Filipino conage choose for JU.seconds-1 minlllr.l<emovc from the hcnt then
(kesong putr) cur each slice of chce.ore inlo hvt).
60 ml ( 1/ 4 cup) oil 2 Slice open the roll< nr huns and too>llit;}rlly. Sprcau
Gbread rolls or bun.s or with burter ;rdesired. l'ut 2 slices orthe cooked cheese
fXJII du >UI into each roll or bun and SC!rve imrncdiutdy.
3 rablespoons bune<
Filipino cottage che~se m , t!Wf'9 put > d s.of:.
IY"--l1t tw111 lilt! mill: ul t!1tltt:.r \1\\lttt
\"ifJitP ftevt en- P
buf/;tb-1 Oli'Q.\1\ hit • oqhr • wur ;~nd why t.blt:'
Prepaf~tiont1me. 2 mins pdt() rott ~ dw.'t.---sc IS nor ,,.. '\utntmm•
1• H
Cooking time. 5 mins
" th ricotra "' mon.>tCib c~
P~n de sal ~rho.' nJt<OilJI bf,'l)() ot '""Phi ""'""'
uWJ 1y madt: w t11 s.:t: ycvst SU'fl' 1M /kkJr .Jnd
:,la.JP<(i IIIlO" Wt~ If p...~n d •:..11 IS ftOt ,l~rl.'tb.'t'i 1r m.H
W su~lrtutt.."tl witIt .my l.xm t>r bt,·.JU

Crispy Wantons

l tablespoons war.,
I To m.1kt tht nlhng, C'Ul c:ac.h pnawn inlo 2 3 pf«~
Combine wirh ground pork, spring onioM and diced
70 wonton WTappen onion<. S.~n wuh ti.<h ••u« and pepper. Mi;c well.
2.50 rnl ( I cup) oil 2 lloot the tsg lighrly in a bowl and combine with
w.11er. Jltu nbout one lcllspoon oft he Filling in the
Fllllns middle' of r:tch wonton wruppcr. Brush Lhe eds;es
250 g (8 oz) small of t.lch wrapper wil11thc l'AA mixture. Fold t-ach
P'"""'S. peeled and "''"PP"' ro make edge• mool >rod wdose lht hlling
deveuled. h<:ads and
Prt<.< ro seal. Flaum >lighdy for easier cookrng.
Jails removed J I frat lhC" oal in a wok. Fry wooton in N.tchrs ovtr
450 g (I lb) ground pork
lnw heat110 Ihe filling cooks b<.tore the wrapper turns
25 g (1/ 4 cup) chopp<:d
spring onions golden hrown, add in~ mort o il if necoOSS!ry. When
WOIHon turns golden bt·own, temo\rt from heal ami
I sm~ll onion, doced
2 teaspoon)c fish s.auce dr._\ln on JMper towels. Scl'w: wilh SweN and Sour
1 tc.'lspoon pepper S.wet (se< pag< 3l).

Makts 70 pie<ts
Preparation ttme: 40 mins
Cookulg time_ 40 mins

Snacks and Rolls 9

Tasty Spring Rolls
300 g (l cups} bean I To prepare the Vinevr C.arl1c f>op, combine all the

200 & (1 oz) lo4<Sit prawn>
Dip ingredimu in;~ bnwl. n11x. 1bcn SCI :aside.
2 w..h and clan the ban <pmuu well, removing the
315 ml (1 1/ 2 cups} watet taib. Peel and dC\'<in prawn<, !hen rc><n'< the heads
200 g {7 oz) loan pork, and shells. nu nch prawn rnu> 2-J pocca. f'ound the
dked or nunc~d prawn ht"Ods and shells lightly. Pourin .1.50 ml ( I cup)
1 small onion, chopped
of the \'13ter and strain liqwd mtu ::1 bowl to obtain
l-4 gaohc dom, cou5hed prawn srnck.. Sc1 :tt:idr lht pr11wn .<tork .1nd rli~:trd
I medium carrot, cut1nto 1he hcacb a nd shell<.
very •hin ~trips Jln :Jl;ugc skillt l, ~unmer po rk in l'rmnlning w:uer
I medium ~weel pouuo,
until f.u i,; rcntluNI. l ~ <'lllC'Wt JlOrk from gkiiJet :uul
cut into thin )trips
ZS-30 spring roll
restr\'e the rendercct f.u. In,, wok, ht .ll this f.n and
!aute onion abour 1- 2 minuff"( If 1':11 fmm rork IS
250 ml ( 1 cup) oil nnt enough, •dd • linlc 011. Add &•rlic and saut~ unoH
frasram then 3dd carmt ~nd <wtct JmiJto :md r ~
Vinq,11r G•rlic Dip for 1-2 minur~~ l'nur 10 rt<tl"\·td prawn stock. Sur in
lSO mt (I cup) vines•• bean sprours and pnrk and <1m mer unul ''egttabla
'h h~d of a whole gao· arc tmdcr. Rcmm~ from hut .tnd Itt coni for abour
lie. chopped 30minuta.
1 teaspoon sole 4 Steam spring Mil wroppc" (or 2-.1 minutes. f'ut
'I• ••ospoon ~per abou1 3 lahlespoons o( 1hc be;on \pn>uU n11<1ure onto
I red chdo(ophonal), each wrappt.r. Hn1<h tht tdgt< nf t>Jch \\'r-.1pprr wuh
thinly sliced w::~ter :tnd rnll wr.~pprr tn tncln<t filhng completely.
Makt: sure wr:tppc r~ .ut , ..•cll 5t'.lltd.
Serves 8 10 S l-leat the oil m 3 wok, Jtry tht wr;1pped ~pring roll<
PrPp.u.ulon rime-: 1 how· unlil golden hrown. ntrnnvc from hc;tt and dr:tin on
Cookmg time: 15 mlns paper mwels:. Serve wuh the VlnC'~;lf (~arlic IJip.

Barbecued Chicken Skewers
7.5-lO bamboo !tkewers 1 Soak the b.1mboo s kewers II\ w:tt~r for 30 m inutes
450 g (I lb) chrtken then~~ ~sodc.
chunks 2To prtr.lrt the Marinade. combint the vinelfl'• gJrlic,
4 cup tomato Ot banana onion. chili. s.>lt .md ptpptr and mix thoroughly
ketchup Marinult chicken for 2 3 hours.
3 Drain the chicken and r.scrve Marinade. Combine
Marinade the Marinade with tomato or banana ketchup. ploce
60 ml ('/• cup) vlnegM in a .vok :lllll bo·ing IO the ooil. Lower he:1t Md simmer
3- 4 doves garlic. crushed 3 ft\'t' minutts. Removt fronl htat and stt nsidt.
1 '""'II onion, diced 4 Thrt>d }--4 chicken chunks onto .ach skewer Ileal
I small chih, chopped a gnller tO medium. Grill the skewered chocken for
I teaspoon s.>lt
about 3- 5 minutes on each side, or untilloghtly
'11 teaspoon pepper
browned. When lightly bro,•ned. brush the chicken
chuuks wilh the reserve~..! Murlnnde. Continue grilling
Serves 6-8 until chicken is fully cooked, nbout :3- 5 l'llOI't lllinutts.
Preparation time. 20 nuns
+ 2-3 hours marina1ing
~ •.JI121o dt .o...- • iPfJ 1' II
tn bu• en ~t of bt~lt or thloQfl me; t tndt
Cooking time: 40 miru b uU"ri .t\ ~Jo~P/1
Onnnnlt I<Nchvp ii ~Wt'f't, tttnn.v Mn9f'·rohrM
~0("" (t tr. sold tn houk'~ m f1hpm() Qt~ c;rl'lnt!:

Tangy Barbecued Pork Skewers
•s-so bamboo sktw\!r> I Soak the bamboo skt\\'trs in waltr for 30 minutes.
I kg (2 lbs) potk shou~ rhcn set !ilSidc.
ck• 2 fo prepare the Marinade-.combint lime juice,g.arlic.
125 ml ('!,cup) tomato <ugu, \'mcgar. suy )O}U«' .1nd soh rlnnk an 2 bowl and
01 blnallil kctdtup ~~ as1de.
3 Cut the pork into bite p1e«<. M:mnarc pork in
Marinade miXture for S huu~ Qf O\~? 1n tht rrfnger.uor.
3 tablespoons linte juice 4 l>r31n 1he. meat and r~c' Ye Marirl.ldt. 1·hn-ad 4-5
6 cloves garlic, chopped p1ece..~ o( meat ontu e-ach skt\\'('r.
150 g (I cup) da•k 5 Heat griller amJ grill pork ovtr m~rlium-low hc;tt,
brown ~UKJ' or palm feu ahout J-5minutes on cMh <id4• or un1illightly
125 ml ( 1!, CUJl) vincgat 6 Meanwhi1c, place 1hc Marino&dc in a \•mk nn<l hdng
125 ml ( 1/ , cu~) soy
10 the boil. Sinuncr fur 3 5 mlnult"~. Ht'll'IOVt from
hf!.11 3nd blend in toml.'ltO or bJn:.m.l kerch up. stirring
250 ml (I cup) clear soh
drink >udo •s 7 Up 0< unul smooth.
7 llrush both sid<'S ur the sktwcrtd pork wllh the
rt«"'«i Mannadc. Continue srillins nnlil pork i<
compl<~<i)• cooked and browntd on boch <1<le<.lf
Servn e-to
Pre-paration 1Jmf: 10 m1n1 dt'\iN!d, rriu.•::a1 the M.arinokle.1nd ~f\t a~ :1 d1p.
• 8 hourt marinating
Cooku111timc. 20 25 min•

Snack> ancl Rolls IS

Quick and Tasty Egg
Doughnuts (Bui'luelos)
50 8 ('I• CUp} solid veg mbl e shorteni
60 g ('/• cup} buner
250 ml (I cup) water
12S K (1 cup ) Jilted flour

250 ml (I CUp) oil

60 &('I• CUp) P<>wdered sugar lor

t Put shortening, butter and \Vat

er in a lnrge .S:l\ICCP·1~·
Bring to the hoil . Wh en wat er is bris
kly boihng, Sllr on
tht flour. Contlnuc stirring. untH mixture
is smoo1h
and sep•rates from the ~ides of the
pan. Remove from
he~ I and set asid e to coo l for 10 min
utes .
2 lltal in egg., one at a lime , btat ing
thor oug hly after
each add itio n. Set the mix ture asid
e for a few minutes
at room tem pera ture .
3 Heal the oil in a frying pan . Sco
op abo ut 2 table
spoons of tloe ban cr and fry in hot
oil until golden .
bfown. Repeat whh ~mainrng ball
cr. adding <><t<> ool
if neces>ary. Ora in coo ked dou ghn
uts on I"' Per towels
then dw.l lightly with sug ar bcfurc
Serves 6
Prcpar.llion time.:. s mlns
Cooking tim o: 20 mins

Sweet Milk Doughnuts (Bicho-Bicho)
250 g (2 cups) flour 1 Silt logNher Oour, sugM. h>kmg powder •nd uh
70 g ( 1/ , cup) SUI!Jr. and set aside.ln bowl, he-at the rgg whitt.~
plus odd~ional for until foomy, then add mrlk, buuer and shor<cning.
sprinklong Fold in thellour milnu .....
I teaspoon b.lkins 2 Ga<her into a b.tll to form • dough •nd set aside for
powde< a r~" minutes. Sprinkle fl<'ur on ot ~month 1urfacc
1ft rea~n satl I hen roll om the dough ro a rhrckni"S of 1/ 4 ern ('18 in)
2 egg whites on the floured surfuct. Cur the dough nun 15 x 1 em
80 ml ('/ 1 cup) milk
(6 • 1/2 in) >trips.
1 <ablespoon m• lled 3 Pres:. '2 strip~ of dough Coger her. 1\JI,1kt .11ensthwL\e
indcntulion by pressing with the b.1tk nr ;, knife.
1 !~blcspoons mel<ed
4 lic;rrthc ~til in a rr)•ing fry the ~rrip.s In
uegf'fable ~hort ~mng
b<~t<:hc:,, adding ex 1m oil if needect. l'ry lht' dough
250 ml (I cup) oil
:.trip:. until );Olden brown. Rrmo,·e fmmlhe niland
dr~in un paper towels. Dust with $US.U bcfol'f: sr:rvmg.
Serves 6-8
Pr e~r.,tion time 45 mlns
Cooking !lmt: 2()..JO mlns

Snt~c k~ and Rolls 19

Banana Fritters
6 small bananas 1 Slice bananas lcngthw~· intu hair. or into thiuntr
18S g (1 1/J CUP') llou1 strips to form a fan. Siftl"!!<lhcr I <up of the Oou1,
I JabiHf'OOII sug••· plus sugar, baking powder ;ond .,.It in u bowl. Blond in
oddilional fO< dusting 1he eggs, mdk and buucr. then nth. to form a smooth
1 •~•spoon baking b.1nu. U1p each banana shcc mlo Ihe h311er and turn
powdeJ over .sf!Yeral times to coat well.
1/ ICMJ>OOO s.ah
1 2 l-ft31 che oil m a frymg pan. S1m:ad rcm:1inmg
2 eggs. lightly beo1en t/2 cup nour tn a shallow dash. l)ust the bananuhces
12S ml ( 1/ , cup) f11Jsh hghtly wirh flour. fry in hu1oil umil firm and fully
cooked. l(epeat wilh l'cmnining lMilcr. 11m in em
1 teaspoon melted
paper tm..·cls.
3 I>usc cooked frillcr> lightly wiLh sugnr hcfi>rc :.erving.
250 ml ( t cup) oil

Serves 6
Preparation time· 10 mln.s
Cooking um•: 15-20 mint
Cheese Sticks
28 spring roll w,.p~ 1 Srcam lhc wr•~pcrs fur oboul 2 J minul~5- Cm rh~
200 g (7 oz) chedd•r ehc,.,.- inlo l x l x 8 "II ( IJ1 x 1/ 1 x J in) sucks.
cheese 2 Brush lhe <-dgcs uf c.Kh wrapper with w,ucr. Wr:tp
2 t~tblespoon! wtlter \:ud a~o.hcest stkk in a wntpf)CI' •lnd press tht t-dgc~ nf
250 ml (I cup) uil the wrap!JCr 10 seal.
3 l·fr....u lhl' oil in a wok. i=ty tht '"r·' l'~'tci chC't~~e ~tick'\
Makes 28 P•ttt.') in ht''Jl oil in batches until goldrn bi'Own. J(emovc
Prcf)\Jration time-: 20 mlns from oil and drain on pJpcr lowers. Scrvr h01.
Cooking dme: 20 mins
Sweet Potato Chips (Camote Chips)
2-3 larg~ s~• powa..s 1 V«l cht 5'\'t:et potato and cut mro \'cry thm slices.
(about 750 glfl/l lb$) ~o3k rhe $\\"eer pot.:.uo slices tn iced wutcr for about
I liter (4 cups) k~ woter 30 nuntnes. Dram :md set :aside on p;apcr towels tu dry.
250 ml (I cup) ool 2 l le.1l che oil until very hot. Deep·· fry Ihe ltwcct
l tablespoons ~ugu 1 p<tr310 slices un1il rhcy rurn golden yellow ;uuJ ••rc
firm :m d crispy. Drain o n pup~·r tuwds. Om.t lightly
~erves 6-8 wilh sugar hefon~ serving.
Preparat.ion tirnc: 10 min~
+- 30 mlns for soaking
Cooking tim•: 20 min>

Frmcn: and Patties 23

Crunchy Anchovy Fritters
:100 g (7 or) dned I Soak anchovies in warm w.:tttr for ahout 30 mmu1es
anchovie> (Ikon bilis) t()rehydrate and rtmo't some- o( the sah1nt"SS.. Or.ajn
500 ml (2 cups) watm anchovies on p;tptr tOl'\"fls. P\11 .mdlOVI~ 1n a bowl
w.ater IOf SCN~ ksng and mash with the dMk brown ~"!}"or palm sugar.
75 g (1/, cup) ddtk 2 In a bowl, combine flour, com flour, 5-th.(l<'ppt:r
brown suga• 0< palm and baking powder. Co> I 1he Jnchov,.s In the com·
90 K fl/c cup) Rout
flour mixture. Dip in egg~ then co.11 .lg.Jin 1n the: corn ~
flour mixture.
90 g (l/c cup) comllour 3 ~leal uil in u wok and fry the anchovies in botchts
'IJ. tr.aspoon s111t until c:o;.1ting turns ,golden bt'O\"" ond ,m('hovles ;:~ rc
'I4 teaspoon ground <runchy. about 1- 2 minutes. Removr e~ch b~tch rrom
white pepper
wuk and droin on pope•· towels before scrvin&.
1 ttospoon b•klng
2 eggs, lightly beaoen An(hovies ..
~,/U \11 .,,. lltrJn b1l~ m M kly,.~ Jnd
250 ml (1 cup) otl 5 'KIUJXJft mJ d1k, u tf•L PI P1J "'-"'S. ~~~ t ny whOfe.
fi$11 rang ng n ""' Itom I ( rm .' n) II
5etvH6 tJ<J»tbk bvy clo..~no.'<i n<~S vii h "'"" lvlrt rn..
Prt:p.aratton tune. 35 mins IH:fld and cJ.lli r t~o"St 11iJ/ II : t~ Ot~
Cookl"9 t ime· 2S.30 mint ~t.~P ufl lit? 11'1..\lf.b iJ1'td t ourthc f # • n.JI H
rtr ,,. po<rl of~ sit.lriJ lr ~ Of Xh "sh

Shrimp Fritters (Ukoy)
200 g tJ o•) smoll 1 Ptel pra\\'T1~ remove hcoul\ ~nd uul~ and dC'\~in.
prawns N.t:~n'f: rhe pta'"'" r;hdl.! and hcadJ. $I tee pr.l\vns into
1160 ml <'1,
cup) water t><O. I'm ,..., res<!n·ed &hdl< and hc.d< onto a howland
2 t•blespoons ""nllltO add """"- l'r<SS th< prawn haw and <hdl< lightly to
~s (op11onal) txtract juice thtn hqUid mto" howl. Sc\ak
100 g ( 1 arp) bean annano Sted\ m the prawn stock, pl"el...,ing on 1he
sproutS ~~ rn extr.acr cnlnr. ~tram the pr.t\Vn \lOCk and sc:t
50 g ('/• wp) chopped .uidt.
spring onions 2 CleJn bean sprouts well. rtn1ovms th(' Iilii~. I >r"in
I )mall C.tuot. cut into on paper tov.•rls. Mix pr.:twns~ hr:m \(lmHt<,sprlng
~>i n strips (SO g)
onions. carrot $1 rips .,nd ,'i\\'t'f'l (WII Ilfft ~I rip~ in n hn\YI.
111 sweet potato 1
310 mn~ the Batt~r. cnmhi nt nour, h:.k1ng pnwt111r
cut into thin ~t •ips
(about SO gJII, cup)
,1nd salt in o bowl. II lend In 1hr hr.11rn <S& and 1he
250 ml (1 cup) otl reserved pr.1wn scock nnrl ~rir muil ~mcmrh.
vines•• GJrlic Oip (sec 4 Scoop outl/,1 cup of rht prn'"" nu:crurc onrn n
page 10) pl.llr. Pour in obout lf1 etop of 1he 1\Jn<r. II <at the oil
in J ..,·okand fry tht pr.1wn m1:ctu~ '"hoi tHI until
Batter crispy •nd lightly t>rown«l Rcp<at wuh mnaonong
12Sg(l cup) flour pr.1wn mixturt and b.1nt.r. l>r.11n on p3pcr tnwd.s and
1 teo>poor~bo!Uns SCf\~ with VintgJr (t.:uhc 1J1p.
1 teaspoon sail
Annatto sN!ds
1 egg. well beaten ~ ~ )~ d
v •dt.Jc.1 rs (Q/Qrt·
Serves 6-8 llJd ~11 hnr ' }I.; m
hi, J ,. cl
PtcpMation thnc. 25 mins U(J~·cl uncl" IIH• cult.1t ''JJ
l ,ltJCl I Ann tl<.' $(,-,Js
Cooking rlmo: 20 min< .m~ ,old m piKAets m WIJ(tni.Jth C;, ot JJtuw.,t(JII ~~~u~

FrhtNS And Po\ttles 27

Garlic Prawns (Gambas)
450 g ( 1 lb) fresh medium prawns
s tablespoons fime juice
1SO g ('/• rup) Hour
2 tablespoom ofrve o~
1 whole head ol ga~ic. chop~
1-2 chit;... thinly sbced
1 teaspoon wit

I Peel prawns. remove 1hr """'" nrlll1:oil> lind dcv~in.

Mul'iuate in lime juic~ tbr 10 nHIHIIc:...
2 Svrinkle flour on pr.>wn< :mel mi•lrsholy. Nc;ll oliv<'
oil in u ,,•ok. SautC g,1flk ewer lfm+heat uutilli~htly
Urvwned, about 5 minute(, Actrl pr:tWI\~. Stir-rry ror
1-2 lllil1utes or until pr.n.,..n~ arc nhmbt eookc.·O. AdtJ
the chilies and Sol It .1nd h~;tl I hmug.h fi•r 1-2 mun.·
1uinutes or until prawn\ .:trt- rull)' cookcc.l. For u :,picicr
laS1e, crush the chi he< h&hrly he(orc ..,rving.

Preparation tim~: 15 mms + 30 mins fOt
Cook1ng ttme; 10 mins
Deep-fried Squid Rings (Calamares)
900 R(21bs) medoum I ' ll> l'"i>'" ohe Garlic Mo)'OnnaiS<' Dip, combine tho
squid oosmoll cuttlefish insrctlirnl~ In .1 bowl. mix wt•ll then set \'!Side.
3 tablespoons lim• Juice 2 Ur.mlht <quid or cuulchsh. discardiJtg the ink.
60 x ( 1!, cup) flour h<>d.ond tentacles. Slice the $<JUid into I en> 11/ 1 in)
185 ml ('/4 cup) wate< nng.s 1\1ann.1tt in limt JUice lor 30 minuttS.
90 g (l/4 rup) llour lor 4 Spnnklt (,0 g 1'11 cup) olllour on the squid and
bolter mox hghtly. Combine the 1•ater. remainiolg flour. s.>ll
I teaspoon S<>lt :1nrl ess ln :'1 bo'''l ~md mi.x to rorm a smooth bauer.
1 egg. lightly be~ten 5 l iN t the oil in a wok. Dip )4(uid rings iu the bauer.
250 ml (I cup) ool
Fry in hot oil in batch<> until golden yellow. obout
1 2 minutes. bein~ careful not 10 Ove<Cool the squid.
Garlic Mayonnaise Dip
R.rn\0\.Crom the ;.,"01. and druin on paper tu" cb. Ser•e
4-5 doves goriK, hnely
'~ith GJrlic Mayonnais.e Dip.
1 tablespoon sugM
I teaspoon sail Sorvcs 6 8
'h cup mayonnaise Preparation time: 15-20 mlns
t h rup $OUr aeam Cook•ng t1me: 5 mins

Fish Ball Starters
400 g (14 oz) whrte fish 1 To tht S\\'Nt .md Sour !).1UCt', m1x fht s:ug:n,
fillels salt. tomato k~t"tchup and vinrg.u '" .1 sauettp:tn.
1750 ml (3 cups) wate< Simmer 0''" low heat untrlthe sug.~r dtssolves. Sur rn
'/, medrum llniOI\ f111oly tht cornflour and \\'"attr ntiXIUrt. Simmtr, surring
chopped occasionally, until the sauct thickens. Rtmovt from
15 clcMs g4rlic. chopped the heat and set asid<.
25 g ('/• cup) doopl'fll 2 Clean 6sh fillets wtll. making surt to ronto~ Jny
spring onions remaining rhh bone);. Putlhc WOlter in ol pOl and bring
60 g (' / 2 cup) flour tu tl1e boil. Drop the fillets into the wutco· omllct <vuk
2 "SSS. lightly bo•ton
rur -~out 5 minutes or until ""'";,>lightly firm. but
I teaspoon salt
1/, tc4spoon freshly
1101 0aky. Remove fillcb from WIIICI .

ground bl•ck pepper 3 Mtl.lth the fillet:. aml mix with ouioJI), gnr lk , :,pring
250 ml (I cup) oil onions. flour and eggs. Season with :.ah und p(."ppcr
Woodeto too01pi<ks and mix thoroughly to form a ~;mouth lMW.·r. Shape
(oprionol) the boner into small balls.
4 H(."at the: oil in 11 wok. l,lacc the ball) in vnc: by cmc,
Sweet and Sour Sauce making >1uc each ball i> complctdy ;u~mcrg<-d iu the
100 g ('h cup) 50&"' oil for n'Cn cooking. You may""'< to <<><>k the balb
'h teaspoon san rn baLcho. Cook unut ftsh ball> arc lightly bruwn<-d.
60 ml ('/• cup) tomato Rcmo'"' from heat and drain on 1"'1"'' tuwcb. Sber
kerdoup 2 fish balls onto each toothpick if dc:.i!<'d, and ><ne
125 ml ('!,cup) vinegar with Sweet and Sour Sauce.
2 tablespoons cornllou•
di!Solll\!d rn 250 ml Makes about 30 ftsh ball <tarter>
( I cup) Wdtcr Preparation time 40 mirlS
Cooking time: 20 min$

" Lollipop" Chicken Wings
450 g (I lb) c~i<~en 1 Ren~<>V< wing tips and discord. SeparGI< 1he middlt
Wings and lmwr win{' segm~nts. Remo,·e the SOlJllcr bones
115 g (I cup) flout from the middle" ing >egnlelll, so th3t onl) one l•rgc
1 1easpoon soli bone remains in e-.1dt middl~ Stgrntm o(" iog.
'h leaspoon power 2 1\C,tb • knife, push 1hc meal. including lh< sltin
1 lcaspoon baking unlu the lop <>f c•d• bon• so 11w alith< meal is a1
2 bealen
Ihe lop. n •• res! of lh< bone should ~empty of
meal, so it looks like a lollipop slick.
2!>0 ml ( I cup) oil 3 In a shallow bowl, combine lluur. >ilh,pcppc! nnd
baking powder. DrcdKc llw Oc>hy lip uf cud1 <hi<kcn
Serves 5-a wing '"lollipop'' in the flom mixture:. Dip iu "'~ thcu
Prcp~r.1tion time:
dredge again in fluur.
40..50 min•
4 Hco&t the oil in a wok aml .,Jcev·r, y tlac d1kkcn
Cookmg tnll4!: 3o.-40 m•nil
•IJollipops" in batch~o.'S until t)ult.lcu Oruwn. D1oain on
paper towels and s\:.rv(· with tumJtu '-.ctt..hup.

St-~r•r• tM wings •t rhe boMs to m~e rwo Wlfh a l<mft.•. pv~h t/w.1111{\}f, mtludtflt) ti'lt'
plea<. skin mto tlltt tup uf (\1'1:11 lxmc
Chicken Puffs (Chicken Empanada)
Crust l To make the Crust. mix the tlouo. sugJr. bJking J'O"·
300 g (2' t, cups) flour, dcr •nd salt in a bo"•l. Cut in the bulltf ~nd shortening
plus exita f01 dusling with • knife <>r p3$1f) blender unlil mi>wre resCfllblts
3 tabiMp<>Ons sugar c.~rx bn, Stir in the- iced \\Jtt-r. .tlittlt at J
'h •••spoon baktng time while g;.llu:ring lht mi..\u.ert 10 loml a ~ft
powdco dough. Funn the dou~h into • bJII. Sprinkle some
'17 oeaspoon sail
65 g ('!,cup) chrlled
Oour onto a sht'<l waxed p.oper and wrap dough in
the woxcd paper. Chill )() minutes in the rdrigcwor.
solid vcRC!ablc <honen- 2 To mokc Ihe Filling. heal the o il 1111d bull« in"
skillet. Add onions aml:tuutC abmll I rni nut~. tlu·n
ll'o & ('12 cup) butter
add garlic and s.1utC~~ furtl1cr I utitlutc. Add thentbcd
6- 7 tu~lespoon> iced
chicken meat unci s-tir·fry untilth~· ~.hkkc.•n bmwns.
I •gg. llghrly bealen 3 Add potatoes untl f.;Urrob und ~.:ook 2 ) miliutes.
1 l•blc>poun water Stir in wottcr or broth u11d :tinmlCI until poHHocs .tnd
Glrrou. ar< tender • ud dokk<'ll is full)' rooked. Add peas
Fillin& and raisins and •immcr 01 further 2 ) rninutC'). Se.tSOn
1 t.lblcspoon oil with •all amlJ><'PP~r. With ~ sloued spoon. dr•in
I tabiMp<>On bull•• ingrc.·dicnts and trili\S.fcr to~ bo\,),lcning tXCf")s liq
'1 1 medtum omon. uid drip. Set ..ide for)() minutes to cool
minced 4 Preheat uv<nlu 200' C (400" F). R~mo•t chilled
l-4 ctove. garlt<, mmccd dough from refrigerator. Lightly flour J p.ostty bo.>rd
450 g (1 lb) chidcn or dean table top. Using a rollins pin, roll out dough
bocost 01 thigh meat o u a po.try board until it is 3 mm ( 1/,ln) thick. Don·t
debon•d and cubed roll it too thin or it will break when b.1kcJ. Cot 10 em
I small polalo, diced ( ~ in) circle:. u>ing a <UllCr and u sm.lll bowl GJther
1 small caff01. die~ the ~crup~ ;md rc·roll th~m so they .;,m be ustd ·'SJin
250 ml (1 cup) walor or You ;hould gel ubout 20 pamy ci•·dcs.
dtickcn b•Olh S Spoon ltbout 1- 2 teaspoons Filling into the midnlt
100 g (1 cup) grt•n p••• of each pa>try circle. FoiJ the cird•• so the edges met~
(thawed, if frozen) ""~ ftlli"~ i> ,;caled. Prrss the edge< of rht P·""l' wuh
100 g (r;, cup) raisins
lhc Lin~ of .s fork.
6 Combine lightly beaten <GS ••·ilh I 1.1blt<ponn of
2 teaspoon~ iodlt
w.att:r. Brush surf.tcf of t".lCh (('lldrrl puff with t'SS miX•
11, teaspoon peppor
turc:.•. Arrange- on .1 gR~ dt«l. WHh 3 kmft:
lll>kc l - 3 slits on the surf.l<t nr r.><h pnfT to allow
Makes 20 puffs M...-m, tu <'><'•I"' while bJking. ll.lLe puffs in pl'(htJr<ci
PrepiH~hOtl \1~ 1 hour
uvcn fur about 10 rninute> or unlll lt&hrly hmwn<ci
Cool<i"9 tlmi' 20 mlns Sc:t :bide f"r a few minurr-s tO cool ht(()rt \t"n·tnp..

ffl ttUt:t \llld P~ lhV~ J7

Sticky Rice Balls with Coconut (Carioca)
450 g ( 1 lb) uncooked I Soak lhc uncooked glutinous rkc in WJter ror 6 hours
gluti1\0US 1ic:e or overnight to soHm. Dr.lin lhe rke J.nd reserv~ the
500 ml (2 cu~) wat~ liquid. Grind the rice find)• in alood processor or
I coconut blender. adding just cnuu~h u( the '"'"'"ed
liquid so
2 teaspoons l>.lkit•K the mixture turns, then~~ .a~ide. Titt.' ~.round rice
powder shvuld hol\'C' the tom·iiltcucy o( a dou)4h.
250 ml (I cup) atl
1 Scrape off the bruwn ouh.•r 11kiu uf the 1.\KC.)flut
I) 20 bamboo skewers
using a knife or peeler, 1hcn grnlc Ihe white coconut
mc::Jt. Mix the grated ooc:tmut wi1h the rcscr\'cd
Coconut Sauce
ground rice. Blend in the baking p<)Wdcr, then shape
500 ml (2 cups) thicl<
coconut milk
into balls using your hantt or $COop wi1h n spoon.
JOO g (2 cups) dork 3 Heal Lhc oil in a wok lllllil hot •.111d dccp·(ry the balls
brown sugar or shaved in hatches until sold en hro\,rn, ildrling more nil i( nee·
palnl sugar CL"'ary. Remove from piln .,11<1 tlram on pnper towds.
4 fo J>rep3re tht <Acnnau ~i111Ct'1 hr.u the th1ck
coconut milk m 3 sauc;t"p.ln, ,urnng ronstanlly. Afirr
M~kes ~bout 60 "'" bdlls
Pr-ep.ara1lon timt• 40 mi.ns about 15 minult".S, blt'nd tn thr bmwn or ihavNI
+ Sever•t hours to palm &ugar. Cn<>k un11l1hr 1ug.u mths .md mixture
SOflen glubnOUJ rKe bn:ofl)fi thK:.k o~od ~momh Remme ftom ahe htaa.
Cooking time ~0 mins 6 Thretd lht nu ball~ onlo <kt\>tr<. :.Cn" w11h
Coconut S.1uce as a dtp

Thick coconut milk ht~ flt'd by .,rat 1 thp 1#~

•I ' ccx-<,.,.11Jt ~to t h h,-,,;t ) cu.o~ of
qriltf'l'i cor "'lnttt t' h 1(/(1 1 '~' w...lttt' A~rl rhot
nughly' fPJW r mP<. th~' q1; r 7fl them :111 JtP. t rm;- 1n
){)Jif fiSl (Jr ~tr.)tfl 1(1 ,1 mu In cfvth 01 c/1, ·sc cfoth If
osu19Ct)nned or pac~t:r ci.Xunut ~;t~..:am you ll\1tm(11~·
Jl/tl((!ll lJckJIII<I I (411 ufw,JllllU (U/)UfC~IInt.'<iVt
/A.~tit.'f (~()f Ul (fi:'df11 to btd I tlud. IXUIII.Jf !I J.
1hum.\nqtil(IU onlytJq llt"ld 'IU 1 Ju~\Wtl
Vtfft>r~nr /;rat ell of {Mcl:aqtttt coconut m vary "
l/lJtH'Jf:'Sl 5 ~o/Jow lt'Jfl f 1 'rlJC11CJf'

Fluffy Sweet Rice Cakes
400 g (2 cups) uncooked white rice
375 ml (1 r/2 cups) wate<
t tablespoon baking powder
250 g (I cup) sugar
rt, t<ospOoO salt
4-5 sl>~ banana leaf lot wropprng
2 L1blespoons melted buttet lor bruslrins
100 8 ('/• cup) grated cheddar chee~ (optional)

I Soak rice in water (or 8 hour) or overuigh1.

rice and reserve the lilluid. In o LIC11J~r or food
prm:cssor, grind the rice.• fiuely. lldt.lingjust enough of
tire r"'ervcd liquid so lire rnixtur·c lurns. ll should
have the consistency of u dou~h.
2 Add baking powder. ougor and ..,It to rice dough
and mix weJI.
J \Vih banana )cava by O\tl an optn flame
for • (ew second•. Cut b•nan•Jt~,es into IO·Cm (4-in)
arcl~ot. Brush thcleavca. with bullet" ;uuJ ut.c to line
ran molds or muffin tins.
4 Pour dough into molc:b. St<.'11m moltb in a sr~rner
unul cukes are fully cooked, abuut l0-25 minutts.
When the cakes arc rully cooked. a knife inserted in
the center o( a cake will <urrre out dean. I( desired. top
each cake with grated olrccsc bcCor·c serving.

Banan a leaves ~haulcJ I.K· p.J~(.'<l OVl'f Jn Vf~<.. n lkunf!

t()f .~ fpw v~ronds befort U:Jt.: lu lUfluttiJ(,II~, .w 41t,JI
thf!y tf() nnr rtMJ ~-.-hfln foldt."tf Altt•ttldM1-4·. 1l1p lht.
~1\'e'$ n ht"JJIf()Q t.•.t.:tft r unllllhtf JU~t tull tu wflt!ll
r1'~,· .1f'E' sofd 1(1 ff>ClN1'ttJf.U s./Jt"f'h If SJI(JVn.JUfllhr'l})
and wpe~mar;e•'( •t ~.. nor cWtJ hie
svllsr~:ult> v/lth v.•.JHV't ,.,.,()('1(

Serves 6
Pr•pJ~ratlon time·: 30 mms + 8 hours for soa~ing Jice
B.:tlung time: 2G-25 mins

Ate~ 11nd Puddings il 1

Sweet Sticky Rice
Coconut Patties (Palitao)
400 g (2 cups) uncooked giutinous 1~
2 1/ , Iii~ (tO tups) wator
125 B ('I, cup) gt01od lr011> coconut rnedl
125 g ('!, cup) sux••
I Soak glutinuu• ri« in llilcr(4 cups) of lht w:n.r
(or 8 hour& o r overnight Drain tlu: rkC' and rcservt
1h(" \or.\ler.
2 Ill 3 blender or rood pn.K.t..'i~(U, )4(illd th(' !'iCC' UntiJ il
I< <nrnmh and ha.• the Wll>i>tcnc,•or dough. Add just
tnough of the rcservctl w·.tter when j.:.-indlng so lht
rice mixture 1urns.
3 Place Lhe r~mahting 11/,_ fitCh· (6 '"~'5) \\\'lt'r in<'
I''"and bring to the boil. When water boils. drop tht
r:mies in one at a tjmc, making ~Urt the)' don't SliCk
rngerha. Panics an: u.okd once they llo.11 on tht nrr·
face. Rmlovc: with a stoned spoon and drain Do nor
<t~ck them as they "'"l stick l<>gethtr.
4 Mrx grated coconut orrd sugar Roll tht cooked
pJille$ in mixture und stn·t.

Make< 30..35 panie•

Preparation tirne. 30 mins +overnight tor Joaklng the
glutinous rke.
Cooking time: 30 mins

Rice Md P\oddlngs 43
Sweet Coconut Rice Pudding
(Kalamay Pinipig)
JOO g (3 cups) young 1 the net through!)' and $0;lk on I cup of tbt
roasted rice (pinipig) coconut crNm for Jbout JO minutes or until most of
750 ml (l cups) thick tht liquid bas b«n absorbed. Stir and m•sh lightl)·.
cowout mttlc 2 In J casstroJe. combine rtrn3ining coc:onut cre-~m
2SO g (I cup) sugar and sugJr. llring to the boil then simmer until thick.
3-4 sh«ts bllnana Add the roasted rice and stir lry untilthkk.
leaves 3 Wilt banana leaves by p»sing over an open flame
1 tabl~poon mchcd for severn I seconds. line o squue he,uproof dish with
bulte.f b•n•n• leaves. Urush leaves with melted buuer. Press
cook~d rice mi.xturt into 1ht dish. Ul st,1nd sevtr\11
Serves 6
minutes before serving.
Preparation time: 30 mins
Cookit\O time. 30 mins
Banana (~aves sh •uld ~ PJ 1. I fJYC.r 11 Of-.;,.•tt/ nx:
f()j '=~)/)(} • :v~ ''9...,
co sotr n r~'fl
"' tho .y J , • I " iJI<J<.,j A ., ~~
dpr/oete.lw;mbod.r>q' tt' t/o. JUSt r.vtt
wfrtm- lht>; ilfe w.'d rrcr nqutar ~~ n pravtSJOI1
Jl..J.:n ~ fl "' httn. n.1 ho~t ,,. nor
•• JO f 1Ni {)it~
Thick coconur milk lflf!d b , M ')9 '""I~
ot -."OCC t~ bovr ~ cc..J ot
qtatedc(.~ ,, It Aclt) (. tJW.JI• t IJH.;iJClth()l
wyhfy d :t"'.\' lnr~tr.. tht:" (fU\"t i't H•t trnlun f11mly m
youff,)t Olllfd n 11 il mu~l '' clat11 or c/li'f!) cloth I
u~mq cdnnKi ex p;;c; rr
coconut rt\im. ~1>11 notmdlly c
dJfute Jl, dddmq f cup ot wntt>t ro I CiJP of cdntlf1'f~· or
J.Mrlwt cocnnt¥t aeiJm 111 obtllm thK~ rornnut mil~
Th1s mu•ml} r.1t10 • ~only oJ l}fYK:f,ll fllllf)• • ~~,..,
() fler• nr btanrl•, of p.K~ ~~ 'tf ca<onllt Cl<"' m V't'V m
rtur!ness.. fo I., r/lt ,:_t,ilA !}<:. rutru fi()(IS,
Young to..utcd ric~ ', '\'Vt' 1111 Pf1. pp !lCS cJS
IJo , ro, J. tt IU x: 1 bcfvr~..:.
roppm</ f ';OU~>I

ICSt 01 tht' fff ;>P n lW(tJOIJ

Coconut Rice Cheesecake
(Bibingkang Galapong)

l •u•
•oo g (2 cups) uncool<<d I Soak rkt- in wa:ttr 0\'(tntght Dram rt«, reccrvmg
ric~ the liquid. In a blender or food proc:t«t>r, grand th<
500 ml (2 cups) wale! rice finely. adding just enough of the ~«n'<'d hqurd
3 su the mixture is nol dry. S.o o<Orl< for ol>nur 12 hours
I~S g ( 1/ , cup) sug•r ul room temper.nure.
2 loble>p<>oll> rncllcd ll'reheal O\'en oo ISO'C (3~0'1•). 1\r.o egg< m a bowl
buner. plus additional until foa my. Add sugar ond butter ond b••• mnil nuffy.
fo1 brushing Pour the coconut milk into the g,·ound riet anti mlx
250 ml ( 1 cup) thick well. Blend into the. egg mixu.ll'c, bc.lti ng \\'r.llunul
toconut milk smooth. Add baking powder.
1 ••blespoon b~king 3 Will banunn leuves by passing over an 4'\I'>Cn fl:une
ior M:vcrul seconds. Line f\\'0 snull b.lking dt-:hc~t, nr
1 >heel banana leaf
h<atproor pall$, about 20 em (8 In) In dr.uncoer, .-uh
~ g (8 oz) cort•s• b;mana le-;a,.•cs. Brush bJn,tn,t lcavt~ ''-'lth buner. Pnur
cheese "'chcdd~r
mixture into th~ baking disht".S1dtiilrlbuung cvf':nly.
Top "itlr graoed chees<' and brmh wuh buu<r •I"'"·
4 in preheao<d o\'tll for obnul 20 manu~<< or
M•k<» 2 c~k.s
Pref)o)ratlon t•m•· 20 mlns untjl a knife inserted in the center rom~ out dnn.
+ a hour> IO< soolong 1he
rice and 12 hours lor let- Banana leaves<I>O ld oc p>SSC<J (lWt ' " ,..,., •~ -
ting rke dough stand )/"' tf"o'. ~ •rl\b ~fr>ft. usc tosotr~,'fllt~m. so ttnr
Baking time: 20 mln1 tnt"V do nol CliK• wl1• 11 fulcA"f.i ;1Jtl.'f"nJl1VI.ty, tl p til('
·AAt.Pc; m hOJ nq .vdter utrfl/ a,~, J.~r ~lJfl tv >t>frcn
ThPy .. ,., c;n/,1 tn recttfnqr,~(dr 1ht. c.·b ,, pfY\'I)lQrl shops
mrl ~IPPtm.ttkPf\ If IJdn "''-'It,,~·, •:. '"· ~~·t .uVl!ri.Jbk·.
$Ub"itttUt(' Wtth W,hpt{ pr!IWI
Thick coconvt milk n nht~tiiWd lJY ctt,iliiUJ tht fJe'llr
of r (()COtWl 1flrO .. l>01Yf ifh: y,t•llf .tboUt J {.Cip~
nf !)I Jh.'(./ C(K'Onur f'• ~h) 4drl f (II/)\", ftt'f Ute, Jd f/!()f
UUtiiiJy .:1 few r mes tht;-n $11 Jl'i IP ttu m\IWt I rmJy '"
~'- u1 fi-ll w .s•t n ttH• n loti nr ~,. rlotfl II
Li nll c..dnr:t:<i or PJ<;l cocott.u' rr,..,•rn )'O''

ltotrtld/ly ~J>Iut .lf.M.i f19 CuD 0, ~ t-.Y tn I nq,

o/ CiJI OftJ 01 piKAt.>t cocont.. • :tm l obt , ttw~
(0(011(< • II tl K/ ~ 10 "' I J ~ gvKJ.:
~' [)111"""'1 t>ran<Jo. of p.~r. \J ocur>ul "
\' ry rhic'iiii"U. sot •· tt Pel(. 11(/'f! tUCtJUtr.

Rt(C and Pvdd•ngs 47

Sweet Rice Squares
400 B (2 cups) uncooked glutinous ric:e
500 mf (2 cups) water
500 mf (2 cups) thkk coconut mrfk
400 8 (2 1/ , cups) dark brown sug~r or shaY<>d
p~fm sugar

I Put rice and water in a rice cookt·r ~mtJ couk until

rict• ·~ done. Put Lhc coconut milk in a tll)ltCruh: dish
nr por and bring 10 rhe hoi! nv• r mcdourn heat.
Add the bm\"'" sugar or palm '"ug;u .and Mmmer,
~tlrrmg consDntly until mtxturt h«oma thick,
about 15 mmures..
2 Add thr CC)(')ked rke and Stmmcr. ~urring constantly,
unul me<l nf rhe loqurd ha• hccn ab,mbcd. The
m•xwre ~hould still be .~ligh tly mni.:tt. Pre.\) into a
p<~ n ;1ncl serve.

Palm sugar fdtlqPJ n c.olm fwm qukit n btvo\IIJ tu

1-tr• h J~Wl II"-"'' II d1~t t~ tJ tfiJ~ \,'fli/1\'01
Thick coconut milk OD161nt"rll>y 9'"' nq thr tlf'!an
•o bt l't." )'lf'ld_( Mlflt 1 c ·~ of
p •.:o. { • '~ d OJtJ Wc1tt~.-c •fWd Utor
""v Innes, 'hen St/U<'C a~ >tilt(' f rmly
your • • or >tr n r a mu r loth or ~cloth f
(J 'y t w'lt!d u~ /JiK}.d c.OC:IJI'Iut Vt.: r ;-ov •JOTm.l

<I• uttt I .~~Jd "9 I ClJP uf •·· t r !Q r cu~· uf c.Jm,\.-d Of

JMc-~tot <.m,mut ett>dm tu ablo.~ 11 rh cJ tUJ.(.mut mil•
l/11\ lmKiftf/ tdtiCJ 1.\ only d tJL'/It 111/· lkww.'W.~r.
IJtfff'ft•lft htd,d'i of packaq!'fi ((}(.UIIut 'r~m VdTY 1n
t1 trJ n,' W> fnlkJ~·· tth pdtl.ut• lfhltll< fiOIU

Pteparadon time: 5 mjns
Cooknlg l•mc. 4S mins
Ri<e and Mdtngs 49
Purple Yam Pudding

l purple yams (about 500 B/1 Ib)
500 ml (2 wps) water
1 tablespooo melted butter
12.5 g ( I rup) nee flour
400 R (I 'I> cups) wgar
:SOO ml (PI• rups) evaporAted molk

I'h reupoon vamllo extract

I teaspoon baking powder

I P«l the yt'lm.sthen ho1lm wntcr until1cndcr, about

30 minules•.Set :\$1de to cool lhcn Hr.1tc chc yams. Brush
J 9 x S "3 in (22 x 12 x H em) lonf p.on with butter.
2 Combine the grat<.'d y:un, rice nour, ~ugnr, cvnpo-
r..-ced milk-. vJnilla t'Ctmct :mel h:1kmg pnwder :tnd ~tir
to mix thoroughly. Vtlur nw<turc uno prep-ared loaf
pan and $h~·Jm for ·10 minuteJ, or unul firm. l~emo\'t'
from th~ and $tt 351dt: to cool for '-C\' mmutes
before serving. Sto~ •ny lt(to~n in tht rtfris<r:~rnr.

'II) fl f'lOCf!'S5(J(
Purple y$m$ HE- tuhrrt w th 1r.tyr:.h btOWI' '· m t ct
PtlfO{. 11<:>/1 TIW"~ t.\U,- \~I Jtnrl t1t1 'tOld lt~h II
:.up(•mMrh·t.s o• ~Vt'f m•.,,;.l·t~

Serves 8
Preparation time: 40 mins
Cooking tlme: 40 m1.ns

Rlce and Puddlnqs 51

Cocoa Rice Dessert (Champorado)
2001 (1 cup) uncooked I Combine glutinous rice and WJttr in .1 c:Jsscrole.
glutinous rkc Bring to a simm<r •nd •dd the coconu1 mdk, fr<Sh
500 ml (2 cups) wale< milk and cocoa mixturt". Conti nut" stmmtnng, .sur·
500 ml (2 cups) thtn ring frequently, until mixture begins 10 lhtcktn.
tO<Ofl\11 mitk 2 Blend in the sugar and cooko•er low he.>t, srimng
250 ml (1 wp) lrosh constantly. Simmer UOCO\'Ctcd until mi'IC'tore rhicktn<
m1lk but still has a slightly soupy consisttney, ~bour 15
.s toblcspooos cO<oa minutes.
powder, mi<ed with
3 Serve with udditiomtlmilk and sug.u· if desired.
1 t~ble.spoon water
250 g ( 1 cup) sus••
Thin C'OCOnv t tnilk ~~ uht.wrc."tt h) gr..mng rl~ "''sh
Serve~ 4-6 ul CJOtJ c.DC<Jftut mf(J \J lJuwl (lhr!J ytf'ki "'boc.1t 3 Ct.Jf>S of
Preparation time· 10 mlns q rdted coconut /h...~1) Ac.I<J ltup:. al •VL 1t..1. ''JCUd thor
Cooking time: 30 mlns
ouq/Jiy d fev. ttnw-1,. fhN1lt;IJl"" 1\ tl"• WMtUJt. f1m1/y IJ
~ur f..y 01 \llrl•n ,n t mu\1 n clutlr 01 tllt.'C."Sl''(/Qlh I( >W
Mt~> IJWJg c-;mfVld nr (Vtd ~~ coconw u~m rldU .l 'ups
of \v.ttN rn 'n1/1 nt rorcvtM rr'"''" to c~Jt.J" 11 ,
coconut m. .. ~ tnl.ttll/'l rdtlt) It nrw d ~rJI qcnw
hol.~oet" ~ffe~t htJndS ot p;t(J aqttrl rnmn tt CtPdm
•"'Y"' r/!oo.ness. so lol/o.v rlw> I'd< ' '9" rt111nn""'

Sticky Coconut Rice with Mangoes (lnangit)
400 g (2 cups) glu6nous I Comb in< the glutinou> rice. thick and thin cocon111
ri<• milk and sah in o 1•'11• cas~rolc. Cook twcr low htJI,
750 ml (l cups) lhodt lllirring tomtanll)· until lh~ mi\turt thickens .,nd nc~
<O<OIIUI milk i> completely cooked. about 20 mmutc<
250 ml (I cup) lhon 2 Rcmo\-e rice: (rum c.w.>erole .and tr;an~lcr 10 J 5trving
coconut m1lk dish. Sprinkle palm su~r on top and~"'"' wnh thock,
'I, teaspoon s.Jit hot chucolatc irde:. ired (se< page 6 1). Pecl.1nd slocc
2 tablespoons d•rk the mango an~ xrvc with the pudding
brown sugar,, shalll!d
palm sugar
1 tipe mango

S~f\I('S 6
Prepimnlon 1ime: S m1ns
Cooking time. 20 min~
Easy Meringue Cookies (Paciencia)
90 8 ('/• wp) flour I Putt~•• ovtn to 190' C (175' I ). Sofo togclh<r flour
'I• toaspoon bokong and b.1king po"·dtr thtn ..,, .tSidc. lk•t egg "·hues
1 powder untillhty •" ~ighd)' sufi Ciradually add sug.u and
• egg wloitts conlinu~ ~ating until <1ofT p<.tk< form .
250 8 (I cup) sugao 2 Fold in flour mixlur< 10 form • b.totcr. Add lemon
1 teaspoon l<!mon zest zest. Drop roun~ !<>spoonful< of th< honor omo
gr~d and flourtd I» king tr.oy< . Hake on preheated
Makes 60 cookoes oven for 8-10 minutt$ or until th< tops o( the <ookies
Prcp~r.)tion tilnc: 20 mins become light brown.
a,klng limo: 8-10 mlns 3 Loosen immediately fo·oon the b.tking tr,oys ro ohao
~ookies don't )tick. Cool ~ then 6torc in :1irtigh1con~

Peanut Brittle
375 g ( 11!, rups) sogar 1 In a small, hto:t\'Y s.JUCC:piln. hr~u sugar wuhout stir·
2 ta:blespoonJ water ring. Let sugar meh to .1 bi"'"'n h'}md. C"'.nnunuc to
11 t•blespoon butter, plus heat until 1he sugar thsckens. S11r 1n the woatcr and
additional lor bru<Nns simmer until liquid th1cktn.' and forms a stnng when
400 g (2 rups) unsalted it is lifted with a spoon. Add bunrr and st1r unulthe
roasted pe.Jnuts butter melts.
2 Pour in pe•nuts and $lir ro bltnd " 'ell. llru•h a lJ em
Serves 6 {9 in) squ.ue pan wilh bun~r ;1nd pour in the peanut
Preparation time: 5 mlns mixture. Set lhe mixture nsidt 'mtil h hardtn.s,.lhnur
Cooking t ime; 10 I0 minutes. Break into pitces .md 6trvt in bnwl' or
wrap in cvlored c:ellophonr.

Sw~ t s and Cai«>s 57

Light Butter Cookies
(Lengua de Gato)
125 s (1/ , cup) butt~
100 g (11, cup) sogar
3 ess whites
1/ teaspoon vanilla essence
125 g {I w p) flour

I Preheat oven to ISO' C (350' F). U>ing mix<r at

medium sp<cd, croun the l>uttcr ami ~r•dually add
iug.r. Conlinuc mixing un1illigh1 •nd OuiT).Add egg
whncs one at a time, beating thuroughh •ficr <><h
addition. Add vanilla essence.
2 ~ift Oour and fold in. blending lhoroughly tu form •
,mn01h m1xrurc. Spoon mixl\lrt into n pa)lry bag
wi1h a small frosting lip.l'ipc 10·<111 (4-in) >lrips of
the h:mcr onto greased and t'lourcd buking truy:t .
•1h<>u1 5 em (2 in) aJ>Orl. Bake each balch in the
pr("htated nven for 3bout 7 minute:,; or untilrhc
C()()kJe< h._.. hghtly browned cdg<.,.
J Utmn\-e cnnk1~ immediately frnm the baking tr;a:y
10 P"'''tnl suckmg. rrnnsfcr to a d<•n pb1c and set
Jside 10 cool. If not e••ing immtdlaltl)•, p.1ck in
.drttght containers.

M ~kcs 45 cooki6,
Preparation time: 30 mins
Baking lime: 7 mint per butch

s - s and Cales 59
Churros with Hot Chocolate
Among lhc dishes lh< Spanbh roloni.en< b<oqurothcd to the Philippines is thb
IIW<!Ct uflcrnoon snack. Tht crllpy, blond frittel'll go porCcctly ••ith the $W«<llt$.! or
•he chuwlate drink. This Is a f.wo rite in Spain and remains one among Filipinos n-6
well. The Spanish d>ocolnte In thi~ recipe i.< very thick, the way it is srrved in Spain.
It it to lx: >J'OUOed, rnthtr than drunll. f'rom • cup.

Frittt<s I To make the Fritters. combine w:uer and ..It in a

250 ml (I cup) w.ner saucepan and bring to a brisk boil. I'Ut the flour in •
•;, teaspoon salt Iorge heatprooC bowl. A> ;oon >S the water boo I<, pour
125 s (I rup) sifted flour, it (wer the Aour. Stir uutil a smooth dough i~ formed
plus additional for dust· ond the flour •cparutcs Crom the sides of ohe howl.
ina 2 Spoon the dough into u p>Stty bag wioh a [.,ge tip.
150 ml (1 cup) oil Pipe into 15·cm (6·in) suips on a greased and floured
l>akmg tray, or pipe iuto U-thaped Strips.
Hot Cl>ocolate 3 Hat oil in a Crying pan and deep fry the dough
100 g ('!,asp) sugar $1nps until golden yellow. Drain on paper towel$ •nd
65 K ( 1/ , cup) cocoa
set ;uidc.
4 11> make the Hot ChocolJte, combine " ' 8"' and
375 ml ( 11h cups) fresh
cocoa in u saucepan. Pour In the miJk. Sri r well to
partly dis.olvc tlte cocoa and sugor. ijring tc.> the boil
1hcn reduce heal to sin·m•er. Conri-nue &:immc:ring,
5eoves6 t.imC!: 30 mlns •urring constantly until liquid btcome$ '"'ry thick,
Cooking time: 20 mins S-10 minutes.. Pour into~ cup 3nd un-e wi1h the frit-
t<rJ. The friucrs C11n bt dipped in the hot chncolatc
when l"alen.

If tllf! kftv""' Hot Choco~u~ I< tnn rh1ck .•1dd bV ml

(' ., cup) mill. Anrf <.~mmt•t <IV\'t Jaw hrot before potlf·
'~g mto cups.

Sw..,t>Ond C~kes Gt
Cassava Cake (Cassava Bibingka)
soo g {1 lb) fresh 1 Prcheo1 oven 10 190" C (375 F). Peel and gra1e lhe
cassava 1'001 cassava 10 obiJin 4 cups. Stt aside. lltJI tAAS until
l eggs foam)'· Add supr. s;~h and mehtd buller. 8knd in
150 g (>/)cup) sugar C.lSs.l\\1 otnd 1hin coconut mil~.
1 teospoon wh 2 \Vih the bananJ·) b)' holdiuK 0\·..:r un upcn
2 rab,.,spoons mehtd flame for S<'\'eral second>. Lin< • 23 • Jl em (9 x 13
buth~f. plus addrtronal in) baking 1ray wi1h the lw1una kJI ""· Br u;h banana
fot bru~hing lea,·l'S with butter. Puur inlhc <U»a~a mixture. Bake
500 ml (2 <ups) thin
in preheated ov~n for 20 minuh::..
COCOI'IUl mrlk
3 To make I he 1bppin~ conobino <ontlenscd milk, CfQ\
1-1 sheets banana leaves
)'Oiks, coconut cream un.S buller in a double boiler.
Toppins Cook. stirring corJ>tantly, until mixture thickens, about
300 ml {I '14 cups) 20- 25 minutes. Stir iu kmu111.c:.t then M:l usi..Jc.
swtLet~~d condtn'led 11Take the cassavu cnkc uut uf the oven uflcr lO min·
milk utes and spread Toppins vu h. Return <.ussuvu cake to
2 tag yolks oven and bake anot1tcr 5-10 mi1tutc:.. Retnove the
250 ml ( 1 cup) coconut cake from the 01-cn when the topping IUntS golden
crc.-m brown and a knife inM.·ru.-d 1n the center of the cake
608{ 1/,cup) bunco comes out
1 •••spoon ,.,mon
Cassavcl root !.1 nm .:rs uhr ~.dVU 11 ~~ &Ki
Serves 8-10 5 nt;GP<If• nrll 'm tM!) ~ My rn ttl~- Nu ,p(lff':'i).S. s
Preparat ion t lm~· 30 mtns mq and h.J r1 tJ, t1rnwn f'Dililh fA.m rtnrl u itCh)
Cookulg trrno: 30 mins for t.vh1let f ~"h 1 r< nft, n ry. I till trtrl t ,. ' '('j ,.., /')ft>fl- ft'
the p;~ncGkcs • 20 25 rifuu; tJnrl r~r:l ~
min afor tht topping Ff'esh coconvt cream " y b1..' ol>tv nee./ l.lJ gfiltmg
thf' fle51) ,, I cororuJt ul(o ~~ buwl al11> yrl'fd:~ ,1bour
c11p~ ot ttr.liP~-1 r,..·nnttr lh'·,hJ Vfd ,,, ~VAIP!
ilnt/ ~r)(!ad tfl(,rOLIIJI'~ ft."W lftnt. tl r n ''IUC.~'ZC the
n1 -.rue r,rm!) ,n you r, Ul ~ltJtll , musl" clvth or
<ht.--cSt clott
Thin COCOrlUt tm'llc
IJit:~ q 0 dt•d
•.. 'O rl rJ

List of Recipes
Snacks and llolb Deep-fried Squid Sweet Sticky Rice
&nana Spring Roll> 6 RingsJO C"A)(t)OUt Pattit$ 43
Barbecued ('.Iucken r~Sh Ball Stoners 32
Sktwers 12 Gambas 29 Sweets and Cakes
Bichu-Bicho 19 Garlic Prawns 29 C.lss.wa nibingka 62
ijunutlos 16 "Lollipop" Chicken ('""'-ava C.akc 62
Cheese PiuwhL'<'I Wings 35 ChurrM l'ilh llo1
noll• 5 Maruyang Soging ll Chocol.lle 61
Cottage Cheese Shrimp FriHcrs 27 P.nsy Meringut:
Saudwich 8 Sweet I'Of:'IIO Cookies 56
Crispy Won tons 9 Chips 23 f'Zrittcrs wuh Hot
Kcwn~ Puti with Pan llkny 27 Chocolat< 61
de Sal 8 lcnguu de Gu1o 58
lumpiang Tuguc 10 Rice and Pudding.• l.•&ht lluntr
M~ntyang C1mo1< 3 llibingkang Cookie.-. 58
Quick and To>ty El.Q! Galapong 47 Vac1tncaa 56
OoughnuJ< 16 c.;., rioc2 38 Pe3nut Brinle 57
Sw.etMilk Champoradu 52
Doughnut< 19 Cocoa Rice Dessert 52
Sweet PotGtO Cooonut Rice
Prine.-. J Chwecnke 17
'langy IIMb<cucd Flu fry Sweet Rice
Pork Skewers IS Cak"" <II
'I:.Sty~prlng Rolls 10 hwngit 55
Turon 4 Kalamay l'inipig 44
Polif30 ~3
Frilltrsond l'lluies Purple Yam
B.tnat•• htuc.-. 2 1 Pudding Sl
Calanur<.< 30 Stidcy Ric< Balls with
Camotc Chips 23 Coconut 38
Check Suck.< 22 Stick)' Coconut Rice
Chi<ktn Empdnada 37 with Mangoes 55
Chicken Puffs 37 Swett Coconut Rice
Crunchy AnchOV)' Pudding 44
Ftiltct> 24 Sweet Rice Sqnaru 48

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