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A Thank You Email (a birthday gift)

You have received a surprise birthday gift from an English friend who lives in another town. Write an email
to your friend in which you:

- thank him/her for the gift;

- say what you like about it and what you will use it for;
- describe how you celebrated your birthday.

Write an email of at least 150 words. Do not write your own name, any dates, addresses or other personal
information. Start your letter in an appropriate way.

1.Express your gratitude for the present. You may use the following phrases:

Dear …
Thank you so much for …
It was so thoughtful of you to remember my …
It’s very memorable for me because …
You really brightened my day!

2. Write about the use of the gift:

The … is gorgeous!
It was something I really needed because …
It looks beautiful in my …
I wore/hung/put it …
It makes me think of you and …

3. Give a general description of your birthday celebration:

The weather was really great.

Usually we go for a picnic on my birthday, but this year we decided …
We have invited … to the party.
My parents helped me …
We cooked a lot of …
We had a good holiday dinner and everybody was …

4. Sign off:

Thanks again.
I can’t wait to see you soon.
Best wishes, …

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