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Language development is a crucial aspect of a child's
growth and development. It goes through several stages,
each with its own typical age range and activities.

1 Pre-Linguistic Stage
During this stage, infants communicate through
crying, cooing, and babbling. They start to
recognize familiar voices and sounds and
respond to them. They also begin to imitate
sounds and develop their listening skills.

0-6 months
2 Babling Stage
Children begin to babble, making noises
and syllables that aren’t yet words.
Mouth muscles and teeth grow to
prepare children for more advanced

6 - 9 months

3 Holophrastic Stage
In this stage, children start to use single
words to convey their meaning. They might
say "mama" or "dada" to refer to their
parents, or use simple words like "ball" or
"juice" to express their needs.

9-18 months

Two-word Stage
At this stage, children start to combine
words to form simple phrases. They
might say "more juice" or "my ball" to
convey their meaning.

18- 24 months

5 Telegraphic Stage
During this stage, children start to use
short sentences with only essential
words. They might say "me want juice"
or "daddy go work".

24-30 months
6 Multi-Word Stage
At this stage, children's vocabulary expands rapidly,
and they start to use more complex sentences. They
can now ask questions and understand simple
commands. In This stage, children can hold
conversations with others and use language to express
their thoughts and feelings. They can also understand
more complex language and use a wider range of
grammar and vocabulary.

30 months


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