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How Computers Use Electricity

Electricity's Spark:
Imagine electricity as super-powerful magic energy. It's what makes lights bright, fans spin, and
even lets you watch cartoons on TV.

Computers Love Electricity:

Just like you need breakfast to start your day, computers need electricity to wake up and do their
job. When we plug a computer into a special place on the wall, it gets the energy it needs to turn

How Computers Do Tricks:

When the computer gets electricity, it's like giving it a high-five! The screen lights up, and you
can see pictures and words. The keyboard and mouse get excited and help you write stories and
play games.

Charging Up:
Some computers are like superheroes with batteries inside. When the battery gets sleepy, we can
plug it in to get more electricity. It's like giving your computer a nap so it can keep going!

Stay Safe with Electricity:

Electricity is awesome, but it can be sneaky. Always ask grown-ups for help when you need to
plug in your computer. Don't play with cords or plugs, and never touch outlets with wet hands.

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