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Reflective writing


 What?
o I slept through my alarm and then had to run to the conservatoire
 So what?
o I was late for my lecture etc. annoyed with myself, wasn’t comfortable for the
next few weeks
 Now what?
o Make sure to catch up etc.

 What happened in the experience?

o Grade 8 Trumpet exam – absolutely nailed pieces, sightreading, transposition
and aural, came out with a distinction.
 Why was this significant?
o First time ever I came out of a performance / exam happy with the way I’d
performed and played
 Who was involved?
o Myself, my Dad who was accompanying and the examiner who definitely
helped put me at ease.
 What happened as a result? What did you after this happened?
o I became more confident in my playing abilities and began to enjoy playing
the trumpet a lot more, helping me make my decision to want to play the
trumpet as a career.

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