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Codi 17007968, 17008638Centre autoritzat

Nom alumne/a : Any acadèmic : Data : Aval :

2023/2024 1ª
Curs : Nom Activitat: Crèdit / Mòdul : UF: NF:
2n GS Comerç International Negociació Internacional UF1
Internacional Sales Contract


Practice in pairs

Let’s assume you are a water pump manufacturer for home and garden use. You have been
making some sales to a new client from abroad. After one year and some purchase orders, you
both decide to build a long term relationship with a sales contract.

Using templates you will find on the internet, write down a sales contract that will include at
least the following points:

• Identification of parties

• Full description of the goods involved (model number, quantities, colour, weight…)

• Prices

• Terms of delivery (Incoterms, time…)

• Means of payment (timeline, payment method, whether payments can be made in

installments or paid in one lump sum)

• Means of transport

• Inspection period and penalties for non-compliance

• Date of contract


Ser capaços de redactar en anglès un contracte de compravenda amb els elements principals
que hi han de constar.

Criteris d’avaluació:
Codi 17007968, 17008638Centre autoritzat

Es valorarà la creativitat a l’hora de triar una operació comercial de compravenda i el fet que
inclogui els diferents punts.

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