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Reflection Paper 1st April 2022

Triana Cahya 2211419064

1. Today we learn about All’s Well That Ends Well plot analysis presented by group
G (Amel, Dayat, and Galih)
2. Pak Ruly’s question in QnA session 1 is which part of the drama that shows
comedy. Actually, I want to ask the same thing at first. Maybe, Pak Ruly had the
same question. So, I looked for another question, then I remember the Marxist
analysis of drama that created by Shakespeare. Eventually, I ask about gaps in
social status and the struggle that lower class faced represented in the drama.
Surprisingly, (well actually not that surprising because I just remember last
meeting explanation also talk about this one) the social structure gaps are the
characteristics of Shakespearean drama. There are always two class that has
problem and it is built in the story.
3. Kingly hands= governor
4. Fate plays roles in drama.
5. Second QnA session:
6. Where is the superstructure aspect in the drama? = it is not about ghost or
something like that but it is I think related to Marxist aspect –base and
superstructure. So the superstructure is about idea or maybe culture that
influences the whole story.
7. Helena: maybe a witch because she make poison (ramuan) without further skill.
And the poison works.
8. Why is it not funny at all –for me. Because the sense of humor is different based
on period, region, or background knowledge.

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