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1) O que havia no zoológico no passado? Utililizando o there was ou o there were(1,0)

a) ( ) There was a Lion. There were two giraffes. There were five students.
b) ( ) There were a Lion. There was two giraffes. There were five students.
c) ( ) There was a Lion. There was two giraffes. There were five students.
d) ( ) There were a Lion. There were two giraffes. There were five students.


I am an engineer. I’m a civil engineer. My brother is a doctor of medicine. He’s a pediatrician. My

sister is a secretary and my father is a lawyer. Our salaries are rather good, they are above
average. My brother and my sister are at work now. My father and I are at home. We are on vacation.

above – acima average – média rather – razoavelmente
at work – no trabalho lawyer – advogado

2) Qual dos membros da família relacionados abaixo não foi citado no texto? (2,0)

a) ( ) irmã. b) ( ) pai. c) ( ) irmão. d) ( ) mãe.

3) O termo destacado da frase “My father and I are at home” pode ser substituído por qual pronome
pessoal abaixo? (2,0)

a) ( ) He. c) ( ) We.

b) ( ) I. d) ( ) They.

Compare o texto e a gravura:

I love my computer! Computer is good! I use my computer at home.

Happy birthday to me and to my computer

4) Marque a opção correta: Tanto no texto como na gravura, os personagens: (2,0)

a) ( ) amam tanto seus computadores que celebram o próprio aniversário junto com o da máquina.

b) ( ) não gostam de computadores.

c) ( ) não usam computadores de maneira alguma.

d) ( ) alimentam seus computadores todos os dias.

5) O personagem usa seu computador: (2,0)

a) ( ) na escola.

b) ( ) na casa de um amigo.

c) ( ) em casa.

d) ( ) na fazenda.

6) Na figura, você pode ver: (1,0)

a-( ) 2 children and 1 teacher at home.

b-( ) 3 children and 1 teacher at school.

c-( ) 1 dog, 3 children and 1 teacher at school.

d-( ) A TV show at school.

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