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Definition and key concepts

What is Planning? ● Planning requires flexibility and

use of other management skills
Planning is the systematic process of
– The future of healthcare is
establishing goals, determining the
constantly changing; thus, it is
actions necessary to achieve those
important that plans remain
goals, and organizing resources and
flexible. Additionally, some
strategies to effectively execute those
examples of skills that promote
actions. It involves envisioning the
better planning are data
desired outcomes, breaking them down
gathering, forecasting, and
into manageable steps, and allocating
transforming ideas into action.
resources efficiently to guide
decision-making and ensure the ● Planning is a continuous process
successful realization of objectives – plans will not always go
(Robbins & Coulter, 2019). Through the exactly as stipulated, as there are
formulation of detailed plans and the many factors that may change
anticipation of potential challenges, what takes place. As such,
planning serves as a crucial managerial planning will continue to take
function that fosters alignment, place even after it has been done
coordination, and adaptability within in order to accommodate for
organizations and projects. these unforeseen circumstances.

● Without adequate planning, the

What are the key concepts related to
management process fails and
organizational needs and
● All planning involves choice – objectives cannot be met – A
Planning as a process, consists of plan must be set for a team to
making many small decisions follow in order to efficiently
that will ultimately lead to the achieve their goals; without
attainment of the goal set for the which, the management team is
group. bound to be met with difficulties
● Short and long-term goals must that prevent them from achieving
be established – Setting small their goals.
achievable goals to be
accomplished over a shorter
period of time will encourage the
group to continue to work
towards their goals as they are
able to see their progress.

Reasons for Planning

comparing it against the
Shaping the future – Planning is established goals. This
essential because it allows the monitoring allows for timely
management to chart a course identification of any deviations or
for the future. Through setting issues, enabling management to
clear goals, objectives, and take corrective actions as
strategies, planning provides a needed.
roadmap for where the
Ensures nursing quality –
organization wants to go and
Planning is crucial to ensure that
how it intends to get there. It
clients receive high-quality and
helps in anticipating potential
consistent services. By detailing
challenges and opportunities,
procedures, protocols, and
enabling the organization to
standards of care, planning helps
adapt and thrive in an
healthcare providers deliver the
ever-changing environment.
best possible nursing services to
Builds confidence and motivates patients. It ensures that
personnel – When the members resources are allocated
of an organization understand appropriately, staff members are
the organization's goals and how adequately trained, and patient
their individual roles contribute needs are met in a systematic
to those goals, it instills a sense and reliable manner.
of purpose and motivation. A
well-defined plan provides a
sense of direction, clarity, and
purpose, boosting employee
morale and confidence. This, in
turn, leads to higher levels of
commitment, productivity, and
job satisfaction among

Facilitating control – Planning

involves setting specific targets
and benchmarks to measure
progress. It provides a framework
for monitoring performance and

Types of Planning

1. Strategic Planning – Strategic Operational planning ensures

planning refers to the process of that the strategic plans are
setting long-term organizational effectively implemented by
goals and objectives, determining breaking them down into
the best course of action to manageable steps, often within a
achieve these goals, and shorter time frame, such as
allocating resources in a way that months or years (Drucker, 1999).
aligns with the organization's
3. Tactical Planning – Tactical
mission and vision. It involves
planning involves the
analyzing the external
development of detailed plans
environment, identifying
and strategies to achieve specific
opportunities and threats, and
short- to medium-term goals
formulating strategies that
that contribute to the overall
provide a competitive advantage.
strategic objectives. It is
Strategic planning guides an
concerned with the execution of
organization's overall direction
operational plans and focuses on
and decisions, often spanning
the allocation of resources,
several years or decades (Hitt,
coordination of activities, and
Ireland, & Hoskisson, 2017).
monitoring of progress. Tactical
2. Operational Planning – planning helps in adapting to
Operational planning is the changing circumstances and
process of translating the optimizing resources to meet
broader strategic goals and immediate challenges (Ansoff,
objectives into specific, 1984).
actionable tasks and activities. It
focuses on the day-to-day
operations of an organization,
including processes, resources,
timelines, and responsibilities.

Hierarchy of Planning

According to Marquis, B. and Huston, C. foundation for all other planning

elements and provides a clear
(2015), there are many types of
sense of purpose. The mission
planning; in most organizations, these
statement encapsulates the
plans form a hierarchy, with the plans at essence of what the entity aims
the top influencing all the plans that to achieve and its guiding
follow. As depicted in the pyramid in principles.
the figure below, the hierarchy
● Philosophy – The philosophy of
broadens at lower levels, representing an organization or individual
an increase in the number of planning expands upon the mission
components. In addition, planning statement by expressing the
components at the top of the hierarchy underlying beliefs, principles, and
are more general, and lower values that guide
decision-making and behavior. It
components are more specific.
elaborates on the ethical and
moral considerations that
influence how goals are pursued
and actions are taken.

● Goals – Goals are specific,

measurable, and time-bound
outcomes that an entity aims to
achieve. They are often derived
from the mission and philosophy
and represent the overarching
targets that the organization or
individual seeks to reach.

● Objectives – Objectives are more

Components of the Planning Hierarchy detailed and concrete than goals.
They are specific steps or
● Mission – The mission is a
milestones that need to be
concise and broad statement that
accomplished in order to reach
outlines the fundamental
the larger goals. Objectives are
purpose, values, and overall
often SMART: Specific,
direction of an organization or
Measurable, Achievable,
individual. It serves as the
Relevant, and Time-bound.

● Policies – Policies are high-level guidelines or principles that dictate the general
approach and boundaries for decision-making within an organization. They
provide a framework for consistent and standardized actions while aligning with
the organization's mission, philosophy, and goal

● Procedures – Procedures are step-by-step instructions detailing how specific

tasks or activities should be carried out. They are more detailed than policies
and offer practical guidance for implementing policies and achieving objectives.
Procedures help ensure consistency and efficiency in operations.

● Rules – Rules are specific guidelines that outline acceptable and unacceptable
behaviors within an organization or system. They provide a clear framework for
behavior and actions and are often associated with compliance, safety, and
ethical considerations.

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