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The management processes 1. Planning increase the chances of success.

2. It forces analytic thinking and evaluation of

Planning, a basic function of management, is a
3. It establishes a framework for decision
principal duty of all managers, is a critically
making that is consistent with top Management
important to and precedes all other management
functions. It is a systematic process and
4. It orients people to action instead or reaction.
requires knowledgeable activity based on sound
5. It includes day-to-day and future-focus
managerial theory. It entails forecasting
or setting the broad outline of the work to be
6. It helps to crisis management and provides
decision-making flexibility.
Planning is defined as deciding in 7. It provides a basis of for managing
advance, it directs our thinking on what we organizational and individual and individual
expect to do, why it will be done, who is going Performance.
to do it, and how when and where to be done. 8. It increases employee involvement and
improves communication.
The first element of management defined by
9. It is cost effective.
Henry Fayol is planning in which he defines
as making a plan of action to provide IMPORTANCE OF PLANNING
foreseeable future. According to him that plan Nurse Manager must know how to plan for the
must have unity, continuity, flexibility, and following reasons:
precision. The plan should be included annual
and 1o year forecasts, taking advantage of input
1. Planning leads to the achievement of goals
of others.
and objectives.
Planning improves experience, Workers relate what they do to meaningful
gives sequence in activity, and protects business results. It ensures alignment of nursing
against undesirable changes. His unit/department and financial plans with the
concepts are that planning facilitates wise use of strategic plan.
resources and selection of best
Thus, increase the probability of achieving
approaches to achieving objectives.
organizational goals, vision, and mission. Also,
PURPOSE OF PLANNING it establishes a framework for decision making
consistent with top management objectives. oversupply or pilferages.

2. Planning is gives meaning to work.

6. Planning is based on past and future
Employees or workers experience greater activities.
satisfaction if what they do becomes meaningful
to them. Ensures safe and quality care through Evaluation of programs. Schedules, and
awareness of individual responsibility and activities whether successful or not, prevents
accountability. and/or reduces the recurrence of problems and
provides better ideas in modifying or avoiding
3. Planning provides for effective use of them.
available resources and facilities.
The best use of personnel and material
7. Planning leads to the realization of the need
resources prevents wastage.
for change.

4. Planning helps in coping with crises.

Discovers the need for change that leads to
Hospitals must provide for disaster plans.
create new services and productivity.
It allows the workers to function more clearly
Many of the hospitals have found out that in-
and efficiently when actual emergencies occur
patient hospital days can greatly reduce by
such as fire, typhoons, earthquakes, or during
having the laboratory and diagnostic work up
New Year celebrations and or other occasions
in the Out-patient Department. Minor surgeries
when more people are likely to get hurt.
are also done at the OPD so that more hospital
Manages risk and copes with crisis situations.
beds can be allotted to critically-ill patients or
for those needing specialized services.
5. Planning is cost effective.
Cost can be controlled through planning for
8. Planning improves communication and team
efficient operation. Projecting
collaboration through people involvement in
the number of operations in a given day,
planning activities.
including daily dressings, helps in determining
accurately the needed weekly supplies in the
surgical units so as to prevent undersupply, 9. Planning provides the basis for control.
It becomes the basis for evaluating the procedures for intermediate level planning for
accomplishment of the set programs/activities. ongoing activities and projects is done in
coordination with top management and those in

10. Planning is necessary for effective control, the lower level.

At the lower or first –level management, the

Nurse- managers evaluate the environment or Head Nurses or Senior Nurses (including

setting in which they work or where the patients Charge Nurses or team Leaders) do the daily

are confined and make necessary and weekly plans for the administration of direct

recommendations to make hospital conditions patient care in their respective units.

more therapeutic not only for the patients but

for the workers as well. Performance of MAJOR ASPECT OF PLANNING
workers and evaluation of services to patients’
1. Planning should contribute to objectives.
base on criteria set during the planning stage
It should seek to achieve a consistent,
will indicate whether standards of care are met
coordinated structure of operation focused on
and whether changes are indicated.
desired ends. Actions without plans often result
SCOPE OF PLANNING to chaos and failure.

The Top Management or the Nursing Directors, 2. Planning precedes all levels other processes
Chief Nurses or Directors of Nursing and their of management.
assistants are the one who set the overall goals
Without plan there would be nothing to
and policies of an organization. It’s their
organize, direct, and control. Planning leads to
responsibility to covers the over-all
easy accomplishment of the organizational
management of the organization’s Nursing
objectives which is necessary for group effort.
Planning and control are inseparable.

3. Planning pervades all levels.

The Middle management or Nursing
It encompasses both higher and lower echelons
Supervisors direct the activities to actually
and vice versa and spreads horizontally through
implement the broad operating policies of the
peer levels and/or across services and members
organization such as staffing and delivery of
of the health team.
services to the units. The formulation of
policies, rules and regulations, methods and
4. Planning should be efficient. helps managers look into the future and decide
It should contribute to the attainment of in advance where the agency would like to be
objectives not only in terms of peso value, man and what is to be done in order to get there.
–hours, units of production but should also Forecasts and estimates provide the bases for
include individual values and group satisfaction planning. Forecast describe the ultimate
conditions or projections that provide the
general incentive and direction to planning. It
anticipates the environment or setting where the
1. Be precise with clearly-worded objectives, plan will be operationalized such as:
including desired results and methods of
The hospital, this includes the type of hospital
served (level 1, level 2, level 3, or level 4); the
2. Be guided by policies and/or procedures
kind of service it offers (general or special) its
affecting the planned actions.
philosophy mission and goals and categories of
3. Indicate priorities.
their budget 9 national or local).
4. Develop actions that are flexible and realistic
in terms of available personnel, equipment,
The community it serves, this includes the kind
facilities, and time.
of people served their needs, expectations,
5. Develop a logical sequence of activities.
literacy rate, economic levels, employment
6. Include the most practical methods for
rates, demographic statistics, cultural values,
achieving each objective.
values and services available in the community.
7. Pervade the whole organization.

The goals of care, vary according to the needs

The effectiveness of a plan is enhanced by the
of the community, agency, trends in technology
environment in which the nursing
and in changing needs of the community,
personnel work. A positive climate promotes
agency, trends in technology and in changing
good working relationships and leads toward
concepts of the nurses’ roles and functions.
achievement of identified goals.
A mistake common to novice managers is a
BASIS in PLANNING the Nursing Service
failure to complete adequate proactive planning.
A. Forecasting Instead, many managers operate in a crisis mode
and fail to use available historical patterns to
assist them in planning. Nor do they examine something to strive for.
present clues and projected statistics to
determine future needs. Forecasting involves
Philosophy – is a statement of beliefs and values
trying to estimate
that direct one’s life or one’s practice.
how a condition will be in the future.
Forecasting takes advantage of input from
Goals – are broad statements or objective that is
others, gives sequence in activity and protects
expected to be achieved.
an organization against undesirable changes.

Objectives – are the action commitments

Changes in technology, payment structures, and
through which an organization’s mission and
resource availability, the manager who
purpose will be achieved and philosophy or
is unwilling or unable to forecast accurately
belief sustained.
impedes the organization’s efficiency and the
unit’s effectiveness.

C. Developing and Scheduling Programs

Forecast must be supported by facts, reasonable Programs are determined, developed and
estimates and accurate reflection of policies and targeted within a time frame to reach the set
goals and objectives. Kron has developed a
planning formula which may be used for daily
duties, or for short-and long-range projects,
(Venson, 2016)
B. Setting the Vision, Mission, Philosophy,
Goals and Objectives. THE PLANNING FORMULA

Mission – statement outlines the agency’s 1. WHAT

reason for existing, who the target clients What has been done?

are and the services will be provided. What should be done?

What equipment and supplies have been used
or are needed?
Vision – statement outlines the organization’s
What steps necessary in the procedure?
future role and function. It gives the agency
What sequence of activities was previously
What other efficient methods may be used? this time, by this person?
One more question can be added to make the
2. WHEN formula more helpful.
When should the job be done? 7. CAN
When was it formerly done? Can some steps or equipment be eliminated?
When could it be done? Can this activity be efficiently combined with
3. WHERE other operations?
Where is the job to be done? Can somebody else do it?
Where does an activity occur in relation to Can we get a machine to help?
those activities immediately? Can we get enough money?
preceding and following it?

Where could supplies be stored, cleaned, and so

Reactive planning occurs after a problem exists.
Because there is a dissatisfaction with the
4. HOW
current situation, planning efforts are directed at
How will the job be done?
returning the organization to a previous, more
What are the steps to be followed in doing the
comfortable state. Often times, in reactive
planning, problems are dealt with separately
How will the time and energy of personnel be
without integration with the whole organization.
Because it is done in response to a crisis, this
How much will it cost?
type of planning can lead to hasty decision and
How much time will it require?
5. WHO
Who has been doing the job? Inactivism is another type of conventional

Who else could do it? planning. Inactivists seek the status quo, and

Is more than one person is involved? they spent their energy preventing change and

6. WHY maintaining conformity. When changes do

To each of the questions, ask why. occur, they occur slowly and incrementally.

Why is this job, this procedure, this step Preactivism, preactive planners utilize
necessary? technology to accelerate change and are future
Why is this done in this way, in this place, at oriented. Unsatisfied with the past or present,
preactivists do not value experience and believe Strategic planning forecasts the future success
that the future is always preferable to the of an organization by matching and aligning an
present. organization’s capabilities with its external
opportunities. An organization
Interactive or proactive planning. Planners who
could develop a strategic plan for dealing with
fall into this category consider the past, present,
the nursing shortage, preparing succession
and future and attempt to plan the future of the
managers in the organization, developing a
organization rather than react to it. Because the
marketing plan redesigning workload,
organizational setting changes often,
developing partnership, or simply planning for
adaptability is a key requirement for proactive
organizational success.
planning. This also occurs in anticipation of
changing needs to promote growth within an SWOT Analysis
organization and is required of all leader-
One effective tool that can assist in strategic
managers so that personal as well as
planning is SWOT analysis (identification of
organizational needs and objectives are met.
strengths, weakness, opportunities, and threats)
TYPES OF PLANNING is one of the most commonly used in health care
organizations. SWOT analysis is also known as
Strategic Planning
TOWS analysis was developed by Albert
Is a broad continuous systematic process that
Humphrey at Stanford University in the 1960s
emphasizes assessment of the organizational
and 1970s.
environment both internally and externally such
The first step in SWOT analysis is to define the
as economic, political, social, and technological
factors. desired end state or objective. After the desired
objective defined, the SWOT are discovered and
It is a management tool that helps organizations
listed. Decision makers must then decide if the
set long-term goals, a risk-taking decision with
objective can be achieved in view of the
knowledge of their effects in the future, and
SWOTs. If the decision is no, a different
evaluating the outcomes through reliable
objective is selected and the process repeats.
feedback mechanism.
With the results of your analysis the following
it focuses on performance improvement and should be included: 1) working out what you
utilizes strategies to accomplish the hope to achieve, 2) being objective, 3)
organization’s desired outcomes incorporating the findings into the action plan,
and 40 revisiting your findings on a regular

Perform correctly, SWOT allows strategic

planners to identify those issues most likely to
impact a particular organization or situation in
the future and then to develop an appropriate
plan of action

Strategic planning as management process

Operational Planning
1. Clearly define the purpose of the
Is a detailed work plan or written blueprint in
which the objectives of a nursing
2. Establish realistic goals and objectives
unit/department are put into measurable actions?
consistent with the mission of the organization.
3. Identify the organization’s external It provides a clear picture of how a team;

constituencies or stakeholders and then nursing unit or department will contribute to the

determine their assessment of the organization’s achievement of the organization’s strategic

purposes and operations. goals.

4. Clearly communicate the goals and objectives It is known a management plan.

to the organization’s constituents.
Some categorical areas for objectives are:
5. Develop a sense of ownership of the plan.
patient satisfaction, patient safety, internal
6. Develop strategies to achieve the goals.
process, staffing, training and education,
7. Ensure that the most effective use is made of research, and financial.
the organization’s resources.
It is also a specific plan that supports the
8. Provide a mechanism for informed change as
strategic plan by implementing Its strategies,
projects and programs. It provides detailed
9. Provide a mechanism for informed change as
information to direct its people to perform the
day to day tasks and activities in running the
10. Build a consensus about where the
nursing unit/organization. The operational
organization is going.
plan objectives are specific. These are concrete
statements that nurse managers seek
to accomplish in terms of results. D. Establishing Nursing Standards, Policies, and

It includes the what (task to be undertaken), Procedures

who (person responsible), when (timeline for Nursing Standards Institutions develop their
task completion), and how much (amount of own standards of nursing practice, the standard
financial resource to carry out the task). of Nursing Practice and Nursing Service

Sample of Operational Plan Administration formulated by the

Association of the Nursing Service
Administrators of the Philippines and revised

The established standards in an evaluation

provides provide professional desirable norms
against which department’s performance can be
measured. Areas of improvement are identified
and a plan of action to correct this is made and

Nursing Standards, the philosophy shall be

based on the belief that the client is integral
whole and that he is a unique individual with
needs that can be met through nursing

The difference between the strategic planning Nursing Service Policies are plans reduced to
and operational planning. statements or instructions that direct
organizations in their decision making. Its direct
individual behavior toward the organization’s
mission and define broad limits and desired
outcomes of commonly
recurring situations while leaving some
discretion and initiative to those who must carry
out that policy. Though, some policies required Unfreezing is the first phase; this occurs when
by accrediting agencies, many policies are the change- agent convinces members of the
specific to the individual institution, thus group. To change or when guilt, anxiety, or

providing management with a means to concern can be elicited. This is where employee

internal control. become discontented and aware of a need to

change. Change agent needs to have made a
thorough and accurate assessment of the
Policies may also be implied or expressed.
extent of and interest in change, for them to
Implied policies neither written nor expressed
become effective as change agent. The nature
verbally, have usually developed overtime and and depth of motivation and environment where
follow a precedent. change will occur must
also be considered by the change agent
For example: a hospital may have an implied
policy that employees should be encouraged and Movement this is the 2nd phase of planned
supported in their activity in community, changed change agent must identifies, plans, and
regional, and national health organizations. implements appropriate strategies, ensuring
Another example might be that nurses who limit driving forces exceed restraining forces.
their maternity leave to 3 Because changes are not that easy it’s a complex
months can return to their former jobs and shifts process and it requires a great deal of planning

with no statue change. and intricate timing. Human behavior changes or

attitudes and values underlie that behavior, takes
Guidelines outlining the scope and standards of
some time.
practice for specialty practice areas.
Nurses must be careful to assure that the Refreezing is the last phase, during this phase

procedures they perform and the process used the change agent assists in stabilizing the system

in performing them consistent within the limits change so that it becomes integrated into the

of state and national regulatory bodies. status quo. If refreezing is incomplete, the
change surely ineffective and pre change
In the mid-20th century Kurt Lewin (1951)
behaviors will be resumed. For this to occur, the
developed change theory, he identified
change agent must be supportive and reinforce
3 phases in which the change agent must
the individual adaptive behavior efforts of those
proceed before a planned change
affected by the change,
becomes part of the system: unfreezing,
(Marquis and Houston, 2017).
movement, and refreezing
Budgeting, it is the financial guideline where is concerned needs, it is also reflects the costing of
the allocation of each resource such as money, the services on the supplies, utilities, repairs and
time and people will be acquired and used. It is maintenance while the (3) Capital Budget
the financial “road map” which projects the related to a long-term range planning of the
future costing and a plan for manpower institution’s physical acquisitions, disposal and
utilization, and other resources in line improvement. (4) Cash Budget appears to make
with the operating programs. an adequate funds available as needed and to

A nurse manager uses his/her expertise to utilize use an extra fund profitably. (5) Flexible

the efficient and effective budgetary planning Budget, budgets that flex up and down over the

and processes. In budget preparation, the course of the year depending on volume.,

nursing services purposely control and establish (Marquis and Huston, 2017).

the monthly as well as the annual financial Budgeting is also has Determining Factors for
budget plan report. Budgetary Requirements. This pertains with the

NURSING BUDGET=is a plan for awareness of the nursing staff about the budget
planning and proceeds of the department., (DOH
allocation of resources based on
Guidelines 2016).
preconceived needs for a proposed series of
programs to deliver patient care during one PURPOSE OF BUDGETING
fiscal year. 1. A forecast of income and expenditure

A HOSPITAL BUDGET= is a 2. A tool for decision making, to provide

financial framework
financial plan to meet future service
3. Measured the financial report and its
expectations. Budgeting translates these
statistical data.
needs to manpower, equipment and
supplies so that both services are provided at IMPORTANCE OF BUDGET Nurse Manager
the highest level of quality at a minimum must know how to budget for the following

cost. reasons:

Normally, there are five types of Budgets; (1) To control the over spending of the Nursing

Personnel Budget said to be the workforce services. Budgeting helps you control the

budget because it is forecasting the volume of spending beyond the means in related to

operational staff. (2) Operating Budget which nursing activities.

the accounts for revenues and expenses were the

To monitor income and expenses of the Nursing necessities involving the physical facilities of
services. Budgeting helps you keep on track of the Nursing services.
the income and expenditures of the Nursing
Cash Budget.
Plan to make adequate funds available as
needed and to use an extra fund profitably.
Rationalization of the financial transparency and
Flexible Budget.
accountability of the Nursing services.
Budgets that flex up and down over the course
Budgeting gives you a precise report summary
of the year depending on variables such as
of the financial responsibilities.
volume of labor costs and capital expenditures.

TYPES OF BUDGETS The budgeting process involves four (4) distinct

Personnel Budget. Phase 1 Gathering Data

It monitors the personnel budget to determine - Study the overall past performance based on

the needs of nursing staff either in short for long proposed goal.

term basis. The manager should aware of the - Gather environmental information

increasing or decreasing of patient’s volume per - Regulates the overall expenses and revenues
day/per hour or per minute so as they would from the past reports to present based on
know the number of staff nurses to be assigned., proposed budget.
(Marquis and Huston, 2017)

Operating Budget. Phase 2 Planning

It is an annual budget that includes the revenues 1. Create a Budget Committee
and expenses associated with the daily activities 2. Set Objectives based on strategic goals
of the Nursing department. Provides an over 3. Establish a program or project for future goals
view of an agency’s functions by projecting the
planned operations, usually for the 4. Formulate a budget guideline to synchronize
upcoming year with financial linkages
5. Settle an Operating and Capital Budget
Capital Budget.
6. Manage a budget hearing
Considers the purchased related to the
7. Prioritize your budget based on necessity
acquisitions of the major equipment and
8. Conclude your proposed budget plan 4. Managerial support is essential for a
budgetary program.
5. Formal budgeting policies and procedures
Phase 3 Approval and Execution
should be available in the budget manual.
1. Summarized the proposed nursing service
budget plan and let the authorize finance budget FACTORS IN BUDGET PLANNING
committee to review and approve the budget.
Nursing service are determined to consider the
2. Make a budget plan ready for improvement in
budget planning proceeds are;
order to calibrate any errands to the General
Appropriations Act (GGA). 1. Type of patient and the length of stay in the
hospital. Assess whether the patient is under
3. Cascade the proposed budget plan accordingly
medical, surgical, maternity, surgical,
to all nursing unit staff and department.
communicable disease or chronically ill and the
Phase 4 Monitoring and Reporting severity of its illness
1. Observe the proper delivery or 2. Bed capacity and hospital size
implementation of the budget plan. 3. Physical plant of the hospital, design and the
2. Make an analysis between the proposed size of the wards/unit and other treatment rooms.
budget and the actual performance.
3. Clarify and justify the results to determine the
4. Personnel policies. Includes the salaries of the
significant trends
personnel, overtime pays or shift differential;
4. Ready to make an adjustment based on the
extended leave of absence and holidays.
required needs.
5. Grouping of patients
5. Present the financial report according to
6. Standard of Nursing Care
hospital policy.
7. Method of performing nursing care
PRE-REQUISITES FOR BUDGETING 8. Method of documentation
1. Sound organizational structure with clear 9. Proportion of nursing care providers
lines of authority and responsibility is needed. (professional / non-professional)
2. Non-monetary statistical data – such as 10. Amount and quality of supervision available
number of admissions, average length of stay, and provided
percentage of occupancy and number of patient 11. Competencies of job description and
days – are used for planning and control of the qualification
budgetary process. 12. Method of patient assignment
3. Chart of accounts are designed to be 13. Amount and kind of labor-saving devices
consistent with the organizational plan. and equipment
14. Amount of centralized service provided budget.
15. Nursing service requirement ancillary  Consider the required expenditures, supplies,
departments equipment and material, repair and replacement
16. Reports required by administration for the next coming year.
17. Affiliation of nursing students or medical  Projects the estimated personnel salaries and
students benefits including their unusual leaves.
 Assess the cost of Human Resource
Development and Research Programs.
 INCREMENTAL BUDGETING – simplest  Render this information into peso and submit
method for budgeting. Since the budget for the the official forms to the Medical Center Chief
next coming year may be projected, the for approval and inclusion in the general budget.
programs and services were not prioritized.
The efficiency of the budget management
resources determines the productivity goal of
does not automatically claim to be funded. A set
the of the nursing service management. It
funding priority is the main purpose of this
reflects the consistency of the budget costing
ability of the nurse manager.
 FLEXIBLE BUDGETING – this method
calculates what the expenses should be specified
in the program ...nothing is particularly hard if you divide it
 PERFORMANCE BUDGETING – into small jobs. -Henry Ford-
emphasizes the outcomes and results ...things which matter most must never be at the
instead of activities and outputs. mercy of things that matter least. -Johann
Wolfgang von Goethe-
REQUIREMENT One of the strategies in managing the time is
learn to prioritize duties, managing and
 Asses the appropriate provision in the current
controlling crisis, reducing stress and balancing
General Appropriation Act.
work and personal time, (Marquis and
 Associate the sources of funds (General,
national, city, municipal...)
 Evaluate the current appropriations and actual It is a technique for allocating one’s time

expenditures for the current year. through the setting of goals, assigning priorities,

 Analyze the projected changes in other and identifying and eliminating wasted time, and

department that will affect the nursing service

using managerial techniques to reach goals accomplish yearly, monthly, weekly or daily.
efficiently. 4. Breakdown large projects into smaller parts.
5. Devote a few minutes at the beginning of each
Time Management Principles
a. Planning anticipates the problem that arise 6. Organize your work space so its functional.
from actions without thought.
Sort paper work on your table according to
b. Tasks to be accomplished should be done in priority.
sequence and should be prioritized according to 7. Close your door when you need to
concentrate. Agree on a period of quiet office
c. Setting deadlines in one’s work and adhering
to them is an excellent exercise in self-
8. Learn to delegate.
9. In a meeting, define the purpose clearly
d. Deferring, postponing, or putting off
before starting. Distribute the agenda in advance
decisions, actions, or activities can become a
and control interruptions during the meeting.
habit which oftentimes causes lost opportunities
and productivity, generating personal or 10. Take or return phone calls during specified
interpersonal crises. time. Maintain a telephone log so you can return
e. Delegation permits a manager to take priority calls at a time.
for decision making and to assign tasks to the 11. Develop effective decision-making skills.
lowest possible consistent with his/her Do not afraid to say “no”.

judgement, facts, and experience, (Venson, 12. Take a rest break and make good use of your

2016). spare time. Reward yourself periodically,

(Venson, 2016)
Time-saving Techniques, Devices, and
Methods to Better Use of Time. Three Steps to Time Management

1. Conduct an inventory of your activities. a. Allow time to planning and establish

Logging your activities for one day would show priorities.
how much time is usually spent on each activity. b. Complete the highest task whenever possible
and finish one task before beginning another.
2. Set goals and objectives and write them down. c. Reprioritize based on the remaining tasks and
Set priorities. Plan on making things happen on new information that may have been
rather than reacting to crises. received.
3. With the use of calendars, executive planners,
logs or journals, write what you expect to
ORGANIZATIONAL THEORY and functions of personnel.

Max Weber is known as the father of An organizational chart is a line drawing that
organizational theory. According to him, shows how the parts of an organization are
bureaucracy is an institutional method for linked. It depicts the formal organizational
applying general rules to specific cases, making
relationships, areas of responsibility, persons to
the actions of management fair and predictable.
whom one is accountable and channels or
Other characteristics of bureaucracy are
the following:
 There must be a clear division of labor. The elements of organizing include setting up
 A well-defined hierarchy of authority must
the organizational structure, staffing, scheduling,
exist which separates the superiors from
and developing job descriptions. In this module,
subordinates. There must be remuneration for
the setting up of an organizational structure will
work, recognition of authority, allotment of
be discussed. The other elements will be
privileges and conferring of promotion.
discussed in the succeeding modules.
 There must be impersonal rules and
impersonality of interpersonal relationships.
 A system of procedures for dealings with work
situations must exist.
 A system of rules covering the rights and
duties of each position must be in place.
The creation of an organizational system
 Selection for employment and promotion is
compatible with the philosophy, conceptual
based on technical competence.
framework, and goals of the organization
Organizing is the process of establishing formal provides the means for the accomplishment of
authority and involves setting up the an organization’s purpose. Understanding the
organizational structure through identification of organizational structure as a whole facilitates the
groupings, roles and relationships, determining development of roles and relationships to enable
the staff needed by developing and maintaining the achievement by goals. The organizational
staffing patterns and distributing them in the structure refers to the process by which a group
various areas as needed. It includes developing is formed, its channels of authority, span of
job descriptions by defining the qualifications control and lines of communication.
Departmentalization and division of work
provide orderliness in administration. Through a ORGANIZATION
breakdown of activities, each individual consists of the structure and process which
becomes responsible for a specified set of
activities and performs such.
allow the agency to enact its philosophy and
The successful setting up of the organizational utilize its conceptual framework to achieve
structure enables an organization its goals. It refers to a body or persons,
to achieve its purposes: methods, policies and procedures arranged

1. It informs the members of their in a systematic process through the

responsibilities so that they may carry them out. delegation of function and responsibilities
2. It allows the manager and the individual
Types of Organization Classified by Nature of
workers to concentrate on his/her specific
role and responsibilities.
1. Lines organization is the simplest and the
3. It coordinates all organizational activities so
most direct type of organization in which each
there is minimal duplication of effort or conflict.
position has general authority over the lower
positions in the hierarchy.
4. It reduces the chances of doubt and confusion
Example: Clinical and Administration
concerning assignments.
2. Informal organizations refer to horizontal
5. It avoids overlapping of functions because it
relationships rather than vertical. This is
pinpoints responsibilities.
composed of small groups of workers with
6. It shows to whom and for whom they are
similar interests.

Other individuals that the nurse may need to be

3. Staff organization is purely advisory to the
accountable to include the immediate
line structure with no authority to put
supervisor, the patient and family, central
recommendations into action.
administration, and the physician because all of
Example: Training and Research
them participate in the nurse’s work. The
4. Functional organization is one where each
organizational structure of the Nursing service
unit is responsible for a given part of the
should be updated, reviewed, approved, and
organization’s workload. There is clear
documented by the proper authority. Date of last
delineation of roles and responsibilities
review should be documented.
which are actually interrelated.
Example: All standing and ad hoc committees
Organizational Chart and Its Implication Ex: Medical Services, Hospital Operations and

An organizational chart is a line drawing Patient Support Services, Nursing Services,

composed of boxes that shows the parts of and Finance Services.

an organization are linked. It depicts the formal

organizational relationships, areas of 2. Chain of Command – lines indicate who
responsibility, persons to whom one is reports to whom and by what authority
accountable and channels of communication. Ex: Flat (decentralized) or tall (centralized)

There are two lines in the organizational chart organizations.

a. Unbroken Solid lines are classified into

two. The solid horizontal lines represent 3. Type of work to be performed – indicated
communication between people with similar by labels or descriptions for the boxes.
sphere of responsibility and power but different Ex: Ancillary Services, Training and education
functions. The solid vertical lines between Department, and Patient Care Services.
positions denote the official chain of command
and formal path of communication and 4. Grouping of work Segments – shown by the
authority. Those having the greater decision- clusters of work groups (departments or single
making authority are at the top; those with the units). Ex: Operating Room and Post Anesthesia
least are at the bottom. Care Unit, Labor Room and Delivery Room
b. Dotted or broken lines it represents staff Unit, Intensive Care and Coronary Care Unit.
position. Staff member provides information
5. Levels of Management – indicate individual
and assistance to the manager but has limited and entire management hierarchy. Hierarchy
organizational authority. It also provides for refers to a body of persons or things organized
specialization but does not have legitimate or classified in pyramidal fashion according to
authority as it acts in an advisory capacity. rank, capacity or authority assigned to vertical

Five Major Characteristics of an levels with the offices ranked in grades, orders,

Organizational Chart or classes, one above the other.

An organizational chart should show the
Ex: Top management, middle management, and
following components:
front-line management.
1. Division of work – each box represents
Kinds of Organizational Chart
the individual or sub-unit responsible for a
given task the organization’s work load.
1. Structural chart shows the various purpose. This promotes the specialization of
components of the organization and outlines activities, simplifies the administrator’s work,
the basic interrelationships. and helps maintain effective control.
2. Functional chart reflects the functions and
duties of the components of the organization
4. Span of Control. The number of workers that
and indicates the interrelationships of these
a supervisor can effectively manage should be
function. Within the boxes is the function
limited, depending upon the pace and pattern of
statement, which should be clear, inclusive and the working area. It also refers to span of
written in the present tense. managerial responsibility and the number which
3. Position chart specifies the names, positions, one superior can assist, teach and help to reach
and titles or ranks of the personnel. the objectives of their own jobs

Principles of Organization

1. Unity of Command. Although employees 5. Exception Principle. Recurring decisions

should be handled in a routine manner by lower-
may interact with many different employees in
level managers whereas problems involving
the performance of their duties, they should be
unusual matters should be referred to the higher-
responsible to only one superior. This is to avoid
level Subordinates should report only unusual
confusion, overlapping of duties and
from normal functioning, so that managers can
misunderstanding This method is modified by
limit their attention to significant events.
emerging organizational theory where nurses
and others are frequently engaged in matrix
organizations in which they answer for more 6. Decentralization or Proper Delegation of
than one supervisor Authority. Decentralization is the
process of conferring specified decision making
to the lower levels of the organization. Basic
2. Scalar Principle or Hierarchy. The
top-level decisions and policies must receive
authority and responsibility should flow in
attention at the top levels. Executives should be
clear unbroken lines from the highest executive
developed to handle situations delegated to the,
to the lowest. The other form for this is “chain
this delegation of authority is still subject to the
of command,” usually a military term
supervision and control of the delegating
3. Homogenous Assignment or
superior. Distribution of necessary information
Departmentation. Workers performing similar about critical issues is vital to any delegation
assignments are grouped together for a common
process. An executive should have sufficient may also be called Assistant Director for
information to make a good decision. Nursing as in the Philippine General Hospital.

7. The Principle of Requisite Authority. When She has several Chief Nurses under her who
a particular task is delegated to a subordinate, head their respective departments.
the latter must also be given authority over
In specialty hospitals such as the Lung Center of
resources needed for task accomplishment. He
the Philippines, the National Kidney Institute,
She is accountable for the quality of his work.
and the Philippine Children’s Medical Center,
the heads of the Nursing Department are called
8. The Principle of Organizational Centrality. Department Managers.
Nursing personnel interact with the greatest
The Chief Nurse (Nurse VII in DOH Hospitals)
number of other healthcare workers, receive the
is directly responsible to the Chief of Hospital or
greatest amount of work-related information and
Medical Center Chief. She is assisted by an
become most powerful in organizational
Assistant Chief Nurse. In some bigger hospitals,
there may be two Assistant Chief Nurses; one
for training and research and the other for
9. The Principle of Esprit d’ Corps. This patient care services.
means teamwork and implies that in unity,
Supervising Nurses are in charge of two or more
there is strength. nursing units. The Head Nurse or Senior Nurse

ORGANIZATION OF THE NURSING is responsible for the management of a nursing


•The nursing service as an organization The Staff Nurses provide direct patient care and
constitutes the single largest group of hospital are assisted by nursing attendants who perform
employees responsible of setting standards for simple, routine tasks for which they have been
safe nursing practice, providing quality care to trained.
the patients, and coordinating its services with
The staff nurses, midwives, nursing attendants
the various divisions/departments/services in the
and institutional workers are under the
hospital and community.
supervision of the Senior or head Nurse.
The Nursing Service is headed by the Chief
Nurse and may be called by other titles such as
Director of Nursing Services. As the
administrator of nursing services, the position
1. Traditional Hierarchical Structure (tall, exercise of their proprietary functions and in
centralized, bureaucratic) their economic enterprises subject to
This is commonly called line structure. limitations provided in the code and other
Authority and responsibility are clearly applicable laws.
defined leading to simplicity of relationships. Section 18 of the Department of Health Rules
This is associated with the principles of and Regulations Implementing the
command, vertical control and coordination Local Government Code of 1991 (the “DOH
levels, and downward communications. Rules”) gives authority to Local Government
Units regarding the management and operation,
2. Decentralized (flat, horizontal, participatory)
among others, of provincial, district, municipal,
The authority is shifted downwards to its
and city hospitals. Funding shall come from the
divisions, services, and units. The decision
share of the province or city in the national taxes
making can occur where the work is being
and other national funds and funding support
carried out, thereby professionals who do the job
from the national government, its
can participate in managing the organization.
instrumentalities and government-owned or
controlled corporations which are tasked by law
3. Matrix to establish and maintain health services and
This is designed to focus on both the product facilities.
and function. The manager of the unit
responsible for a service report both to a Accountability means taking full responsibility
functional and product manager. for the quality of work and behavior while
engaged in the presence of the profession.

4. Hybrid
A term applied to organizational structure that Authority is the right to act or make decisions
operate with characteristics of different types of without approval of higher administrators.

structures. It includes the right to extract obedience from

subordinates. In government hospitals, flow
of authority is from the Chief of Hospital down
to the Heads of the various Divisions such
The legal basis to consider in operating as the Administrative Officer, the Chief of the
devolved hospitals is the Local Nursing Division, and the Chief of Clinics.
Government Code (LGC) of 1991. Local
government units are given full autonomy in the
Change agent a person skilled in in the theory d. Staff personnel provides advice, counsel, or
and implementation of planned changed technical support that may be accepted, altered,
to deal appropriately with these real human or rejected by the line officer.
emotions and to connect and balance all
aspects of the organization that will be affected
Responsibility is the obligation to perform the
by that change.
assigned tasks.

Communication is the transmission of

Status is the rank a group bestows on a person
information between persons.
in accord with the group’s estimation of the
person’s value and significance to group goals.
Power is the ability to influence another to The status of the Nursing Director or Chief
behave in accordance with one’s wishes. Nurse is equal to that of the Administrative
Relationships within Nursing Services can be Officer and Chief of Clinics.
depicted through the organizational
chart. SWOT

a. Line relationship those that exists between Strength are those internal attributes that help
and organization to achieve its
the superior and subordinated immediately and
directly responsible to him/her. Ex: Chief Nurse
Weakness are those internal attributes that
to Supervising Nurse, Head Nurse to all nursing
challenge an organization in achieving its
b. Lateral relationship those that exists
Opportunities are external conditions that
between position in various divisions and
promote achievement of organizational
sections of an undertaking where no direct
authority is involve. Ex: Senior Nurse and
Threat are external conditions that challenge or
Physician, Staff Nurse and Clinical Pharmacist.
threaten the achievement of organizational
c. Functional relationship those that arise objectives
when duties are divided on a
functional basis like when an individual
Organization is a group of people working
exercises authority on a particular subject by
together in achieving the organizational
special skill or knowledge. Ex: Chief Nurse
with Administrative Officer, Staff Nurse with
Clinical Nurse Instructor.

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