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constructive disagreements — even in our present

very difficult times.
Remember the good old days, when you could (Christian Jarrett., 14.10.2020.
have a heated-yet-enjoyable debate with your friends Adaptado.)
about things that didn’t matter that much — times
when you could be a true fan of the Manchester United
soccer team when you didn’t come from the city of 1. No trecho do último parágrafo “we will all be
Manchester? inclined to be”, o termo sublinhado indica uma
How things have changed. a) decisão.
Now disagreements feel deadly serious. Like b) necessidade.
when your colleague pronounces that wearing a face c) certeza.
mask in public is a threat to his liberty. Or when you d) possibilidade.
see that one of your friends has just tweeted that, e) sugestão.
actually, all lives matter. Before you know it, you’re
feeling angry and forming harsh new judgments about 2. Read the dialogue below.
your colleagues and friends. Let’s take a collective
pause and breathe: there are some ways we can all try John: "I am about to fall asleep. I need to stay awake!"
to have more civil disagreements in this febrile age of Katie: "I __________ you some coffee."
culture wars.
Complete the dialogue with the right option.
1. ‘Coupling’ and ‘decoupling’ a) 'll go
The first is to consider how inclined people are b) 'm going get
to ‘couple’ or ‘decouple’ topics involving wider political c) 'll get
and social factors. Swedish data analyst John Nerst d) 'm go get to
has used the terms to describe the contrasting ways in e) 'll to go to get
which people approach contentious issues. Those of
us more inclined to ‘couple’ see them as inextricably 3. Choose the best alternative to complete the
related to a broader matrix of factors, whereas those dialogue.
more predisposed to ‘decouple’ prefer to consider an
issue in isolation. To take a crude example, a Jane: Hi Susan, how are you doing?
decoupler might consider in isolation the question of Susan: Everything is Okay!
whether a vaccine provides a degree of immunity to a Jane: Do you have any plans for this weekend?
virus; a coupler, by contrast, would immediately see Susan: Not sure… I __________ probably give a party
the issue as inextricably entangled in a mesh of this weekend.
factors, such as pharmaceutical industry power and Jane: Cool!
parental choice. a) am going to
b) am going
2. ______________________ c) will be
Most of us are deeply committed to our beliefs, d) will
especially concerning moral and social issues, such
that when we’re presented with facts that contradict TEXTO PARA A PRÓXIMA QUESTÃO:
our beliefs, we often choose to dismiss those facts, The Skills You Need To Succeed In 2020
rather than update our beliefs. By Avil Beckford – Aug 6, 2018.
A study at Arizona State University, U.S.,
analysed more than 100,000 comments on a forum The World Economic Forum reports that you
where users post their views on an issue and invite need ten skills to thrive in 2020: complex problem
others to persuade them to change their mind. The solving; critical thinking; creativity; people
researchers found that regardless of the kind of topic, management; coordinating with others; emotional
people were more likely to change their mind when intelligence; judgement and decision making; service
confronted with more evidence-based arguments. “Our orientation; negotiation; cognitive flexibility.
work may suggest that while attitude change is hard- The ten skills on this list make sense for the
won, providing facts, statistics and citations for one’s age that we are living in. Of these, you want to focus
arguments can convince people to change their on creative work, because that is where you are likely
minds,” they concluded. to remain employable. Every professional can be
creative in the work she does.
3. Just be nicer? You might have started to realize that you will
Finally, it’s easier said than done, but let’s all need more than the ten skills listed earlier. Alvin Toffler
try to be more respectful of and attentive to each once said, “The illiterate of the 21st century will not be
other’s positions. We should do this not just for those who cannot read and write, but those who
virtuous reasons, but because the more we create that cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn.”
kind of a climate, the more open-minded and In some instances, relearning could be
intellectually flexible we will all be inclined to be. And adapting what you know to a new reality. Take cell
then hopefully, collectively, we can start having more phones as an example. When they first came out, they

were used solely as communications devices. populations in Africa, South-East Asia and South
Convergence happened, and now our smartphones America. Research has suggested that 4this phenotype
are minicomputers. People had to relearn how to use a may be an adaptation to food limitations, high humidity
phone. or dense forest undergrowth.
In terms of work, you will have to adapt some Another impressive example of adaptation is
of your skills to the jobs of the future, and you will also provided by human populations living at high altitude,
have to learn new skills. Here are some of the especially in the Himalayas and the Andes. Compared
additional skills that you will need to succeed in 2020. to related lowland populations, 5these high-elevation
Learning how to learn. Since skills are populations show a group of physiological adaptations
constantly changing, you have to learn how to learn. to low oxygen. These adaptations include markedly
Analyzing information. When you take good increased blood flow and oxygen delivery to the uterus
and detailed notes, you can review them to pick out the during pregnancy, substantially reducing the risk of
big ideas, understand, and make sense of information. babies with low birthweight. 6 Current evidence
Spotting patterns and trends. I recommend suggests that these differences are not simply the
that you combine ideas from the different books that result of recent acclimation, but are at least partly
you read. By doing this, you may be able to spot ideas genetic. If this is the case, then 7the adaptation must
and trends. have occurred rapidly, because 8these high altitude
Communicating – written and oral. You can regions were settled within the last 10,000 years.
combine ideas that once seemed unrelated to 9Skin pigmentation is perhaps the phenotype

communicate them to influencers, who can help you to that varies most obviously among human populations.
shape and implement them. 10Dark pigmentation is strongly associated with

Understanding and leveraging technology. tropical climates, and the spread of prehistoric humans
Technology is changing at an unprecedented pace, so into northern latitudes was accompanied by a shift to
you need to understand and keep on top of it. lighter skin color. We now know of at least half a dozen
different genes that affect skin, hair or eye
<> Acesso em: 15.10.2018. pigmentation. In particular, the evolution of light skin
Adaptado. color occurred largely in parallel in western Eurasia
and east Asia, but we still know few of the relevant
genes in east Asia. Adaptation to lighter pigmentation
4. Na oração In terms of work, you will have to adapt may have been motivated by a need to increase UV
some of your skills to the jobs of the future, and you absorption for vitamin D synthesis at high latitudes or
will also have to learn new skills, presente no quinto by sexual selection.
parágrafo do texto, a expressão will have to indica These are only a few cases of genetic
a) opção. adaptation. There are surely some – perhaps many –
b) proibição. other 11factors yet to be found.
c) obrigação.
d) permissão.
e) possibilidade.

TEXTO PARA A PRÓXIMA QUESTÃO: 5. factors yet to be found. (ref. 11)

Recent Human Adaptations
The expression yet to be found is used to represent
Human populations live in an extraordinary an action which:
variety of different habitats: hot and cold, wet and dry; a) will happen
in forests, grasslands and tundra. Different human b) is occurring
groups feed on a wide variety of food sources. For c) has finished
many populations, diets shifted further with the d) was interrupted
development of agriculture in the past 10,000 years. To
what extent have these and other factors led to genetic 6. Which is the correct way to complete the text
adaptation? below?
1 Human populations differ in various

phenotypes – observable characteristics that result You can now edit and format your Google Docs by
from interactions between genes and the environment voice
–, 2but scientific studies have shown that phenotypic
differences have a genetic basis and are adaptive. For About six months ago, Google __________
example, mammals that live in cold climates tend to voice typing for Google Docs on the web __________
have larger, rounder bodies and shorter limbs than you to dictate your text into a document. Today it’s
members of the same or closely related species in taking this feature a step further by also allowing you to
warm climates. 3These patterns do appear to also hold edit and format your text by voice, too.
in humans, implying that population movements into This __________ you can now say think like
colder climates were accompanied by adaptation to “select all”, “align center”, “bold”, “got to end of line”, or
larger, stockier body shape, presumably to improve “increase font size” and Google Docs __________ and
thermal efficiency. At the other end of the spectrum is follow your commands. You can find a full list of
the pygmy phenotype that has evolved in rainforest available commands here […].

driven by the greater force created by differences in

( water temperatures and salinity, 2as the North Atlantic
edit-and-format-your-goole-docs-by-voice/) Ocean is saltier and colder than the Pacific. If it
a) has introduced – to allow – means – understanding stopped flowing today, the result would be sudden and
b) introduces – allowed – meant – has understood dramatic. Winter would start in the eastern half of
c) has introduced – to allow – is meaning – understood North America and all of Europe and Siberia, and
d) introduced – to allow – means – will understand never go away. Within three years, those regions
e) introduced – allowed – meant – understand would become uninhabitable and nearly two billion
humans would starve, freeze to death, or have to
Leia a tira para responder à(s) questão(ões) a seguir.
And when might that happen? Nobody knows -
the action of the Great Conveyor Belt in defining ice
ages was discovered only in the last decade.
Preliminary computer models and scientists suggest
the change could happen as early as next year, or it
may be generations from now. It may be starting right
now, producing the extremes of weather we've seen in
the past few years. What's almost certain is that if
nothing is done about global warming, it 4will happen
sooner 5rather than later.
7. O trecho do segundo quadrinho – I’m going to – (Speak Up edição 206 - julho/2004. Adapted.)
introduz uma
a) possibilidade.
b) dúvida.
c) resolução.
d) condição. 9. The word "will" (ref. 4) conveys the idea of
e) obrigação. a) possibility.
b) obligation.
8. I'm sorry, but I _____ able to meet you for lunch c) certainty.
tomorrow. d) condition.
a) haven't been
b) can't be 10. Indicate the alternative that best completes the
c) don't be following sentences.
d) won't be
e) wasn't A - "_______ to the movies alone?
TEXTO PARA A PRÓXIMA QUESTÃO: B - Yes, but I wish you _______ with me."
TEXT 1 a) Will you go - had come
While global warming is being ignored by the b) Are you going - could come
political arm of the Bush administration, the citizens of c) Have you gone - were
Europe and the Pentagon are taking a new look at the d) Would you go - come
greatest danger such climate change could produce for e) Should you go - had come
the northern hemisphere - a sudden change into a new
11. Indicate the alternative that best completes the
ice age.
following sentence.
What they're finding is not at all comforting: if
enough cold, fresh water coming from the melting polar
ice caps and glaciers of Greenland and flowing into the "Julia isn't going to London. _________ you going
northern Atlantic will shut down the Gulf Stream, _________?"
1which keeps Europe and northeastern North America a) Aren't - either
warm. The worst case scenario would be a return of b) Aren't - too
the last ice age in 2 to 3 years and the mid case c) Are - neither
scenario would be a period like the "little ice age" of a d) Are - either
few centuries ago that disrupted worldwide weather e) Are - too
patterns leading to extremely cold winters,
desertification, crop failures and wars. American News
The warmth is the result of ocean currents that
bring warm surface water up from the equator into
northern regions that would otherwise be so cold that POLITICS
even in summer they'd be covered with ice. The (...) Less than a month after being thrust into the role of
current of greatest concern is called "The Great Senate Majority Leader, Daschle has brushed past the
Conveyor Belt," which includes the Gulf Stream. 3It is objections of President Bush...

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1 Experience all this and more on the internet at

Democrats hope to capitalize on public
disenchantment with the Bush energy plan by
introducing one with greater emphasis on click with
conservation, energy efficiency, and tax credits to
promote green technology. AMAZON.CO.UK
books for
2 everyone
Senate Dems will try to force Bush to accept a broader,
more expensive package of prescription benefits for (London Review of Books. April 1, 1999)
seniors. Showdown issue: who shall run the program -
the Medicare system or states and private insures?

13. No texto, a forma verbal em YOU'LL indica
Daschle and Bush are both free-traders, however, a
a) hábito.
fast-track bill without provisions to protect the b) futuro.
environment or international labor standards - like one c) necessidade.
backed by House Republicans - will face trouble. d) permissão.
e) vontade.
The Bushies and Senate Democrats have reached an TEXTO PARA A PRÓXIMA QUESTÃO:
Battling the Bloodlines
uneasy truce in the war over federal judgeships. But
expect a fight if Daschle concludes that the White
House is trying to pack the judiciary with conservative 1 It's the small things the Brazilians do that
activists. annoy some Japanese in Toyota City. The immigrants
don't throw their garbage where they are supposed to.
They gather outside and play loud music at night. They
Business Week (adapted) July 16, 2001.
play a strange card game that involves yelling "Truco!"
at the top of their lungs. To Japanese in one densely
populated public housing complex, it feels as if the
foreigners are closing in on them, the smoke from the
12. Qual das expressões a seguir, extraídas do texto, barbecues suffocating them, the Latin music drowning
NÃO indica expectativa/ação futura? out an imagined tranquility. Ten years ago there were
a) hope to capitalize. (1) 200 Brazilians in the complex. Today there are 3,500.
b) shall run. (2) "The sidewalks are getting narrower," said a Japanese
c) will face. (3) woman as she maneuvered a grocery cart through a
d) expect a fight. (4) gathering of Brazilian families. "There's no room for us
e) is trying to pack. (4) anymore," said her friend.
2 Foreigners of any stripe can be upsetting in
TEXTO PARA A PRÓXIMA QUESTÃO: Japan, where conformity is a national creed and wa,
YOU'LL FIND SOME MONSTER SAVINGS ON the concept of harmony, is integral to maintaining
BOOKS AT AMAZON.CO.UK stability and peace in a country of 126 million people
crowded onto four islands. "I don't think it's a good idea
THE EASIEST WAY TO FIND AND BUY BOOKS. to concentrate Brazilians in one place," said Masae
Find the book you want from our on-line store in Matsui. Two years ago, a residents' association Matsui
seconds by author, title or subject. Then order with just headed proposed restricting the number of foreigners
one click of the mouse. in his public housing complex; in April, he was elected
to the city assembly.
THE WIDEST POSSIBLE SELECTION. 3 The dark side of "wa", the part that excludes
outsiders, erupted into violence earlier this summer in
We can supply every book in print in the UK - well
Toyota City, home to thousands of workers of the
OVER a million books - as well as hundreds of
carmaker Toyota, its subsidiaries and suppliers. After a
thousands of the most popular US titles
dispute with a noodle vendor got out of hand, about
100 supporters of a right-wing nationalist group
THE GREATEST RANGE OF SAVINGS. paraded around the public housing complex where
3,500 Brazilians live. They shouted through a loud-

speaker, "Foreigners go home," taunted the Brazilians From GLAMOUR - July 1997, p. 99.
to come out and fight and waved metal pipes in the air.
Time, August 9, 1999, p.19.

17. The word SHALL in "This too shall pass. (par.3)

conveys the meaning of:
14. "I don't think." Coloque na forma positiva e no a) certainty.
tempo futuro: b) likelihood.
a) I do think c) possibility.
b) I am thinking d) suggestion.
c) I think e) expectation.
d) I won't think

15. Indicate the alternative that best completes the We __________________ Karen next week.
following sentence. a) going to visiting
b) is visiting
"A PRIZE ________ TO WHOEVER SOLVES THIS c) going to visit
EQUATION." d) are going to visit
a) has given
b) should give 19. Choose the correct alternative to complete the
c) is giving sentence.
d) will be given
e) must have given "Since I haven't got_________, I will_________."
a) enough time ; have the cake made.
16. Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente b) time enough ; get someone to make the cake.
a lacuna da frase adiante c) enough time ; bake the cake myself.
d) any time ; make the cake.
I'II___soccer this afternoon. e) time enough ; ask somebody to bake the cake.
a) playing
b) played 20. Assinale a alternativa que preenche a lacuna da
c) to play frase a seguir corretamente
d) play
e) plays He will ________ almost everything you ask him.
a) do
b) to do
Feeling down? Look up!
c) doing
d) does
1 According to Sarah Conn, Ph.D., instructor in e) did
psychology at Cambridge Hospital at Harvard Medical
School, taking the time to pause and look up at the sky 21. Assinale a alternativa correta.
is a natural way to reduce stress.
2 First, sky watching gives you a break. Simply I expect that she __________ arrive at about midnight.
stopping to lift your head and look up "releases you a) is
from your usual mode of rushing to your next b) will
destination - which reduces tension," explains Conn. c) going to
3 It can even be comforting, she adds. When d) must
your emotions are riding high, "the ever-changing e) goes
clouds and colors of the sky are a reassuring reminder
that your own state of mind is temporary. It's a relief to 22. Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente
remember that, This too shall pass." as lacunas:
4 At the same time, the vastness of the sky
makes problems less overwhelming by putting them in I..... you as soon as my work.....
perspective. "Sky watching reminds you that you're a) will call..... is finished.
part of a much larger picture," says Conn. b) called..... will finish.
5 And as stress begins to ebb you may find that c) was calling..... is finished.
it's replaced by a renewed sense of possibility and d) had called..... finishes.
optimism: "You'll gain a new appreciation for the old e) have called..... finish.
saying, 'The sky's the limit.'"

Resposta da questão 8:
Resposta da questão 1: [D]
Resposta da questão 9:
A alternativa [D] está correta, pois o simple future (will) [C]
transmite uma noção de possibilidade no futuro.
Resposta da questão 10:
Resposta da questão 2: [B]
Resposta da questão 11:
A alternativa [C] está correta, pois possui a forma [A]
correta do verbo to get no simple future (will get ou ‘ll
Resposta da questão 12:
Resposta da questão 3:
Resposta da questão 13:
A alternativa [D] está correta, pois apresenta o uso [B]
correto do tempo verbal simple future. Tradução:
"Não tenho certeza. Provavelmente darei uma festa Resposta da questão 14:
neste final de semana". [E]

Resposta da questão 4: Resposta da questão 15:

[C] [D]

A alternativa [C] está correta, pois o trecho pode ser Resposta da questão 16:
entendido como: “Em termos de trabalho, você terá [D]
que adaptar algumas de suas habilidades aos
empregos do futuro, e terá também que aprender
Resposta da questão 17:
novas habilidades”.
Resposta da questão 5:
Resposta da questão 18:
A expressão em destaque significa "ainda a serem
descobertos". Isso transmite uma ideia de futuro. Por Resposta da questão 19:
esse motivo, a alternativa [A] está correta [A]
Resposta da questão 20:
Resposta da questão 6: [A]
Resposta da questão 21:
A alternativa [D] está correta, pois as lacunas foram [B]
completadas com os tempos verbais adequados. A
primeira lacuna deve ser completada pelo simple past, Resposta da questão 22:
pois há uma expressão passada definida (about six [A]
months ago). A segunda lacuna deve ser completada
pelo infinitivo, pois se trata de uma ideia de finalidade.
A terceira lacuna deve ser completada pelo simple
present, pois se trata de uma generalização. Por fim, a
última lacuna deve ser completada pelo simple future,
pois o trecho ficaria com a seguinte tradução: “...e o
Google Docs entenderá e seguirá os seus

Resposta da questão 7:

Quando Hagar afirma que irá (going to) chupar balas

de menta a fim de disfarçar o hálito de cerveja, ele
toma uma decisão, faz uma resolução.

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