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The new strain of coronavirus, which

originated last year in Hubel province in China, causes
TEXTO PARA A PRÓXIMA QUESTÃO: a respiratory disease called Covid-19. China has seen
Read the text to answer the questions below. more than 76,000 infections and 2,442 deaths.

Located within the Indigenous Nations Park, the What is happening in Italy?
MARCO offers permanent and temporary works by Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte announced on
modern and contemporary visual artists. Its collection Saturday that "extraordinary measures" would come
originates in 1979, in the former State Pinacoteca, into force to try to stem the rising number of
enriched later by spontaneous donations of artists, coronavirus cases.
private collectors and cultural institutions. It currently He said the quarantine restrictions could last
consists of approximately 1,600 works in various for weeks, Police, and if necessary the armed forces,
artistic modalities, including a significant set of works will have the authority to ensure me regulations are
that record the course of visual arts in Mato Grosso do enforced.
Sul, from the beginning to the present day. Angelo Borrelli, the head of Italy’s Civil
Protection Department, told reporters that 110 of the
(FONTE: Disponível em: < confirmed cases were in Lombardy, with 21 in Veneto
en/atrativo/425>. Acesso em: 4 nov. 2019). with others in Emilia-Romagna and Lazio. Officials
reported a third death on Sunday, an elderly woman
from the town of Crema suffering from cancer. Italian
1. Read the text again and answer the question officials say they are still trying to trace the source of
correctly: in which verb tense was it written? the outbreak.
a) Simple Present Tense. Universities in Milan have been closed and the
b) Simple Past Tense. city’s mayor, Giuseppe Sala, said schools would also
c) Present Continuous Tense. close their doors while the outbreak continued. “As a
d) Past Continuous Tense. precaution I think that the schools have to be closed in
Milan. I will propose to the president of the region to
e) Present Perfect Tense.
enlarge the precaution to the entire metropolitan city
area. It is just a precaution, we don’t want to create
Coronavirus: Venice Carnival closes as Italy panic," he said.
imposes Iockdown Meanwhile Giorgio Armani’s fashion show,
23 February 2020 scheduled to be held __________ (I) Milan
__________ (II) Sunday, went ahead but without any
Italian officials have cut short the Venice Carnival as media or buyers present. The show was live streamed
they try to control what is now the worst outbreak of __________ (III) its website, Instagram and Facebook
the coronavirus in Europe. pages.

Authorities in the Veneto region said the event Adapted from: htts://
would end later on Sunday, two days earlier than europe-51602007
scheduled. Italy has by far the highest number of
coronavirus cases in Europe, with 152. Three people
have died. Italy has imposed strict quarantine 2. Mark the sentence from the text that contains the
restrictions in two northern “hotspot” regions dose to use of Present Continuous.
Milan and Venice. a) "Three people have died."
About 50,000 people cannot enter or leave b) "The reporting chain worked without delay."
several towns in Veneto and Lombardy for the next two c) "He said the quarantine restrictions could last for
weeks without special permission. Even outside the weeks."
zone, many businesses and schools have suspended d) "Officials reported a third death on Sunday, an
activities, and sporting events have been cancelled. elderly woman from the town of Crema suffering
The BBC’s Mark Lowen described the situation just from cancer."
outside the zone. In neighbouring Austria, a train from e) "Italian officials say they are still trying to trace the
Venice was stopped at the Austrian border after it source of the outbreak."
emerged that two passengers had fever symptoms.
Austria’s Interior Minister Karl Nehammer later TEXTO PARA A PRÓXIMA QUESTÃO:
confirmed to the BBC that the pair tested negative for Read the text below and answer question(s) according
coronavirus. to it.
"All authorities have acted quickly and with
great caution in this case," said Mr Nehammer in a Most Common Prejudices
statement. "The reporting chain worked without delay."
Elsewhere, authorities in South Korea and Iran are What are some of the most common ways
battling to control rising numbers of infections. South people discriminate against each other? Some of the
Korea has raised its coronavirus alert to the "highest areas where people show their intolerance are well-
level". known, such as race. But 1 others are less
2acknowledged, even if more common:

16prone – propensos(as)
Age: 3Ageism is more common than you think. Older 18bias – julgamento ou opinião parcial
people are thought to be inflexible and 4stuck in the
past, while younger people are seen as inexperienced
and naive. 5One-fifth of working adults say they 3. Choose the option which contains the correct
experience ageism in the 6workplace. negative for “atheists are prone to discrimination”
Class: Classism usually takes the form of (reference 15).
discrimination by wealthier people against those who
are less well off. However, classism goes both ways – Atheists __________ prone to discrimination.
people of lower economic status can see the wealthy a) don’t
as elite snobs who, while monetarily secure, are b) didn’t
morally 7bankrupt. c) aren’t
Color: Different from racism, colorism is discrimination d) can’t
based only on the color of a person’s skin; how
relatively dark or light they are. Colorism takes place 4. Choose the alternative that fills in the blank in the
within and between races. It is common in multi-ethnic sentence below.
and non-white societies and societies with historical
racial prejudice. Scientists say that when a person stops __________
Ability: 8Usually called ableism, a less well-known very soon, the chances of getting cancer and other
form of prejudice is discrimination against people with diseases reduce.
visible disabilities such as 9those in wheelchairs or with a) smoke
a learning disability. The disabled face discrimination b) smokes
not only from their 10peers, but from institutions, c) smoked
schools, employers, and 11landowners who are d) smoking
hesitant to accommodate the disabled.
Sex/Gender: Possibly the most universal and long TEXTO PARA A PRÓXIMA QUESTÃO:
running prejudice is that based on a person’s gender Leia o texto para responder a(s) questão(ões).
or sex. Historically, sexism has placed men in a more
advantageous position than women. Frejat
Weight/Size: In short, sizeism is discrimination based
on 12a person’s body size or weight. Sizeism works In 1985, Frejat, then guitarist for Barão
with social standards of beauty and usually takes the Vermelho, hit the stage wearing green and yellow
form of discrimination against the overweight – anti-fat clothes. It was January 15th, the day in which
prejudice. Tancredo Neves was named president of Brazil.
Religion: Religious discrimination and 13persecution Cazuza sang “Pro Dia Nascer Feliz” with lots of
has been common throughout history. But 14prejudice enthusiasm.
based on religious affiliation doesn’t end with Frejat returns to the festival this year for a solo
organized religion; 15 atheists are 16 prone to performance on October 1st.
discrimination and being discriminated against.
Sexual Orientation: Most commonly, prejudice based Fonte: Disponível em: TAM. TAM nas nuvens. São
on sexual orientation includes discrimination against Paulo: New Content Editora, set/2011.
those of a non-heterosexual orientation. Discrimination
against the non-heterosexual takes many forms
depending on the society. In some societies prejudice 5. Change the following sentence to the simple
is open and tolerated, but in most Western societies, present tense:
17bias against the non-heterosexual is more discreet.
Cazuza sang “Pro Dia Nascer Feliz”.
Country of Origin: Nativism is a common form of a) Cazuza sings “Pro Dia Nascer Feliz”.
discrimination against immigrants to a country. Unlike b) Cazuza will sing “Pro Dia Nascer Feliz”.
many other forms of discrimination, nativism is many c) Cazuza has sung “Pro Dia Nascer Feliz”.
times encouraged and enforced by some public d) Cazuza is singing “Pro Dia Nascer Feliz”.
entities. e) Cazuza would sing “Pro Dia Nascer Feliz”.
18Which prejudice do you have? Which prejudice have 6. Nas orações abaixo, o ‘ (apóstrofe) significa:
you experienced?
I’m a student.
Adapted from There’s a spider on the wall;
I don’t study Spanish.
I’ll love you forever.
Glossary: a) A adição de uma letra.
2acknowledged – reconhecidos(as)
b) A omissão de uma letra somente.
4stuck – presos(as)
c) A adição de uma letra e a omissão de outra.
7bankrupt – falidos(as)
d) A adição de duas letras.
10peers - pares; colegas
e) A omissão de uma ou mais letras.
11landowners – proprietários(as)

TEXTO PARA A PRÓXIMA QUESTÃO: a) a Microsoft está vendendo o Skype.

Leia a tira para responder à(s) questão(ões) a seguir. b) o Skype está sendo vendido pela Microsoft.
c) a Microsoft está comprando o Skype.
d) o Skype está se despedindo da Microsoft.
e) a Microsoft está perdendo o Skype.

10. Em inglês, "Você está esperando alguma carta?"

a) Have you been waiting for a chart?
b) Are you expecting a letter?
c) Are you attending any lecture?
d) Are you staying for the lecture?
7. No trecho do primeiro quadrinho – she’s sick and e) Have you been hoping for a lecture?
tired of smelling beer –, ’s pode ser reescrito como
a) is. 11. Complete with Simple Present or Present
b) was. Continuous (Progressive)
c) goes.
d) does. Smith always_______________ to class on time.
e) has. a) is coming
b) comes
8. What is the correct way to complete the sentence c) come
below? d) cames
e) had come
I’m going to leave early tomorrow in case (1) ____ a lot
of traffic. 12. Escolha a alternativa que melhor interage com a
a) there to be oração dada.
b) there would be
c) there will be How do you do?
d) there are a) I forgot!
e) there is b) It is easy!
c) How do you do?
d) I don't know.
Microsoft is buying Skype e) But I don't!
One is the giant business, whose software powers 13. Assinale a alternativa correta
more than 90% of the world's computers. The other is
the firm, which has revolutionised the way many .
communicate. Now Skype is being swallowed up by Both Mary and Roger enjoy________tennis.
Microsoft. a) plays
It's just eight years since Skype started helping people b) play
to make calls over the internet for nothing, and this is c) to playing
the third time it's been bought and sold. d) playing
Microsoft has been struggling to prove it can compete e) played
with the likes of Google and Apple. Now as it tries to
make an impact on the mobile-phone world, it wants 14. Assinale a alternativa que é a correta versão da
Skype to help it become a bigger force. frase apresentada.
Skype is now used by 170 million people around the
world (each month), not just on their computers, but on
the move – on their mobile phones and even on their "Eu quero que eles se sintam em casa."
tablet devices. a) I want that they feel the house.
Microsoft wants to tap in to this connected community, b) I wish they would touch home.
but it's paying a huge price for a business that isn't c) I wish they had homely feelings.
even profitable. d) I want them to feel at home.
e) I'd like them to make themselves a house.
Rory Cellan-Jones, BBC News.
15. Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente
F o n t e : h t t p : / / w w w. b b c . c o . u k / w o r l d s e r v i c e / a lacuna.
2011/05/110511witn_skype_page.shtml There__________two main obstacles.
a) is.
b) was.
9. Onde se lê “Microsoft is buying Skype”, é correto c) be.
afirmar que d) to be.

e) were.
She generally _______________ the piano, but at
16. Mark the CORRECT alternative to complete the present she _______________ the guitar.
a) is playing / plays
b) is plaing / plays
His body ..... in the cemetery. c) plays / is playing
a) lies d) playing / are playing
b) laid e) plays / is plaing
c) lays
d) lain 23. Complete with Simple Present or Present
e) lied Continuous (Progressive)

17. Complete with Simple Present or Present She usually _______________ against injustice, but at
Continuous (Progressive) this moment she _______________ against
Sergio _______________ to the radio while his little a) protest / protesting
brother _______________ outside in the park. b) protests / is protesting
a) is listenning / is runing c) is protesting / protests
b) is listening / is runing d) protest / are protesting
c) is listening / is running e) protested / are protesting
d) is listenning / is running
e) is listenning / runs. 24. Complete with Simple Present or Present
Continuous (Progressive)
18. Choose the correct alternative to complete the
sentence. Today he _______________ jeans and T-shirts, but he
usually _______________ a suit at work.
A: "Where's your mother?" a) is wearing / wears
B: "She's_________tonight. b) wears / is wearing
a) being operated on c) wearing / wear
b) going to be operated d) wear / are wearing
c) operating on e) has wearing / wearing
d) having to be operated
e) been operated 25. Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente
a lacuna.
19. Usamos o Present Progressive Tense para:
They won't forgive you until you __________.
a) ação há pouco completada; a) apologizes
b) ação que começou no passado e continua no b) apologize
presente; c) doesn't apologize
c) ação premeditada; d) don't apologizes
d) ações habituais; e) apologizing
e) ação praticada no momento em que se fala.
26. A forma interrogativa de "Beto lives in Paris" é:
20. CHECK THE CORRECT ANSWER. a) Does Beto lives in Paris?
b) Do Beto lives in Paris?
What ___________ you ____________ now? c) Is Beto live in Paris?
I ________________ my car. d) Does Beto live in Paris?
e) Does not Beto live in Paris?
a) do/do - am wash
b) are/do - washing TEXTO PARA A PRÓXIMA QUESTÃO:
c) are/doing - am washing Why do bees fuss about so much when they fly,
d) do/doing - washing instead of forming a tidy flock like birds? Birds flying in
a flock keep to a highly ordered pattern, whereas a
21. He doesn't_______ anymore.
swarm of bees is a cloud of chaos. This difference has
a) smoking long puzzled scientists, but now a team of Japanese
b) no smoking researchers has come up with a simple mathematical
c) smokes model to explain it. [The researchers] began with a
d) smoked
simple analogy. Stars in a galaxy move under the
e) smoke
influence of each other's gravity in a way that can be
22. Complete with Simple Present or Present described by Newton's laws. Identify the influences felt
Continuous (Progressive) by an insect or bird, the researchers reasoned, and its

flying patterns should be just as easy to predict.

[Adapted from New Scientist, 15 June 1996]

27. A forma correta do singular de "Why do bees fuss

about so much when they fly?" é
a) Why does bee fuss about so much when it fly?
b) Why do an bee fusses about so much when it flies?
c) Why does a bee fuss about so much when it flies?
d) Why does the bee fuss about so much when it fly?
e) Why does a bee fusses about so much when it

28. Assinale a alternativa correta:

The whole world ........... against drugs now.

a) is fighting
b) fought
c) had been fighting
d) has fought
e) fight

29. Indicate the alternative that best completes the

following sentence.


a) considers - doesn't need to make
b) is considering - doesn't want to make
c) has considered - had to take
d) has been considering - is taking
e) considered - needs to take

30. Indicate the alternative that best completes the

following sentence.

"I ________ WHEN ________ THAT I HAVE TO

a) don't like - she says
b) never like - she will tell me
c) can't like - she says
d) mustn't like - she speaks
e) don't like it - she tells me

Resposta da questão 9:
Resposta da questão 1: [C]
O verbo “buying” significa “comprando”.
O texto foi escrito no simple present. Exemplos: “Its
collection originates in 1979” (sua coleção começa Resposta da questão 10:
em 1979) e “It currently consists of approximately [B]
1,600 works in various artistic modalities” (atualmente
possui por volta de 1600 obras de várias modalidades Resposta da questão 11:
Resposta da questão 2:
[E] O simple present é usado com advérbios de
frequência, no caso always (sempre), para denotar
A alternativa [E] está correta, pois possui uso correto ações habituais.
do tempo verbal present continuous (presença do
verbo to be no simple present e o verbo principal no Resposta da questão 12:
present participle). [C]

Resposta da questão 3: A alternativa [C] está correta. A expressão "How do

[C] you do?" significa "Como vai você?" em português. É
comum na língua inglesa usarmos a mesma
A alternativa [C] está correta, pois possui a forma expressão como resposta a fim de sermos educados
negativa correta de are (aren’t). em um diálogo.

Resposta da questão 4: Resposta da questão 13:

[D] [D]

A alternativa [D] está correta, pois o verbo to smoke Resposta da questão 14:
deve ser seguido pelo gerund smoking quando possui [D]
a ideia de "parar de fazer algo". Tradução do trecho:
"Os cientistas dizem que quando uma pessoa para de Resposta da questão 15:
fumar em pouco tempo, as chances de desenvolver [E]
câncer e outras doenças fica menor".
Resposta da questão 16:
Resposta da questão 5: [A]
Resposta da questão 17:
A alternativa [A] possui uso correto do tempo verbal
simple present (sings).
Resposta da questão 18:
Resposta da questão 6:

Respectivamente, o apóstrofe está substituindo as Resposta da questão 19:

letras a, i, o e wi. Assim, a alternativa correta é a [E]. [E]

Resposta da questão 7: Resposta da questão 20:

[A] [C]

A contração ‘s na oração she’s sick and tired of Resposta da questão 21:

smelling beer refere-se ao verbo to be (is), pois a [E]
mulher de Hagar está saturada de ter que aguentar o
hálito de cerveja de seu marido”. Resposta da questão 22:
Resposta da questão 8:
[E] Resposta da questão 23:
A alternativa correta é a [E], pois confere ao trecho a
seguinte tradução:
"Sairei cedo amanhã, se houver trânsito.".

Resposta da questão 24:


Resposta da questão 25:


Resposta da questão 26:


Resposta da questão 27:


Resposta da questão 28:


Resposta da questão 29:


Resposta da questão 30:


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