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Name: ________________________________ Section: ________________ H.W.

“The Lady or the Tiger?” by Frank R. Stockton
Setting: A semi-barbaric medieval kingdom in Europe, most of the tale takes place in the king’s arena

Atmosphere (Mood): romantic, suspenseful

Point of View: third person omniscient

Protagonist: the princess (the story is propelled forward due to her actions and decisions)
Antagonist: external force: the King internal force: self
Conflict: external: person vs. person internal conflict: self (what to do???)
Theme (central message of the author): 1. Important decisions should not be left to chance.
2. Be wary of placing complete trust in another when they have
power over one’s destiny.
Plot Line:
I. A. C.
I. Exposition (Introductory elements such
as the characters and setting) B. Climax (Usually occurs near the very end of a
short story—it is the moment of most heightened
• The semi-barbaric king and his interest or suspense.)
system of justice are introduced The princess’s boyfriend reaches for the handle of
• The king finds out that his daughter the door on the right.
is in love with a courtier who is
beneath her class and station III. Falling Action (Usually only 1 or 2 incidents/actions
that follow after the climactic scene)
A. Complicating Incident (This sets in motion There is none as the story abruptly ends at the
everything else in the story. If it wasn’t for this, climax.
nothing else of interest would happen in the story.)
The forbidden love of the princess is discovered C. Resolution/Denouement (The very last part of
by the king and his system of justice is the short story—how it wraps up.)
There is none as the story abruptly ends at the
II. Rising Action (Most of the action occurs in
the rising action section—lots of details.)

• The most savage tiger and the most beautiful maiden are found for the young man’s “trial.”
• The princess discovers the identity of the maiden—someone she hates due to her suspicions that the
young maiden has flirted with her boyfriend
• The princess discovers the secret behind the doors through her influence and by bribing with gold.
• The princess loses sleep debating on which door she should direct her lover to choose.
• The young man is brought into the arena.
• The princess subtly points to the door on the right.

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