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Thank you Master / Mistress of Ceremony.

Greetings and a very good morning to

our honourable judges, our trustworthy timekeeper, my dear fellow participants,
teachers and fellow friends. I am Gerrielson McRyan, and I am going to talk about

Smoking issues become seriously amount us nowadays. Many people, either

it is men or women, teenagers or adults, enjoying themselves to smoking habit.
They never consider on how smoking habits could affect their health.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Smoking can cause lung cancer as well as mouth cancer. Cancer is
considered as a slow death. The lung cancer is the effect of smoking, when you lose
the capacity to breathe properly. The lung loses its ability of expansion, the
expansion it needs to work right. Thus, the smoker will find it is hard to breathe
when they have lung cancer.

Furthermore, smoking habits can also cause a lot of damage and ulcers to
other parts of the body. Cigarettes smoke is plausible to damage our stomach.
Ulcers are also may be a cause to death if it is not treated in earlier stages. Thus,
the smokers should be aware of the kind of pain they are having. If it is frequently
painful, the person should go to see the doctor.

My dear fellow friends,

Most people don’t even take the smallest things into consideration, like
smoking stains your teeth and gums. Smoking also distributes to bad breathe and
hideous fences of teeth. No matter how much make up you put on your face, or how
lovely you dressed on that day, yellowish teeth in a smile will ruin your day. Bad
breath will also make people avoid from talking to you.

In a nutshell, smoking is INDEED bad habit because it causes a lot of

damages, and lead to the most extreme cases, which is DEATH. There are healthier
activities to be done rather than letting your health rot before its time. Thank you
very much.
Thank you Master / Mistress of Ceremony. Greetings and a very good morning to
our honourable judges, our trustworthy timekeeper, my dear fellow participants,
teachers and fellow friends. I am Mel Ruiz Lita, and I am going to talk about THE

Water kills thousands of people and destroys many acres of crops every year.
But water also gives to all living things in the world. We all know without water, all
living things will perish.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Water is essential to grow our food, feed the birds and animals, produces
electricity. We use the seas, rivers and bodies of water to transport our goods of
trades in sailing vessels. Even the human body, which is made up of seventy
percent water need water to stay alive. It is believed that the average human being
can last up to a month without ingesting solid food, but without water, all it takes is
but a few days one to of dehydration.

My fellow friends,
Ever since life began on Earth, large quantities of water have been consumed
and utilised by living things. Yet, miraculously, for every drop of water that is taken
from one place, another drop is substituted almost instantaneously! Rain bearing
clouds collect water vapour from the ground and the seas from one place and
releases as it rains in another place. Scientists claim that not even a drop of water
was ever lost.

But nature does not put water where and when we need it. While some men
are drowning, others in another part of world are dying of thirst. Thus, people all
over the world are trying to bring water to places where it is scarce, to control its
own flow in times of flood and to make greater use of it.

Simply put, life itself cannot exist without water. Therefore, it is incumbent
upon all of us to treat water as the precious commodity it is and to never waste it.
Thank you.
Thank you to the Master of Ceremony. Friends, let us ponder for a moment
about some of these startling statistics. These statistics are by no means exclusive
to Malaysia but is a worldwide phenomenon. In 2010, the obesity rate in Malaysia
was 26.5%. In 2011, it shot up even higher to 28%. So after 28%, does it mean that
in 2020, where our country will be a fully-developed nation, the rate would
correspondingly be 41.5%? Or in 2050, it will be 86.5%? Being of normal weight
would be at that time an endangered species then. Think about it. How are we going
to prevent this?
A very good morning to the honorable judges, teachers and my fellow friends.
My name is Beatrice Lonai Jali and I am standing here today to deliver a speech
entitled “How To Lead A Healthy Life”. I do not profess to expert on this subject,
but I will try to shed some light on this matter.
What is healthy living? According to Webster Dictionary, healthy living is living
a life without having to worry about diseases and body size. To obtain healthy living
is not easy. There are several ways one can lead a healthy life. Among the ways are
having a proper diet, having enough sleep, having enough exercise and also a
proper time management.
So before I go on, let us see the ways to get a proper diet. Our diet should
follow the food pyramid. We should eat sufficient carbohydrates such as rice, bread
and noodles. We must eat plenty of vitamins such as fruits and vegetables. We
should also eat proteins such as fish, meat and chicken, but in moderation. We
shouldn’t eat fatty and greasy foods such as junk food,butter and margarine. If we
follow this diet effectively, we will get a lot of good and rewarding benefits.
We should get enough sleep every day. I am not hinting to my friends to take
forty winks when they are in class. An average child needs at least 8 hours of sleep.
For example, if we wake up at 6am, we should sleep at 10pm every night. What will
happen if we do not get enough sleep? Well, for sure we will feel very sleepy and
unable to comprehend what is taught in class, thus making us to lose out.
Ladies and gentlemen, How many of us exercise every day? I am afraid to admit
that I am also one of the guilty ones who fall in this category. We should exercise
because when we sweat, the fats in our bodies will break. If we do not exercise, we
will become obese and this may lead to various lifestyle diseases such as heart
attack and diabetes.
To conclude my speech, once again I would like to remind all of you If you
follow my suggestions to lead a healthy life, I am sure we can build a healthier
Malaysia. Thank you for lending me your ears.
Thank you Master / Mistress of Ceremony. Greetings and a very good morning
to our honourable judges, our trustworthy timekeeper, my dear fellow participants,
teachers and fellow friends. I am Katarina Vyonne Gamas, and I am going to talk

The newspaper is all important these days. It is almost the first thing that
greets you in the morning. You read what is happening in all parts of the world and
for a while get out of the narrow circle of your personal affairs. So much is
happening every day that unless you keep yourself abreast of these changes you
cannot adjust yourself to them or move with the times smoothly and easily.

A modern newspaper is a chronicle and an encyclopedia in miniature. The events

that happen are recorded in a newspaper. It seeks not only to inform but to interest,
to stimulate, and to excite. A busy person hardly gets the time to read everything
that it contains. One person may be interested in politics, another in sports. These
are matters of personal preference. But generally, it is necessary for all alike to read
the progress that is being made from day to day in the affairs of your country and in
the affairs to the world.

Reading a newspaper makes a person fit to participate usefully in a cultivated

society. Newspaper also imparts patriotic feeling among the citizens of the country.
The inspiring stories of our freedom fighters are vividly described during National
festivals and other occasions.

Newspapers keeps us informed of what is taking place around us. It tells us of

latest national events, social events, sensational events, sport events, et cetera.
Even the advertisements have their value. In these days a newspaper is
indispensable to life.

In a nutshell, it is also good to remember that the newspaper is a highly

organized industry today. Reading newspaper is of high importance and
indispensable. A critical and independent readership alone can bring the owner to
heel, whenever necessary. Thank you.

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