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How old will you be and what do you think you will be doing in the year

2026? How do you expect the world of 2026 to compare with the one Bradbury
envision? Are you optimistic or pessimistic in your vision of the future? Explain
your answer.

Future… One of the words that impresses and gives me the creeps at the same
time. It is very difficult to predict, but I will try to share my expectations for the
So, in 2026 I will be 29. I have a lot of plans and things to do, as I can’t twirl
thumbs. One of my biggest dreams is to write my book. Not for worldwide popularity
or all of that staff connected with money, but for myself. When I will be on my death
bed I want to know that I did it. Now I am writing short stories in the style which is a
mixture of Carlos Safon and Steven King. One smart person said: «Write only when
you cannot stand writing». This is so about me. Almost all topics of my stories are
scenes from my dreams and I cannot concentrate on something else until I write a
story and give my dream flesh and bones. One more dream is to set up my own
publishing company. Although I don’t think that I will manage to do it in 6 years, but
who knows, life is so unpredictable… I hope that till 2026 I will visit a lot of
countries and, for sure – London!
Now about the world of 2026. To my mind robots will become an inevitable part
of our life and I am talking about human-like robots, that will freely walk along the
streets like all people. Maybe in 6 years, it won't be so in the whole world, but in
China for sure. I suppose that technology will become more and more developed.
Some technological devices will replace people in their workplace. But I don’t think
that the world of 2026 will be as Bradbury described it. At least not in 2026, but
maybe later. Everything in this life has its price, and I suppose that the robust growth
of digital technologies will have its price as well.
At first, it might look like a utopia, but in years it would become the scene of
Bradbury’s story with all its horrific circumstances. So, as you see I am pessimistic
about our future, maybe because I am a realist. The writer described one of the
scenarios of the world's future.
The story depicts the city ruined, as I understood, by a nuclear weapon. All the
people are dead, and only one house, filled with its robotic cleaning mice, aluminum
roaches, and iron crickets. The story is full of automated voices recounting times and
dates that are meaningless without a human presence. The house seems to be a real
dream for people nowadays. But will it have sense to owe all of those technological
innovations and then pay through the nose – pay with life? The most terrifying scene
from the audio that blew my mind was that about silhouettes on the wall which
became the only thing that remained from people. The paint remained intact in the
shape of a woman picking flowers, a man mowing the lawn, and two children tossing
a ball. These four people were presumably the family who lived in the house.
We see their silhouettes frozen in a happy moment in the normal paint of the house.
Bradbury does not bother describing what must have happened to them. It is implied
by the charred wall.
All in all, I think that our world may end with the Bradburys scenario, If
people won’t stop to pollute the atmosphere, authorities won’t stop to conquer other
countries, some scientists won't stop to put the robots life on the first place. The
writer is a predictor and his story – a horrifying lesson.

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