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Autodesk Build Fundamentals (8 hrs)

1. Getting started in Autodesk Build

a. What is Autodesk build
b. How to get started using it
c. Basic navigation aspects for the account and projects that all build users
should become acquainted with
2. Account administration
a. Explore account administration experience in Autodesk Build
b. Manage and create projects
c. Manage and create project template
d. Manage the organization’s account members
e. Manage basic account settings
3. Project administration
a. Explore project administration experience in Autodesk build
b. Create projects from the project list
c. Manage project members and permissions
d. Manage project details and locations
e. Manage all member’s notification settings
4. Manage members
a. Manage all project members and respective properties
b. Add members
c. Remove members
5. Project templates
a. Create and configure a new template
b. Create a template from an existing project
c. Create a project from a template
d. Create account-level project templates as “Account administrators”
6. Issues tool
a. Setting up issues
b. Creating issues
c. Managing issues
7. Photos tool
a. Uploading photos and videos to a project
b. Organizing the photo gallery
c. Viewing, editing, and sharing photos and videos.

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