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How does “High Ground” show Gutjuk struggle to find his true identity –

In the movie “High Ground” director Stephan Maxwell Johnson focuses on Gutjuk as he struggles to
find his identity. “High Ground” highlights the cycle of fear within the Australian community and how
that fear lead Gutjuk to make destructive choices hurting himself and the people around him. The
loss of Gutjuk’s farther only added to the divisiveness between the First Nation People and the
Anglo-Saxons and left Gutjuk lost in a world that felt foreign. What saves Gutjuk from his own
undoing was his ability to adapt and pick up insight from role models around him and use their
legacy they left behind to path a way for the coming generation.

Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering. Gutjuk was brought up surrounded
by fear. This fear clouded the visions of the characters in the movie “High Ground”. This violence was
seen as

Identity is who you are but what makes you, you is your role models

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