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• Freeze drying, also known as lyophilization, is an intriguing preservation method that has completely
changed how we preserve and eat fruits and vegetables. It entails dehydrating fresh produce while
retaining their original flavors, nutritional content, and general standard of excellence. This procedure
yields food products that are easy to rehydrate, lightweight, and shelf-stable, making them practical for
long-term storage, transportation, and consumption.

• The first step in the freeze-drying process is the careful selection of ripe, premium fruits and vegetables.
Then, in order to maintain their cellular structure and avoid the production of ice crystals, these chosen
fruits and vegetables are flash-frozen at extremely low temperatures. The frozen water in the produce
then undergoes a procedure called sublimation, skipping the liquid stage entirely and turning directly
into vapor. Low pressure during the sublimation process further reduces harm to the food's texture and

• The nutritious value of the fruits and vegetables is preserved during the freeze-drying process, which
is one of its major benefits. Freeze-drying maintains the fresh produce's natural enzymes, vitamins,
minerals, and antioxidants, unlike other preservation techniques that use heat or chemical additions.
As a result, even after drying, freeze-dried fruits and vegetables retain their original nutritional profiles,
making them a superior source of important nutrients.

• The longer shelf life of fruits and vegetables that have been freeze-dried is another important
advantage. Produce that has been freeze-dried becomes very stable and spoilage-resistant because the
water content has been removed. Fruits and vegetables that have been freeze-dried can last for months
or even years if they are kept in airtight containers and carefully maintained. They are perfect for
emergency food supplies, camping vacations, hiking, and other situations when fresh produce might
not be easily accessible thanks to their extended shelf life.

• In conclusion, freeze drying has completely changed how fruits and vegetables are preserved, giving
us a technique to preserve their flavor, texture, and nutritional content for longer periods of time. Fruits
and vegetables that have been freeze-dried have a longer shelf life, are more convenient, and are more
adaptable, making them a practical and nutrient-dense choice for anyone looking to increase their
intake of healthful produce.

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• Nutritional Preservation:
The natural enzymes, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants found in fresh fruits and vegetables are
retained through freeze drying.

• Extended Shelf Life:

Fruits and vegetables that have been freeze-dried become extremely stable and spoiled-resistant due to
the removal of the water content.

• Retention of Flavor and Texture:

The benefit of freeze drying process is it can preserve a natural flavor and taste of fruits and vegetables.

• Lightweight and Portable:

Freeze dried products are light weigh so it can easy to carry for travel, outdoor activities, or as a
portable snack.

• Versatility in Usage:
Applications for freeze-dried fruits and vegetables are surprisingly diverse. They can be used in many
dishes or eaten as independent snacks.

• Preservation of Visual Appeal:

The method preserves the produce's original color and shape, giving fruits and vegetables that have
been freeze-dried a pleasing appearance.

• Minimizes Food Waste:

Using freeze drying can help reduce food waste. It enables the preservation of fruits and vegetables at
the height of freshness, avoiding rotting and increasing their shelf life.

• Convenience and Accessibility:

Fruits and vegetables that have been frozen-dried provide accessibility and convenience. They can be
used in a variety of situations and environments because they are portable, light, and don't need

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• Cost:
Fruits and vegetables that have been freeze dried may cost more than fresh or other preserved
counterparts because the procedure is labor- and resource-intensive.

• Initial Investment:
For individuals or businesses interested in freeze-drying fruits and vegetables, there is a significant
upfront investment required to acquire the necessary equipment. This can be a barrier for small-scale
producers or those with limited financial resources.

• Loss of Some Nutrients:

The majority of the nutrients are preserved by freeze drying, however some heat-sensitive components
may suffer a minor loss.

• Rehydration Process:
Some amount of water needs to be added in order to rehydrate fruits and vegetables that have been
freeze-dried. While this procedure is reasonably quick and easy, it does include one more step than
simply eating fresh food and needs access to clean water.

• Environmental Impact:
The freeze-drying procedure uses a substantial amount of energy, which adds to its environmental

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1. Material Inward:
Our factory receives a variety of fruits and vegetables in the form of raw materials. When they
arrive, these ingredients are carefully examined to make sure they live up to our requirements
for quality. Before moving on to the next steps, any differences are clarified.

2. Sorting Grading:
The supplied raw materials are properly sorted and graded at this stage. This entails choosing
the highest-quality components and tossing out any faulty or inferior ones. Sorting enables the
production process to continue using just the best ingredients.

3. Washing:
The sorted products go through a rigorous cleaning procedure to get rid of pollutants, dirt, and
debris. The final freeze-dried products' cleanliness and safety depend on this process.

4. Cutting / Preparation / Cold Storage:

After washing, the ingredients are cut, sliced, or otherwise prepared as necessary in accordance
with the requirements for the finished product. Then, in order to maintain their freshness until
they go on to the following processes, prepared items are temporarily kept in cold storage.

5. Remove Wastage from Cutting and Preparation:

Any components or waste that cannot be used are carefully removed during the cutting and
preparation procedure. This makes sure that the process only uses portions of the substances
that can be used.

6. Freezing / Blast Freezing:

Ingredients that have been prepared are frozen or frozen quickly. Because fewer huge ice
crystals are formed as a result of the goods freezing quickly, the structural integrity of the items
is preserved.

7. Drying in Boiler Machine:

After that, the frozen components are added to a boiler. Heat is given to the frozen goods
through a regulated procedure, causing the ice to instantly change from a solid to a vapour
(sublimation), effectively removing moisture from the goods.

8. Powder:
The dried goods are meticulously processed into powder form when the freeze-drying
procedure is finished. When the products are employed, the powder format improves
convenience, shelf stability, and reconstitution abilities.

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9. Sample:
A representative sample of the powdered freeze-dried items is chosen for lab testing before
finalizing the packaging and distribution. This step in the quality assurance process involves
evaluating the items' flavor, texture, scent, and other sensory characteristics. Lab testing makes
that the goods are up to the intended flavor and quality requirements. Based on the input from
the tasting, any necessary modifications can be made to guarantee that clients obtain freeze-
dried meals and vegetables of the highest quality and taste pleasure.

10. Packing:
The freeze-dried and powdered items are expertly arranged in the proper jars, pouches, or other
containers. Products are shielded by packaging from elements like moisture, light, and air that
could degrade their quality.

11. Stock:
The packaged freeze-dried goods are then placed in storage. Until the products are ready to be
transferred to clients or merchants, this inventory is managed to ensure correct rotation and
distribution, ensuring product freshness and quality.

Hamps Bio Pvt. Ltd. carefully manages the entire freeze-drying process to maintain the flavor,
nutritional value, and texture of foods and vegetables while increasing their shelf life, providing
customers with convenient and adaptable solutions.

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Chapter – 2 Industry Profile

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2.1 Global Scenario:

In recent years, the freeze drying business has expanded significantly and been widely used. The
following trends can be used to describe the current state of the freeze drying sector globally:

• Globally, demand for products that have been freeze-dried has been constantly rising. This can be
ascribed to factors including the growing consumer demand for long-lasting and lightweight food
options for outdoor activities, disaster preparedness, and on-the-go consumption, as well as the
increased understanding of the nutritional advantages and convenience of freeze-dried meals.

• Beyond the food industry, freeze drying is used in the pharmaceutical, biotechnology, healthcare, and
preservation of delicate materials. Fruits, vegetables, coffee, meat, and dairy products are a few of the
often used applications in the food business. Pharmaceuticals, biological samples, and laboratory
samples are all preserved by freeze drying since these products must be kept intact and stable over the
long term.

• Modern freeze-drying techniques have improved production, efficiency, and product quality. Drying
periods, energy efficiency, and overall yield have all increased as a result of innovations in freeze dryer
design, process control, and automation. The optimization of freeze drying settings, the reduction of
production costs, and the investigation of new applications for the technology continue to be the main
areas of research and development.

• In the upcoming years, the market for freeze drying is anticipated to expand significantly. Growing
consumer demand, expanding applications in numerous industries, and the increased demand for
durable and lightweight food options are the main drivers of this rise. Additionally, variables like
improvements in freeze-drying technology, governmental rules, and spending on research and
development have an impact on the industry.

• The freeze drying sector is paying more and more attention to sustainability. Water usage is being
optimized, eco-friendly refrigerants are being investigated, and efforts are being made to lower energy
consumption during the freeze drying process. The reduction of packaging waste and the use of
ecologically friendly packaging materials are other priorities.

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• In terms of food safety, product labeling, and quality control, the freeze drying business is governed
by a number of laws and standards. It is essential to follow these rules in order to protect customer
safety and preserve the market's reputation. To address new issues and guarantee the secure and
effective manufacture of freeze-dried goods, regulatory agencies continue to review and update

• Globally, the freeze drying market is expanding significantly, propelled by rising consumer demand,
advancing technology, a widening range of applications, and a growing focus on sustainability. With
continued research and development activities aimed at improving product quality, process
effectiveness, and investigating new uses for freeze drying technology, the sector is anticipated to
continue evolving.

COVID-19 Impact on Freeze Dried Fruits and Vegetables Market:

• The COVID-19 epidemic affected the market for freeze-dried fruits and vegetables
in both positive and negative ways. On the plus side, consumers sought for quick,
dependable, and wholesome solutions during lockdowns and mobility restrictions,
which raised demand for shelf-stable food options, particularly freeze-dried items.
Interest in freeze-dried fruits and vegetables for storing has increased as a result of
the emphasis on emergency preparedness. Furthermore, the focus on health and
wellbeing increased the appeal of freeze-dried choices as a method to supplement
diets with crucial nutrients when fresh produce was scarce.

• In conclusion, the pandemic brought about supply chain disruptions, economic

concerns, and difficulties in the food service and export industries, even while it
stimulated demand for freeze-dried fruits and vegetables as part of a larger move
toward shelf-stable and nutrient-dense food. Based on geographical variables and
unique business situations within the freeze-dried fruits and vegetables industry,
the precise impact differed.

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Analysis of the competitive landscape and the market share for freeze-dried
fruits and vegetables:

• The existence of several regional and multinational companies offering a wide variety of freeze-
dried products and vying to preserve their leading position in the industry under study makes the
global market for freeze-dried foods extremely competitive. Nestle SA, European Freeze Dry,
Ajinomoto Co. Inc., Asahi Group Holdings Ltd, and Harmony House Foods Inc. are major
players in the market. These companies hold a sizable portion of the market under study and are
implementing business strategies such as product innovations, partnerships, strengthening their
control over online and offline marketing, and mergers and acquisitions to increase their visibility
and portfolio of products, which will further the market's growth.

Freeze Dried Fruits & Vegetables Market Leaders:

1) European Freeze Dry

2) Chaucer Foods Ltd.

3) Paradise Fruits Solutions GmbH & Co. KG

4) Mercer Foods, LLC

5) Döhler Group SE

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2.2 National Scenario:

• The Indian Freeze Drying market is expected to expand at a CAGR of 8.6%. The country's need
for quick-to-prepare foods has increased as a result of modern lifestyle adoption and poor work-
life balance. Tertiary processed food, often known as convenience food, is food that has been
professionally prepared to facilitate simple consumption. These are often foods that may be
consumed right away and don't require any additional preparation. The portable confectionery
meals have a lengthy shelf life. meals items including frozen meals, noodles, soup, dessert mix,
yogurt, snack goods, and casserole mix are some of the convenience food items.

• The food sector in India has been rapidly expanding as a high-profit and high-growth sector.
Additionally, rising food demand, which raises import and export of food production, is the cause
of rising demand for a freeze-dried food product. Fish, watercress, and spinach are among the
vegetables and meat that can be freeze-dried and shipped to other nations. According to IBEF,
India exported processed foods and related goods worth $16.2 billion. These elements are helping
the freeze-drying sector in India expand.

Key things that drive the market:

• Growing Health Consciousness:

Consumers in India are significantly becoming more health conscious. More and more people
are looking for wholesome, natural dietary options. Fruits and vegetables that have been freeze-
dried maintain their original nutritional value, making them a desirable option for people who
are health-conscious.

• Convenience and Portability:

Fruits and vegetables that have been frozen-dried are favored by busy metropolitan consumers
because of their mobility and convenience. Freeze-dried foods are portable, ideal for on-the-go
snacking, and practical for usage during travel or outdoor activities due to their light weight and
compact nature.

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• Extended Shelf Life:
One of the main motivating forces is the fruits' and vegetables' longer shelf life. Fresh vegetables
might spoil quickly due to India's varied climate conditions and poor cold chain infrastructure.
In order to reduce food waste, provide access to nutrient-dense foods, and give a longer shelf life
without the need for refrigeration, freeze-dried products offer a solution.

• Food Processing and Preservation:

To decrease post-harvest losses, increase value addition, and meet the rising demand for
processed foods, the Indian government has been actively encouraging the food processing
industry. The freeze-drying market is expanding because freeze drying is acknowledged as an
efficient preservation technique that helps keep the nutritional value, flavor, and texture of fruits
and vegetables.

• Export Potential:
The market for freeze-dried fruits and vegetables in India is very large. The nation is well-
positioned to meet the demand for premium freeze-dried products on the global market thanks
to its abundant agricultural resources and competence in freeze-drying technology.

Key Players and Competition:

Indian and foreign businesses compete fiercely for customers in India's very competitive freeze-
dried food sector. Big names in the Indian market include Future Consumer Limited, Mother
Earth, Keya Foods, Nutriwish, and Sattviko, among others. These companies are concentrating
on producing a broader variety of items, expanding their distribution networks, and increasing
customer awareness of their products in order to stay ahead of the competition.

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2.3 State Level Scenario:

Gujarat is renowned for having a thriving agricultural industry and a wide variety of agricultural
products. The state produces a wide range of freeze-dryable fruits, vegetables, spices, and herbs.
Gujarat's freeze drying sector has a solid base because to the state's agricultural richness.

Gujarat has been actively promoting the food processing industry, which includes freeze drying,
through various government initiatives and policies. The state government has encouraged
investment in food processing infrastructure and facilitated the establishment of food processing
units. These efforts have contributed to the growth of the freeze drying sector in Gujarat.

In conclusion Gujarat offers a promising environment for the freeze drying sector, supported by
its robust agriculture, government assistance, research and development initiatives,
manufacturing facilities, export potential, and entrepreneurial spirit. These elements help
Gujarat's freeze drying industry expand and thrive, making it a prominent player in India's overall
freeze drying market.

❖ Top companies in Gujarat that sell freeze-dried food:

➢ DNS Global Foods

➢ Hamps Bio Pvt.
➢ Foodinsta
➢ Saraf Foods
➢ Freeze Drying Systems Pvt. Ltd.
➢ HSDL Innovative Pvt. Ltd.

These companies produce, market, and supply freeze-dried food items. They offer a wide variety
of goods for sale, including fruits, vegetables, meats, and snacks.

The market for freeze-dried food is thriving in Gujarat. The best businesses constantly develop
fresh concepts and release new products in order to stay one step ahead of the competition. To
increase brand awareness and attract new customers, they are also investing on marketing and

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Gujarat's market for freeze-dried foods appears to have a bright future. The market is expected
to expand over the next few years as more consumers seek for convenient, wholesome foods.
The leading businesses on the market are well-positioned to benefit from this expansion.

2.4 Major Players and Trends:

In recent years, the freeze-dried food industry has grown quickly. This is because more and more
people want foods that are easy to prepare and last a long time, freeze-drying technology has
improved, and outdoor activities and adventure travel are becoming more popular. Even though
I don't have the most up-to-date information, I can tell you about some of the biggest players and
general trends in the freeze-dried food business up until September 2021.

Freeze-dried food industry trends:

• Demand for Convenience is Growing:
The demand for freeze-dried food has grown as a result of people's hectic schedules and an
increase in their need for quick meals. People find it simple to utilize freeze-dried products since
they are lightweight, durable, and require little preparation. Products that are healthy and natural
are growing in popularity.

• Multiple products:
Food manufacturers now provide a wide variety of options, including freeze-dried fruits,
vegetables, meat, seafood, dairy products, and even entire meals. This selection satisfies a wide
range of clients' preferences and needs.

• Focus on sustainability:
As people worry more about the environment, there is a trend in the freeze-dried food business
towards sustainability. Some businesses are looking into eco-friendly ways to package their
products, use ingredients that come from nearby, and use sustainable ways to make their

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• Changes in technology:
The advancement of freeze-drying technology results in better products, faster
turnaround times, and reduced costs. These upgrades aid company expansion and
creative problem-solving.

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Chapter 3 Company Profile of
Hamps Bio Pvt Ltd.

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3.1 History and Commencement Information

As one of the India’s fastest-growing companies, "Hamps Bio Private Limited Bio Private
Limited" is pleased to promote itself as a young, dynamic organization. The company motto of
Hamps Bio Private Limited is "Growing to serve..." Hamps Bio Private Limited Bio Pvt Ltd

has been in the manufacturing and trade business since 2007 in Gujarat, India.

Hamps bio Pvt Ltd has involved in two business one is freeze drying of fruits and vegetables and
other in pharma business. This company does not manufacture medicines but only involve in
marketing of medicines. Hamps Bio Private Limited has grown to be one of Gujarat, India's most
well-known pharmaceutical enterprises via persistent effort and team support. The cutting-edge
manufacturing facility that Hamps Bio Private Limited is supported by has received WHO GMP
approval. We can meet customer requests in compliance with pharmaceutical industry norms.
The brand-new dining area will open in 2017. where a range of frozen and freeze-dried foods are
offered for sale by the company.

As a producer, trader, and exporter of top-notch goods, Hamps Bio Private Limited is a well-
known name in the industry. The company in the food category has a cold chain management
system for frozen - 40 C blast frozen fruits and vegetables and its own integrated distribution
network for refrigerated containers.

The business offers freeze-dried fruits and vegetables on several B2B and B2C websites as well
as through exporting to nations including the USA, Canada, and Germany. Among other
important frozen foods, mention should be made of frozen sweet corn and frozen green peas. a
different variety of freeze-dried products, such as ready-to-eat foods and freeze-dried fruits,
vegetables, herbs, and other food items.

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3.2 Details About Product

Hamps Bio Pvt Ltd has marketing a medicines as well as fruit, vegetables, Donkey milk Camel
milk and herbs that are freeze-dried.

FzyEzy is the brand name for the freeze-dried ingredients that the company produces.

Variety of FzyEzy Products:

1. Freeze Dried pharmaceutical material

2. Freeze Dried milk

3. Freeze Dried Fruits

4. Freeze Dried Vegetables

5. Freeze Dried Flowers
6. Freeze Dried Herbs
7. Freeze Dried Tea Cuts
8. Freeze Dried Powder

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Freeze Dried Fruits:

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Freeze drying Vegetables:

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Freeze dried ingredients:

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Study of Various Departments

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Company Structure

Herrik Shah
CEO- Director

Mansi Patel Mountbaton

Pharma Freeze Dried
Manager HR, Shah
Formulation Ingridient
Admin Directer

Ritesh Shah Prasant Gohel Raj Shrenik Shah

Regional Sales Production Manager Executive HR &Admin directer

Mansi Patel Mayur Gohel rajan Bhatiya

Purchase Manager Process Incharge CFO

Aevind vasava Purvakshi Dilkhush Umesh Pancholi

Dispach Manager Marketing Sales Accountant

Pallavi Shah Jyoti Vipul Sadrani

Product Manager Quality Control CA

Purvakshi / Mansi Richa Goyal

B2B,B2C,Export CS

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4.1 Quality Control department (Laboratory)

At Hamps Bio Pvt. Ltd., a business that specializes in freeze-drying fruits and vegetables, the quality
control division plays a crucial role in maintaining product excellence. It conducts thorough tests
including sensory assessments, moisture content, microbiological counts, and more to ensure the
highest standards of flavor, safety, and nutritional value through the use of standardized testing
procedures. This department come under Jyoti and she is managing this department and conduct many
tests to assure the quality of the product what we are making in this company.
There are so many Tests are conducted in the lab to assure the product quality.


1) Description:
The freeze-dried products are meticulously examined visually in the "Description" step. The products
are examined by skilled people for characteristics like color, form, and overall look. This inspection
verifies that the goods are defect-free and up to the required visual standards.

2) Flavor and Taste:

The flavor and taste of the freeze-dried items are thoroughly evaluated by skilled sensory
professionals. A team of professionals will conduct the evaluation and will be able to spot any
variations from the true flavor and scent of the original ingredients. Aiming to preserve the natural
flavors of the fruits and vegetables during the freeze-drying process.

3) Lumps and Extraneous Matter:

The items are meticulously inspected at this stage to look for lumps or other foreign material that
might have formed during the processing or packaging phases. To keep the products' texture and
quality consistent, lumps and extraneous particles must be absent.

4) Moisture:
A crucial factor in freeze-dried items is moisture content. Standardized techniques are used to measure
the moisture content to ensure that the freeze-drying procedure has successfully eliminated the
majority of moisture. Due to their low moisture content, the products have a longer shelf life and are
less likely to spoil.

5) Total Solids:
All components other than water are measured in order to calculate the total solids content of the
freeze-dried items. This measurement ensures uniformity in formulation and composition by giving
information on the concentration of nutrients and other ingredients in the products.

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6) Milk Fat:
If milk fat is present in the freeze-dried products, it is measured according to the established procedure
(IS 1224). This evaluation demonstrates that the products are appropriately manufactured and labelled,
which is important for dairy-based products in particular.

7) Milk Protein in Milk Solid Not Fat:

When making dairy products, the amount of protein in the milk solids that are fat-free is calculated.
With the use of this study, we can make sure that the protein content matches the intended nutritional

8) Insolubility Index:
The freeze-dried items' ability to reconstitute when combined with water is indicated by their
insolubility index. In this process, the solubility of the items is measured to determine how quickly
and completely they can dissolve, improving their usability and convenience.

9) Titratable Acidity:
Acidity in products is measured using a concept known as titratable acidity. This factor affects shelf
stability and flavor. The product's taste profile is confirmed by measuring the titratable acidity ,
verifying that it satisfies the anticipated sensory characteristics.

10) Scorched Particles:

Any burned or caramelized particles found in the products are referred to as scorched particles.
Finding these particles ensures that the freeze-drying procedure was carried out without unfavorable
over-processing or excessive heat exposure, preserving the items' authentic appearance and flavor.

11) Total Ash:

To evaluate the mineral composition of the products, the total ash content is calculated. This
measurement sheds light on the nutrient profile and general quality of the freeze-dried goods.

12) Aerobic Plate Count:

The total number of aerobic microorganisms found in the products is counted using the aerobic plate
method. This test is essential for demonstrating that the items adhere to microbiological safety
requirements, guaranteeing their safety for consumption.

13) Coliform Count:

Coliform bacteria are used as markers of food safety and hygiene, and the coliform count quantifies
their presence. This examination assists in locating any possible processing-related contamination

14) Yeast and Mould Count:

Counting the amount of these microorganisms in the products includes quantifying their presence.
Over time, high counts could cause spoiling. To ensure the safety and longevity of a product, yeast
and mould levels must be monitored and controlled.

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4.2 Finance Department

• Accounting: The finance department is responsible for maintaining the company's financial records,
including accounts payable, accounts receivable, and general ledger. They also prepare financial
statements, such as the balance sheet, income statement, and cash flow statement.

• Budgeting: The finance department is responsible for creating and managing the company's budget.
This includes forecasting revenue and expenses, and allocating resources accordingly.

• Investments: The finance department is responsible for managing the company's investments. This
includes identifying investment opportunities, evaluating risks, and making investment decisions.

• Investments: The finance department is responsible for managing the company's investments. This
includes identifying investment opportunities, evaluating risks, and making investment decisions.

• Financial reporting: The finance department is responsible for preparing and submitting financial
reports to the company's management, shareholders, and other stakeholders.

• Taxation: The finance department is responsible for ensuring that the company complies with all tax
laws and regulations. This includes filing tax returns, paying taxes, and managing tax risks.

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4.3 Marketing Department

Purvakshi Dilkhush has been employed by Hamps Bio Private Limited Bio Private Limited as a
marketing sales manager for the marketing department. She is responsible for B2B contacting, B2B
dispatch, and lead generation for FzyEzy Freeze Dried Food.

The Business of the brand FzyEzy is divided into 3 parts,


1. B2B
Company is the largest manufacturer of freeze-dried ingredients in Gujarat, they have their own plants
and machineries. Company gets Business to Business inquiry with the help of B2B portals like
IndiaMart, TradeIndia. Some customers also come from references and by searching of the company.
Hamps Bio Pvt Ltd. is freeze dried ingredients supplier to the largest Ice-Cream company Vadilal.
Company also does job work as per requirements of the customers. Ex. Company does freeze dry
process of milk and make milk powder for Delhi based company as per their requirement. They send
raw materials and Hamps Bio Pvt Ltd. processes it.

I. India Mart is an online business-to-business marketplace where customers can buy the freeze-dried
food they require. Customers use India Mart to place orders or ask queries, and we subsequently assist
them in obtaining the goods they need. India Mart also creates an online catalogue so that clients can
look through our catalogue. Clients may view the profile, look over the details and pictures of the
product, and then contact us with any inquiries.
Customers can ask questions regarding the specs of the product by sending an inquiry, and our
company's marketing sales manager will respond. On India Mart, we can find out who has looked up
our goods, when they looked it up, and other pertinent information that aids marketing and sales
managers in generating leads. India Mart essentially aids small and medium-sized businesses in
growing their operations. amplify their online enterprises.

II. Trade India: Trade India streamlines commercial transactions between buyers and sellers. It
serves as a platform for business connections, the advertising of goods and services, and transactional
operations. These two platforms have been used by Hamps Bio Private Limited Bio Pvt Ltd as B2B
selling platforms.

2. B2C

Hamps Bio Pvt Ltd. direct sell to their customer with the help of different E-Commerce platforms like,,, Flipkart, Jio Mart.

3. Export

The United States: Due to its long shelf life, light weight, and suitability for outdoor activities like
camping and hiking, freeze-dried food is becoming more and more well-liked in the US. Some people
also stock up on freeze-dried food in case of emergencies. Consumer tastes, marketing tactics, and
financial circumstances are only a few of the variables that affect the demand for freeze-dried food in
the US.

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Canada: In Canada, campers, hikers, and other outdoor enthusiasts like freeze-dried food. The demand
for light and simple-to-prepare food options is influenced by the nation's extensive wilderness and
outdoor leisure opportunities. Additionally, persons who live in isolated places with little access to
fresh food or who must eat during emergencies may find freeze-dried food to be a desirable option.
Geographical variations in the specific requirements for freeze-dried food may exist in Canada.

Germany: Germany has a thriving food industry and offers freeze-dried food, but demand there may
be a little lower than in the US and Canada. Fresh food is often preferred to preserved options because
of Germany's diverse culinary tradition. However, there is still a demand for freeze-dried food in
Germany, especially among campers and people looking for quick meals.

STP Analysis of Hamps Bio Pvt Ltd.

• Segmentation

Geographic Segmentation: Hamps Bio Private Limited divided the market into various regions based
on distribution methods, consumer preferences, and climatic conditions. Both locally in the Indian
states of Gujarat, Maharashtra, and Rajasthan as well as internationally in the US, Canada, and
Germany, the company offers its products. They have been going for areas with a high concentration
of outdoor enthusiasts or eaters of freeze-dried meals.

Demographic Segmentation: Hamps Bio Private Limited divided the market into groups based on
demographic characteristics like income. This can assist marketers of freeze-dried food products in
identifying consumer segments that have the means to purchase luxury items. In keeping with it, they
have focused their advertising while maintaining affordable rates.

Psychographic Segmentation: Based on customer attitudes, lifestyle choices, and interests related to
freeze-dried food products, Hamps Bio Private Limited Bio pvt. Ltd. has segmented the market. This
can entail concentrating on clients who appreciate simplicity and a long shelf life or who value health
and prefer natural products.

• Targeting

Hamps Bio Private Limited has chosen the most desirable target markets for its freeze-dried food
products using the aforementioned groupings as a guide. This requires assessing each category's size,
potential for growth, accessibility, and profitability. Hamps Bio Private Limited has chosen to
concentrate on clients who are willing to pay more for organic and high-quality products and who want
year-round access to seasonal fruits and vegetables after thoroughly analysing each of these market

• Positioning

Hamps Bio Private Limited Bio Pvt Ltd's freeze-dried food products stand out from their competitors
due to their high quality, practicality, organic content, and natural flavour.

Freeze-dried food for snakes is marketed by Hamps Bio Private Limited as being healthful, easy to make, and

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4.4 Production Department

Prashantbhai Gohel, who is in charge of overseeing the production of the freeze-dried food there, is in
charge of managing the manufacture of the freeze-dried food at Ankleshwar.

A production manager's responsibility at Hamps Bio Pvt Ltd is to keep an eye on the entire production
cycle to guarantee the timely and effective manufacture of freeze-dried goods. The following are some
of the main tasks and obligations of a production manager at Hamps Bio Pvt.

A. Planning and Scheduling:

Based on demand projections, available resources, and production capacity, the production manager
creates production plans and schedules. They must make ensuring that production goals are achieved
while maximising resources and reducing expenses.

B. Quality Control:

A vital duty is to guarantee product quality. The production manager is responsible for creating and
enforcing quality control standards, guidelines, and requirements. They should keep a tight eye on the
production process, verify the quality frequently, and deal with any potential problems or deviations.

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C. Process Improvement:

For efficiency and cost-effectiveness, the production process must be continually improved. To
maximise production, the production manager should pinpoint problem areas, execute process
improvements, and investigate new technologies or approaches.

D. Resource Management:

This entails effectively managing and allocating resources, such as labour, machinery, and raw
materials. Maintaining inventory levels, working with suppliers, and making sure the appropriate
resources are on hand to satisfy production demands are all responsibilities of the production manager.

E. Team Management:

The hiring, educating, and managing of production employees fall under the purview of the production
manager, who also supervises the production team. They are responsible for fostering a supportive
workplace, encouraging teamwork, and making sure that everyone follows the rules of production and

F. Health and Safety:

A safe working environment is crucially dependent on the production manager. They should uphold
safety laws, carry out routine safety audits, and put policies in place to reduce workplace risks and
avert accidents.

G. Cost Control and Budgeting:

Profitability requires careful attention to the management of manufacturing expenses. The production
manager is responsible for creating and managing production budgets, keeping track of spending,
looking for ways to cut costs, and putting cost-cutting measures into practise.

H. Coordination and Communication:

It is essential to have effective communication and collaboration with other departments, including
sales, logistics, and purchasing. To ensure an efficient order fulfilment process, on-time deliveries, and
a seamless flow of supplies, the production manager should work closely with these teams.

I. Compliance and Regulations:

The freeze-dried industry is governed by a number of laws and compliance requirements. In order to
make sure that the production processes comply with these requirements, the production manager
should stay current on pertinent laws, regulations, and industry standards.

J. Problem-solving and Troubleshooting:

Addressing production problems and eliminating any bottlenecks or difficulties that may develop is
the responsibility of production managers. To guarantee that there are few interruptions to the
production process, they should be proactive in recognising and resolving issues.
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CHAPTER -5 In-Depth Study

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5.1 List of the documents

This are the following documents are needed when freeze dried
products are exporting.

1. Address
2. Shipment receipt
3. Shipment later of instruction (SLI)
4. Annexure-A Export value Declaration (EVD)
5. Part A Slip EWAY Bill
6. Transport Label
7. Transport Receipt
8. Export Invoice
9. Packing List
10.FITO Certificate
11.Shipper’s Certificate for Non – Hazard cargo
12.Certificate of Analysis
13.Material Safety data Sheet
14.FSSAI Certificate
15.Export Promotion capital goods (EPCG) License
16.Bank AD Code Later
17.GST Certificate
18.Import Export Code
19.Electricity Bill/Water bill/ Landline bill for add. Proof
20.Company Pan card

❖ Extra Documents

1. Udyam certificate
2. Previous Export Bill of Landing
3. Appendix 3
4. Annexure A
5. Certificate of Origin
6. Insurance form

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❖ Now we are discussing all the documents in detail, there importance, who Issu this document etc.

1. Address:
• In the first stage of document, we need first where to ship order.
• In this section following information’s are needed
Party name
Full Address of party
Country name &
Phone number.

Once shipper party address are written than company address and other related information we can
mention here.

Example of the first address page example given below:

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2. Shipment receipt

All information Shipment receipt related are given below.

Q1. What kind of information are given in this document?

Ans. The following details are frequently included in a shipment receipt document:

o The importer exporter name and its address

o Shipment date
o Shipping terms and conditions
o Means of the transportation
o Description of the goods
o The volume of the goods
o The weight of the goods
o The provider’s name
o A tracking number

Q2. What is the importance of this document in an export order?

Ans. Because it serves as a receipt for the transported items, the shipping receipt document is a crucial
component of an export order. Additionally, it verifies the shipment's terms, including its shipping
conditions, mode of transportation, and list of items. Both the exporter and the importer need this
information in order to trace the shipment and make sure it arrives as planned.

Q3. Why is this document needed?

Ans. There are several reasons why the cargo receipt paperwork is necessary, including:

o To follow the delivery and make sure it arrives as planned

o To demonstrate compliance with the terms of the shipment
o In order to speed up customs clearance
o To give protection for the products through insurance

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3. Shipment later of instruction (SLI)

❖ Information’s are given in SLI.

The "Shipment Later Instruction" document normally contains specifics about the planning and logistics
of a future product shipment. Even though the shipment might take place at a later time, it describes the
specifics of the forthcoming export order. The document may include information like:

A. Product details: Details on the fruits and vegetables that are being shipped as freeze-dried goods,
including their quantities, varieties, and specifications.

B. Delivery Date: The estimated time when the products will be prepared for delivery or when the
shipment is scheduled to be dispatched.

C. Shipping Method: The mode of shipping that has been selected (such as air freight or sea freight), as
well as any particular packaging, labelling, or handling instructions.

D. Shipping Address: The location where the merchandise will be delivered to the customer.

E. Payment Terms: All financial conditions relating to the shipment, including the agreed-upon payment
schedule and method.

F. Documentation: Instructions regarding the appropriate export documentation, including packing lists,
certificates of origin, business invoices, and any other papers required for customs clearance.

G. Contact Information: Names and phone numbers of the people in charge of managing the shipment
on both the sender's and the recipient's sides.

H. Additional Instructions: Any particular shipping guidelines or instructions, such as how to handle
freeze-dried goods with care due to their temperature sensitivity.

❖ Importance of this SLI in the export order

For a number of reasons, the "Shipment Later Instruction" paper is significant in the export order

A. Clarity: It clearly lays out the specifics of the upcoming cargo for the exporting business and the
importing party. This reduces misunderstandings and makes sure that everyone is speaking the same

B. Preparation: The document enables the exporting business to make early preparations for
manufacturing, packaging, and transportation, guaranteeing that the goods are prepared and up to
standards when it comes time to ship.

C. Compliance: aids in ensuring that all required export paperwork, customs forms, and other legal
requirements are satisfied, avoiding delays or potential legal concerns during the shipment process.

D. Resource Allocation: The exporting corporation can allocate resources effectively by planning for the
necessary labour force, transportation, and materials when it is aware of an impending shipment in
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❖ Need of the SLI

A seamless and organized export process requires the "Shipment Later Instruction" paper. It acts as a
communication tool that provides important information about the next shipment. Without this
document, the exportation procedure can be complicated, slowed down, or filled with mistakes. The
document facilitates production, logistical, and documentation chores by supplying critical information
up front, guaranteeing that the items are manufactured and sent in accordance with the agreed-upon
terms. The proactive action taken by this document helps the export order function effectively and
successfully overall.

❖ Format of SLI:

4. Annexure-A Export value Declaration (EVD)

An Annexure-A Export Value Declaration (EVD) is a use in export business and international
transaction. The declaration of the actual and exact value of products being exported is frequently
required by customs officials and other relevant government bodies. For the purposes of taxation, tariff
assessment, statistical analysis, and regulatory compliance, the EVD aims to give transparency in the
valuation of exported commodities.

The following are the main points about (EVD):

The main goal of an EVD is to declare the value of the exported items accurately. This is necessary to
generate trade data and to determine the related customs charges, taxes, and tariffs. It assists in
preventing the undervaluation or overvaluation of products, which may result in inaccurate tax
assessments or unfair business practices.

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An EVD normally contains information about the exporter, the consignee, the description of the
exported items, the quantity, the unit price, the total value, the currency of the transaction, the terms of
delivery (Incoterms), and any supplemental costs (such as freight and insurance). The document may
also contain information on the mode of transportation and the destination nation.

Legal and Regulatory Requirements: Declaring the value of exported commodities is subject to a
number of country-specific laws and regulations. The worldwide standards established by bodies like
the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the World Customs Organization (WCO) are frequently in
line with the rules in question. To guarantee adherence to these rules, an EVD is utilized.

Customs clearance: The importing country's customs authorities utilize the data from the EVD to
determine the precise customs duties and levies that apply to the imported goods. A correctly finished
EVD lowers the possibility of delays brought on by valuation disputes and speeds up the customs
clearance procedure.

Integrity and accuracy: It's crucial to convey correct information about the EVD. Any attempt to
deceive or manipulate the value of commodities may result in penalties, fines, and disruption of the
exporting process.

Document Format: Depending on the nation and its particular requirements, the EVD format may
change. Some nations could demand that a particular form or template be completed, while others
might accept a typical commercial invoice that includes the necessary data.

Submission: The EVD is typically submitted to the appropriate authorities along with other export
papers, such as the commercial invoice, packing list, and certificate of origin. Depending on the
importer's customs policies, the submission may take place electronically or physically.

The exporter is in charge of accurately filling out the EVD and making sure that all pertinent
information is included. Inaccurate information might lead to delays, fees, and other legal

In conclusion, (EVD), which discloses the precise worth of exported products, is a crucial document
in international trade. It guarantees adherence to customs regulations, allows accurate tax and duty
assessment, and adds to the openness and integrity of the exporting process.

5. Part A Slip EWAY Bill

❖ Use Case in Export Business:

Before reaching the port or border, items that are exported from one nation must frequently go through
several stages of transit, including those within the exporting nation. During this initial transfer inside
the exporting nation, the Part A Slip of an E-Way Bill is applicable. The movement of commodities
from the exporter's location to the exit point (such as a port, airport, or land border) inside the same
nation is tracked and declared using this method. This procedure is crucial for guaranteeing adherence
to the exporting nation's legal and tax requirements.

❖ Importance:
In the world of export business, the Part A Slip of an E-Way Bill plays a crucial regulatory role in
ensuring compliance with the tax and legal requirements of the exporting country. This document
streamlines transportation, enables accurate tax and duty benefit application, improves record-keeping,
speeds up customs clearance, reduces disputes, fosters transparency, and averts potential fines or

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disruptions by tracking the movement of goods from the exporter's location to the exit point inside the
nation. Its significance as a crucial tool for supporting the legal and organised movement of
commodities intended for global markets is highlighted by its role in ensuring accountability, effective
logistics, and smooth cross-border trade.

6. Transport Label

The typical elements you might see on a Transport label are broken down as follows:

Information about the shipper: This comprises the name, address, and phone number of the business
or person shipping the package.

Information on the Consignee: This includes information about the recipient, such as name, address,
and contact information.

Origin and Destination: These describe the origin and destination of the shipment, respectively.

Unique identifiers like barcodes, QR codes, or RFID tags that enable automated tracking and tracing
of the movement of the consignment are considered tracking information.

Brief information on the things inside the package, including the kinds of goods and their amounts, is
included in the description of the goods.

Weight and Dimensions: The package or shipment's weight and size measures, which impact shipping
charges and packing space needs.

Special handling instructions, such as symbols designating fragility, orientation, or temperature

sensitivity, are included in the handling instructions.

The mode of transportation, such as air, sea, road, or rail.

Labels that state that something must be shipped in a certain way, such as "Fragile," "Hazardous," or

Customs Information: Information required for customs clearance, such as the declared value, the
Harmonized System (HS) code, and the associated paperwork.

Date: The day the package's label was created or attached.

Return Information: Advice on how to send the package back or get in touch with the shipper if there
are problems with delivery.

Incoterms: The international trade terms that specify the obligations of the buyer and seller.

Information on the transporter, including name and phone number.

Reference Numbers: Any pertinent identifiers, like the bill of lading or order numbers.

Symbols used to indicate adherence to particular requirements, such as recycling or hazard symbols.

Transport label can help us to learn more about the shipment's origin, destination, contents, handling
needs, and other important information by analyzing these components. In order to ensure compliance,
effective logistics, and correct management of shipments as they move through the supply chain,
transport labels are essential.
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❖ Importance:

Transport labels are crucial to the export industry because they provide shipments with clear and
essential sources of information. Through the supply chain, these labels facilitate precise tracking,
effective handling, and simplified logistics. Transport labels guarantee proper compliance with customs
requirements, accelerated customs clearance, reduced errors, and on-time delivery by communicating
key information such origin, destination, contents, handling instructions, and tracking identifiers. By
providing exact identification, tracking, and administration of commodities being carried across
international borders, they facilitate better communication among stakeholders, improve transparency,
and contribute to the overall dependability and success of export operations.

7. Transport Receipt
Transport receipts are very important in the export sector since they offer concrete proof that the
shipment has been accepted for transportation by the carrier. These receipts act as a vital link between
the exporter and the carrier by attesting that the products have been turned over for delivery. They
promote accountability, provide legal confirmation of delivery terms, and aid in accurate tracking.
Transport receipts also allow for fast communication between parties, aiding in the resolution of any
potential transit-related problems. By confirming that the products are with the carrier and on the way
to their destination, these receipts support effective logistics, transparency, and confidence in the export
procedure in the world of international trade.

8. Export Invoice

Information included in export invoice:

The export invoice, a key component of the export process for freeze-dried goods, contains crucial
information required for efficient business operations. It requires thorough details like the seller's and
buyer's information, the invoice number, the date, a precise product description with quantities and
prices, an HS code classification, shipping specifics, payment terms, taxes and duties, details about
regulatory compliance, terms and conditions, the signature of an authorized signatory, and legal trade
agreements. This thorough compilation enables correct bookkeeping, seamless customs clearance, and
transparent transactions.

Impotence and need:

The export invoice is a legally binding document that establishes the terms of the sale, facilitates
customs clearance by supplying vital information for duties and taxes assessment, ensures accurate
payment reconciliation, acts as a record for auditing and accounting, aids in dispute resolution, serves
as proof of shipment, and provides legal protection to both the exporter and the importer by defining
their rights and obligations.

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9. Packing List

In the packing list all the information related the product are included and list of all the are given in
packing list. The packing list, which gives a thorough account of the contents and specifics of each
container in a shipment, is an essential document within the export procedure for freeze-dried products.
It aids in customs clearance, ensures proper delivery of goods, and facilitates effective logistics.

A thorough packing list acts as a crucial document summarizing important information about the
shipment's contents and organization when exporting freeze-dried fruits and vegetables. This page
includes details that are specific to the distinctive features of these goods. In order to ensure effective
handling and logistical planning, it frequently includes package numbers, measurements, and weights.
It is easy to understand the products being supplied thanks to the specific descriptions of the freeze-
dried fruits and vegetables, which include information on their type, variety, and amount. For
traceability, batch or lot numbers may be used; this is especially important for quality control and recall
purposes. The selection of a measuring unit, such as kilograms or grammes, eliminates uncertainty
during customs inspection. The delicate nature of these products is protected by noting the precise
packing materials used and providing handling recommendations, ensuring they arrive at their
destination in the best possible shape. Additionally, maintaining openness and regulatory compliance
requires including the nation of origin, customer information, pertinent certificates, and other
documentation. In the end, a well-designed packing list specifically created for freeze-dried fruits and
vegetables speeds up the customs process, protects product quality, and aids in the smooth operation
of the export process.

10. Phytosanitary Certificate for Export:

❖ The Phytosanitary Certificate for Export's intended use:

Below is a detailed explanation of the purpose of the phytosanitary certificate for export.

To certify that the plant, plant product, or other regulated commodity satisfies the phytosanitary
requirements of the importing country, a phytosanitary certificate is issued. The phytosanitary
certificate might also assist certification for re-export to other nations.

❖ Phytosanitary certificate type:

This certificate is divided into two categories, as follows:

1.Certificate of phytosanitary fitness for export
2.phytosanitary certificate intended for re-export

❖ Issuer authority:

The Plant Quarantine Information System within the Department of Agriculture, Co-operation, and
Farmer Welfare of the Government of India is the designated authority for providing the Phytosanitary
Certificate for Export.

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❖ Documents Required:

The following papers must be included with the Phytosanitary Certificate application:

o Permit given by the importing nations to transfer seeds or plant material for propagation
o If the export product is protected by the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species
(CITES) of Wild Flora and Fauna, a wildlife clearance certificate is required.
o a copy of the bill
o Packing order
o Airway or shipping bill Letter of credit
o Contract for Trade
o order for goods Export permit
o certification of fumigation
o Fumigation fees and export inspection fees

11. Shipper’s Certificate for Non – Hazard cargo

In this document exporter side is clear and there is all goods are ready to ship an there is no issue in
any goods. This is a declaration that the consignment mentioned is or are not dangerous, toxic,
flammable, corrosive, irritating, magnetic, or contagious. and are not classified by IMCO or IMDG.

Here further reaffirm that the packages are seaworthy and that the cargo is labelled and packed for
shipping by sea.

In Non-DG certificate exporter give assurance that the information is accurate and release the Line,
Liner Agents, Charterers, and Owners from any liability arising from it.

If products send by the company is danger’s, toxic, flammable or battery presence in good there is
other more documents are required to clear the shipment.

12. Certificate of Analysis

A Certificate of Analysis (CoA), which is often issued by a certified testing or analytical laboratory, is
a document that offers comprehensive information about the quality and composition of a product. A
CoA is necessary in the context of your freeze-dried fruits and vegetable business to reassure your
clients on the caliber, safety, and compliance of your goods.

In COA certificate here’s product related all information provide by exporter like,
1) Raw product name:
finish product name:
Batch no:
Quantity Dispatch:
Invoice no & date:
Mfg. date:
Exp date:

2) Product general description: The freeze-dried fruits and vegetables you are exporting are described in
general terms in the product description. It provides significant information regarding the nature, make
up, and features of the products.

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3) Specification: In specification section the many information are include like product appearance, color,
taste, size, rehydration time.

4) Physical/ chemical: In this section two teste conducted by company one is Moisture level of the final
product and Total Ash.

5) Microbiological test: in this microbiological section three teste information are included like,

a) E coli
b) Staphylococcus aureus, cfu/gm
c) Yeast & Mould, cfu/gm

6) Packing Detail:
a) under packing detail here information available like in which kind of material use in packing
and how much layer in packing.
b) Packing available in 1kg/ 2kg as per the customer requirement.
c) Single time use pack because once it opened it comes in contact of moisture so after opening
use it for best result of the product.

7) Shipping Detail:
a) here complete shipping details are given with batch no, manufacturing date, expiry date etc.
b) And all product is packed in carton as per safety norms.
c) And transportation mode is selected as per by party.

13. Material Safety data Sheet

❖ In material safety and data sheet section following information are given:

1) Identification of Substance, preparation and company

Product name:
Company name:
Company ref. address:
Emergency phone number:

2) Composition information on ingredients

Definition/botanical origin:
CAS no:
EC no:
INCI name:

3) Hazard identification

4) First aid measures

5) Firefighting measures:
Extinguishing media:
Special Measures:
Unusual Fire Hazards:
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6) Accidental Release Measures
Personal precautions:
Environmental precautions:
Cleaning up methods for spillages:
7) Holding and storage
8) Exposure controls/personal protection
9) Physical and chemical properties
10) Stability and reactivity
11) Toxicological information
12) Ecological information
13) Disposal consideration
14) Transport information
15) Regulatory information
16) Other information
16.1 packaging
16.2 self-life
16.3 QC Requirement

14. FSSAI Certificate

The governmental organization in charge of policing and monitoring food safety in India is the Food
Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI). To make sure that food enterprises adhere to the
specified food safety standards and norms, they offer FSSAI certificates to them. The certificate attests
to the safety of the food products that the company produces, makes, or sells.

Here are the general steps needed if you want to get an FSSAI certificate for your
food business:
Determine Your Eligibility: Depending on the size and type of your food business, different types of
FSSAI licenses are available. Ascertain whether you require a central license, a state license, or a basic

Application Submission: Through the FSSAI website, you may submit an online application for the
FSSAI certificate. Complete the necessary application form with precise information about your
company and your culinary offerings.

Documentation: Gather the required paperwork, which may include identification and address
verification, a list of food items and the categories under which they fall, a plan of the processing
facility (if appropriate), and other pertinent certifications.

Payment of Fees: Depending on the sort of license you're seeking for, you must pay the appropriate
charge. The cost varies depending on the type of food business.

Inspection: A designated FSSAI officer may visit your premises for an inspection after receiving your
application and supporting documentation to confirm the information given.

Processing: The FSSAI will handle the processing of your application. They'll look over your papers,
the inspection report, and other information.

Certificate issuance: Your food business will receive the FSSAI certificate provided everything is in
order and complies with the requirements.
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Need and importance of this certificate:
Due to its many advantages, obtaining an FSSAI accreditation is essential for food enterprises involved
in export activities. With the use of this certificate, you may be sure that your food items abide by
Indian food safety regulations, which will increase their reputation and acceptance in global markets.
In addition to easing customs clearance and averting potential delays at borders, it acts as a legal
necessity. You may demonstrate your dedication to food safety with an FSSAI certificate, which
increases customer confidence and gives you a competitive edge in a global market. In the end, this
certification facilitates market access, protects your brand's reputation, and demonstrates compliance
with international quality standards, making it a crucial tool for fruitful export endeavors in the food

How many days take this process to obtain a certificate:

Basic Registration: After submitting the application and necessary paperwork, this relatively quick
process can be finished in 7 to 15 days.

State and central licenses: The processing times for state and central licences can differ. In general,
it could take anywhere from 30 to 60 days or longer, depending on the intricacy of your application
and whether an inspection is necessary, among other things.

validity of this certificate:

Basic Registration Certificate: Depending on the application package you select, a basic registration
certificate's validity ranges from 1 to 5 years.

State License and Central License: The duration that the applicant selects throughout the application
procedure will determine the validity of the state and central license. These licenses typically have a
validity of one to five years.

15. Export Promotion Capital Good (EPCG) License

The Export Promotion Capital Goods (EPCG) License is a government programme used by many
nations to encourage exports by enabling qualified businesses to import capital goods, machinery, and
equipment at reduced customs duties or with exemptions, subject to the requirement that these imported
goods are used to produce goods intended for export. This programme promotes investments in
manufacturing and cutting-edge technologies, boosting a nation's economic development and export

16. Bank AD Code Later

A "Bank AD Code Letter" is often a letter given by a bank that lists an Authorized Dealer (AD) code
given to a company that conducts foreign currency operations. An exclusive identification number
known as an AD code is provided to firms by accredited banks in India. For the purpose of processing
and tracking cross-border import, export, and other currency transactions, this code is employed.

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17. GST Certificate

An official document issued by the tax authorities of a nation that has put in place the GST system is
known as a GST (Goods and Services Tax) certificate. Every stage of the supply chain, from the
manufacturer to the consumer, is subject to the consumption-based GST tax on the supply of goods
and services. The certificate serves as evidence of a business entity's GST registration.

For instance, the Goods and Services Tax Network (GSTN) in India issues the GST certificate
following a business entity's successful GST registration. Important details including the GSTIN
(Goods and Services Tax Identification Number), the business's legal name, registered address, and
registration date are all included in the GST certificate.

18. Import Export Code

In India, the Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT), which is a division of the Ministry of
Commerce and Industry, issues Import Export Codes (IECs), which are special 10-digit codes.
Businesses engaging in international trade activities involving the import or export of goods and
services from or to India are required to have the IEC.

The Import Export Code (IEC) is described in the following major details:

Purpose: Tracking and keeping tabs on international commerce transactions is the main goal of an
IEC. It is an essential document for customs clearance and adherence to laws governing international

Eligibility: Any person or organization that plans to engage in import or export activity is eligible to
apply for an IEC. Manufacturers, traders, exporters, importers, and service providers all fall under this

Application Procedure: You can submit a physical application to the regional DGFT office or submit
an online application for an IEC through the DGFT website. Depending on the type of entity (person,
sole proprietorship, partnership, company, etc.), different documents and information are needed.

Validity: Unless it is suspended or revoked by the DGFT for any reason, an IEC has no expiration date
and is in effect for the whole time that the business entity is in existence.

Uniqueness: Every IEC belongs to the applicant specifically and is used to identify the company in all
import and export activities. Additionally, it is employed for regulatory filings and customs

Use: An IEC can be used for a variety of things, such as clearing customs, creating a foreign bank
account, taking advantage of perks or subsidies under foreign trade laws, and undertaking international
commerce transactions.

Absence of Taxation: An IEC does not by itself give any tax advantages or exemptions. To engage in
foreign commerce activity, registration is necessary.

For companies wishing to conduct international commerce with India, obtaining an IEC is an essential
first step. It guarantees adherence to rules, streamlines customs procedures, and offers a special
identifier for cross-border transactions. For the most precise and recent information on the application
procedure and requirements, it's crucial to refer to the official DGFT rules and processes.

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19. Electricity Bill/Water bill/ Landline bill for

The electricity bill/ water bill is use for address proof of exporter company.

20. Company Pan card

The PAN card is an essential form of identification for companies conducting export business in India.
It is utilized for a variety of export-related tasks, including tax compliance, banking operations,
customs formalities, and government registrations.

❖ Other Document

Udyam Certificate:
Small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) in India are categorised using the "Udyam" certificate, a
registration that is provided by the government and is based on investment and turnover standards.
Through incentives, subsidies, and simpler access to government programmes, this certification enables
SMEs to receive a range of benefits and support, fostering their expansion and competitiveness.

Previous Export Bill of Lading:

The "previous export bill of lading" is a record of documentation that lists the shipment of goods in
earlier international commercial transactions. It acts as a historical record that establishes the reliability
of exporters and importers and aids in assuring proper trade operations. It provides crucial information
about the items, their origin, destination, shipping dates, and mode of transportation.

Appendix 3 and Annexure A:

The supplemental documents "Appendix 3" and "Annexure A" are frequently attached to major forms
or applications and provide additional information or specifications relevant to the objective of the main
document. To improve the clarity and thoroughness of official filings, these attachments are usually
necessary for regulatory compliance, trade agreements, or other administrative procedures.

Certificate of Origin:
An official document known as a "certificate of origin" attests to the nation where a product was made
or produced. This certification is essential for evaluating eligibility for trade agreements, tariff
preferences, and customs charges. It also ensures proper labelling of a product's origin, which is
important for trade relations.

Insurance Form:
In the context of international trade, a "insurance form" specifies the criteria, coverage, and terms of an
insurance policy protecting commodities during transportation. This document offers exporters and
importers peace of mind and protects their interests throughout the shipping process by providing
financial protection against potential losses or damages that could occur while the products are in transit.

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5.2 Export Procedure

The procedures Hamps Bio Pvt. Ltd. takes to sell freeze-dried fruits and vegetables through their
Amazon seller account are described in this export procedure. Customers can place orders through
Amazon, and the process involves sending goods to multiple Amazon warehouses across the world
and guaranteeing effective refilling when inventory levels drop.

Step 1: Sending Products to Amazon Warehouses

1.1.Selecting Inventory:

• Depending on their level of popularity and demand, choose which specific products (SKUs) to
• Pick the company's warehouse as the shipping location.
• Decide which Amazon markets in which nations are your targets.

1.2. Preparing Shipment:

• Establish the packaging strategy for the goods to ensure safe delivery.
• To prepare the inventory for delivery, collect the necessary data and conduct the appropriate

Step 2: Confirming Shipping to Amazon:

2.1. Arranging Shipment:

• Set the delivery date for products to be delivered to Amazon warehouses.

• Depending on the number and size of the articles, choose between pallet and small parcel delivery.
• Combine shipments if you can to save money.

2.3. Selecting Shipping Carrier:

• Select a shipping company, such as DHL, to handle the delivery.

• Depending on the location and the urgency, choose between air and sea transportation for the

Step 3: Getting Ready for Shipment:

3.1. Printing Box Labels:

• To appropriately recognize the packages in each shipment, create and print box labels.

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Step 4: Tracking and Order Fulfillment:

4.1. Tracking Shipment:

• Keep a close eye on each shipment's development.

• Describe the creation, transit, delivery, and receipt of the shipment at Amazon's warehouse in

4.2. Amazon's Fulfillment Process:

• Customers can place orders after goods arrive at Amazon's warehouse.

• Picking, packing, and delivering ordered goods to customers are handled by Amazon.

Step 5: Replenishing Inventory:

5.1. Monitoring Stock Levels:

• keep a close eye on the products' accessibility on the Amazon platform.

5.2. Restocking Procedure:

• Start the restocking procedure when the product stock is low.

5.3. Export for Restocking:

• To restock Amazon's warehouse, prepare and export products from the company's inventory.

Step 6: Continuous Monitoring and Adaptation:

6.1. Review and Update:

• Review and amend this export procedure from time to time to account for adjustments to
operations or Amazon's policies.

The systematic method used by Hamps Bio Pvt. Ltd. to sell freeze-dried fruits and vegetables
through their Amazon seller account is described in depth in this export procedure. The
organization provides good inventory management, prompt customer order fulfilment, and
efficient restocking for ongoing sales and customer happiness by following these measures.

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• Learned about export regulation and complexity of this regulation.

• Learned the importance of complete and accurate classification of the product for smooth
export of the products.

• How they export they product from amazon seller account I learned a procedure of that.

• How many documents are needed for doing a export business.

• Learned about the different transportation mode and its benefit , cost and how many days they
take, which is best for our product so many this like this.

• Entire procedure of the shipping of the products through amazon seller account.

• How to list a product and how to change the key word to manage our product at top search list.

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• I explored the word of freeze-dried food how it can produce at Hamps Bio and also how they
can preserve it and control the quality of the product.

• I also learned how products can move from manufacturing to customers.

• I gained Insite about international trade how products are exported.

• I also learned from Prasant Sir who is managing director at Hamps Bio how to manage
employee and how they maintain good environment at work place.

• Understood the process of freeze-drying product.

• Enhance my knowledge in packaging of the product.

• learned about how they assure the quality of the product.

• How to manage stock via excel and data entry of that product and maintain the opening and
closing stock of the stock.

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