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How will you convince other people to see other

perspectives for new ideas?

Convincing different types of people in considering new ideas is hard
especially when you have different beliefs, mindsets, and values from them. It is a
process where we have to put our shoes in other people's lives in a way that we
have to understand them. If we are going to start any conversation by telling
someone they’re wrong, it will only make the other person defensive, causing them
to stick themselves further in their beliefs. Because of such circumstances, there
are lots of factors that we have to consider in persuading them just like knowing
what culture they came from because it might cause misunderstandings, the
language and words we are going to use, understand them as much as we can, we
must be rational and respectful of what they’re saying, be open-minded, be clear
and listen to their side, be curious about their ideas, and tell them all the ways
they’re right, before guiding them to realize they’re wrong on their own. We must
approach them nicely and avoid being harsh because through this, we can convince
and persuade them to acknowledge our new ideas.

Why is it important to develop a conscious mind in

perceiving a thing, an event, or a person's beauty?
It is important to develop a conscious mind in perceiving a thing, an event,
or a person's beauty because a conscious mind involves all of the things that we
currently aware of and thinking about. It contains all of the thoughts, memories,
feelings, and wishes of which we are aware at any given moment. Having a
conscious mind serves as a path for us to perceive such things because it varies
from the way we think, experiences,
feelings, and opinions. It will also lead us to be open-minded about the things we
tend to perceive because of the fact that all of us have different perspectives and

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